Charly-shock on-line sex cams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Charly-shock on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I didn’t look up the website! I said it was in my Facebook suggested posts. I didn’t even know the name of his company

  2. Okay we actually live! the same life or something. I was in a long distance relationship in the past that didn’t work out, and I always blamed the distance. I thought I’d never do long distance again.

    Little did I know I’d meet my first real love by taking a leap of faith into a few months of long distance with her. My story is anecdotal and is probably just luck, but I figured I’d share my experience with you to shed some light on when things work out

  3. UPDATE: he ghosted me for 5 days, texted me saying “sorry I haven’t spoken to anyone in days. Anyway how are you?” And I was like uhmmmm ok that doesn’t explain a lot but ok. Chatted for 3 days then he ghosted me again and unfollowed my Instagram. Keep in mind he said he’d be honest if he didn’t feel comfortable with my situation. I guess he was either lying or just couldn’t brave it to tell me ?‍♀️

  4. He can ask for communication but that doesn’t mean she owes it or owes an explanation for not wanting to communicate at certain times.

  5. So not only does he have anger issues, and manipulates you with his threats of suicide, but he has absolutely no self insight? He will not change! Except, most likely, to become more abusive. Get out of the relationship, friend. He is no good for you

  6. My wife 34f lives on FB and sometimes I feel a bit pressured to do stuff on there but I just said I only have it to check on family and such, even when I post nobody really sees it because I have so few friends (because I don't care about that kind of thing) and my wife understands that i will tell you how much i love you but i dont need to keep banging the drums from the roof tops, I live! in a forest and nobody will hear it anyway lol.

    OP I fully support you, I think it just comes down to a conversation about her feeling validated and what other ways she would appreciate besides being tagged in a restaurant food picture or a sunset shot.


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