Christina-Diorsexx on-line webcams for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Christina-Diorsexx on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. She is knowingly messing with your head by stringing you on and by making sure you still want her. This way she has a backup and the knowledge that at least 1 person wants her.

  2. Honestly, it sounds like a win- win to me but maybe only cook for your friends and family since he finds it so annoying. If they ask why they stopped getting the chef treatment, tell them to ask him.

  3. Yeah people will read into it how they will, but I did want you to know that at the very least one redditor saw you and how you are trying to do the right thing. You're very kind thanking all the insulting messages as well, but you don't have to take all the negativity – give that kindness and understanding to yourself first and foremost x

  4. This is why I have to treat a certain ex of mine like he’s dead. Blocked and muted on everything. Out of sight, out of mind.

  5. Some dude slapped you THREE times right in front of your boyfriend and he did nothing. Would he have reacted if it were your face instead of your ass? What makes it different? He filled you with promises to make you feel safe and then when it was time to act out those promises, he failed you TWICE.

    IMO, he did irreparable damage. Do NOT move in with this guy. He doesn’t respect you. He was more concerned about how others viewed him than making sure you were protected.

  6. Likely he is cheating unless in the very unlikely scenario that she’s a daughter he never knew about who found him and he’s supporting her. And for some reason he doesn’t want to tell you about her.

  7. I would just let the cards lay where they fell. Bob broke up your marriage and tried to move in on your wife. That isn’t insignificant. You play a major role in your friends wedding, you got her permission. Bob is aware of the role he played. I’m glad his plan didn’t work out for him, I’m sorry the plan did work in the breakdown of your marriage.

    I think any mutual friends should be made aware of Bob’s intentions. Dude is not a good person and he does lack boundaries. Now, unless it’s brought up again just let Bob fade out.

  8. Man, this guy sounds like a selfish idiot. 25? He sounds like he’s 15. What a dumb thing to do. How was he planning on maintaining this lie if you ever met his friends? The sister thing is creepy and the whole thing is incredibly disrespectful. Run, don’t walk!!

  9. Confrontation is a skill to be practiced. You changed her behaviour once with a conversation. Do it again.

  10. Let it go. Sometimes accidents make great meals. Other times it stinks. I get that you were disappointed, but in the grand scheme of things, this is very minor. Practice letting little things slide by. Life is too short.

  11. Haha, oh, my God, I am totally stealing Parmesan Balls!! ?? I had one too but he was just a roommate. He took one shower and changed his clothes ONCE a month when he and his mom went out to lunch. He had clothes, I bought them when I first met him and felt sorry for him because he didn’t have anything. Dude stole my drugs constantly, would sit there and bitch about everything when I did everything but wipe his ass for him and went around saying I was his girlfriend!! No…the truth was we were both on heroin really bad and I was afraid to shoot myself up so he did it. He literally had one job and I took care of his entire life for him and old Parmesan Balls wouldn’t even take a shower!!


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