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Room for live sex video chat CuteAngel29

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Birth Date: 2000-02-12

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

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Subculture: subcultureStudent

44 thoughts on “CuteAngel29live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think you should ask her. And personally, I'd break up with him. My recent ex cheated on me twice and I never truly trusted him after the first time. A relationship can't work if both parties don't trust each other. Plus, I believe whole heartedly that you WILL find a better guy who is going to give you the respect you deserve and treat you right.

    Stay strong. You got this. ❤️

  2. What did I do wrong?

    Nothing. You dodged a bullet. Be glad he showed his true colors this early so you didn't waste more time.

  3. My last relationship was like this. In her mind I was the bumbling idiot. If I was 10 minutes late it was a huge deal – though if she was 45 minutes late it was because she was super stressed with work or whatever. To me I just wanted consistency.

    It did not work out lol

  4. I don't think you are over thinking this. Everyone has priorities, it sounds like your friend isn't putting your friendship as a priority. I would try not to take it personally, but stop reaching out.

  5. Ugh. Tell me you’re a lazy man child who refuses to help his girl out with any of the chores or bills without actually telling me you’re a lazy man child who refuses to help his girl out with any of the chores or bills.

    Can you even read? I think not. I said “99% chance he’s not doing any of that”. If she had actually stated that as fact, then I would have indeed gotten his daily routine. This is just MY assumption that I am quite certain is accurate.

  6. You aren't gonna fix this one, although, given the circumstances, I wish you could. My heart goes out to you.

    The minute that you blocked her, if you wanted anything from it, you already moved on.

    Now its time for you to pick up the pieces and move on yourself.

  7. My suggestion is get your Testosterone level checked by a doctor. You could have some weird hormonal imbalance going on because of an underlying health issue. If that turns out normal, than you just not be with the right woman for you. I had a horrible car wreck many years ago and was put on methadone for 2 years of pain therapy before surgery. As a result, my pituitary gland stopped producing testosterone and I began having ED issues. After going thru all of the available solutions, I wound up having to inject 1 ml every seven days for the rest of my life. It made a huge difference for me, and gave me back my confidence. I wouldn't have known that my pituitary gland stopped producing testosterone if I had never consulted with the doctor and been diagnosed.

  8. It’s literally the most likely scenario. Phones die or get lost. Standard sign-up for accounts now use 2FA. It literally hasn’t even been a day since they talked. He we out to a massive public gathering. I’m pretty sure “got drunk and lost my phone” is intently more plausible than “decided to ghost my GF on Christmas Day after agreeing to go to a family dinner”. Give a single evidence backed reason you think something malicious is happening.

  9. Yeah you probably gonna end up marrying this guy and having 3 kids and a miserable life, be beaten everyday while he's cheating you when going to work. Probably with multiple girls (and boys too). But you guys go to church every weekend so it's okay to God.

  10. She entertained the idea which means she would have… find somwone better this girl will hurt u in the end and obviously doesnt think as highly of u as u do her. U deserve better

  11. OP, ask yourself why you are back to something that happened 3 years ago. If you want to break it off – do it. Three years ago she gave you an explanation. Apparently the guy tried to kiss her/feel her up and she stopped all contact. You should be relieved, thankful, and grateful she dropped the friendship when it wasn’t what she expected or wanted.

    You do realize YOU are sabotaging your relationship. You need to decide whether you want to be with her. If you want to be with her MOVE ON from this fixation.

    Best of luck, OP. I hope you can decide and move forward positively.

    BEST OF IT ALL to your GF who possibly is in a relationship with a suspicious, jealous, and unreasonable individual who refuses to accept and move forward.

    Agape ?

  12. Seems like you used a lot of grown up words you don't know the meaning of yet. Please go look up the words/phrases “tone deaf”, sympathize, empathize, defend, social moron, rooting. You either misunderstood the entire post deliberately or you're dumb as fuck.

  13. Don't sell the house anytime soon. Start with a trial run of living together, and if it goes well, then look into renting your house.

  14. Oh Hun, life is too short for such people in your life.

    You’re 40, do you really need another 40 years of this?

  15. They literally don’t even reveal the baby’s gender! Like, the one thing they’re supposed to do!

    God they’re the actual worst.

  16. shit get misinterpreted in text all the time. You have people a chance to explain in person. Justbthink about how many times you thought you commented something cool on reddit and get down voted to oblivion but when you tell your friends the joke they laugh there ass off.

  17. Yes you are wrong. Every birth should have an accompanying paternity test. It should be a requirement. Paternity fraud is real and we see examples of it way too often.

  18. Good point.

    This is why she needs to get legal advice, start the process to legally divorce and block those who are siding with the husband.

  19. Break it off, it’s not worth it. Also, break it off via text and not in person. You ultimately don’t know this woman aside from her not respecting you and being told no.

  20. that’s not what bothers me, It just makes me uncomfortable. I don’t want to sleep bare ass very hot with a dog next to me. I don’t want my exposed body parts squished up against a pitbull.

  21. I mean…I do think that a most of people are capable of a lot of morally bad acts given the right circumstances. That being said, your bf has already cheated in the past, so you already know you're dating someone with poor character who frames objection to cheating as “victimhood.” When he says that people will self-serve, he's really taking about himself, right?

  22. My thought too. He could think she is part of the chat and not realize she is not. She needs to ask him to determine if it is a problem.

  23. Commit.

    Marry her, adopt her son, and you will all have the same last name.

    Otherwise, when you leave, it will save her the trouble of having to change their last name to hers. BC if you're gone, that's what it will be anyway.

  24. And single moms, anyway I’ll give my reasons, though do I really have to? This whole situation proves the sentiment right, he literally pays for her and her mother and a child that isn’t his and he can’t have his kids take on his last name? It’s not like he was being unreasonable either, he asked for double barrel and the people in the comments have the gall to say he should take on her last name? Tf?

  25. Why in gods name to you have a friend like this? Is there ANYTHING you get out of a relationship like this?

  26. Weird to creeps who watch incest porn or think about having sex with family members. Do you do that often?

    I've shared a bed with almost all my male best friends. One of whom is super gay. Don't see how it's weird to sleep on a piece of furniture at the same time?

    I don't even have a couch or chair in my room so by default my friends would be on my bed.

  27. Grandma's probably insisting because it will be a bad look for her son. People will ask why, and then the dirt comes out.

  28. It doesn’t sound unusual to me but you’re perfectly allowed not to be comfortable with it. You should tell him how you feel and he should then respect your boundaries.

  29. Leave. If you're not ready for children, don't let her try to pressure, guilt, or even manipulate you into having children now.

    And stop having sex with her. She may go to extremes to get what she wants from you. You're on different time lines, and that's OK, but it makes you two incompatible.

  30. Yea. When we first got together I was excited and over my ex but as things progressed, I just realized a relationship is too much work for me right now and I don't want to deal with it. And that I just want to be alone

  31. me too, I'm confused, is it both 300k? so 600k down payment, which is pretty good chunk of change and mortgage wouldn't be that much depending on the house, that 150k loan would move the needle up in monthly payments, sure. But if he's doing all of it 300k, what she save up for? the kids?

  32. Yeah I literally laughed at loud at the title, skipped the post, and just went right to the comments lol. Would not deal with that.

  33. you feeling this way was not the point of your post, you did not ask “Please help me find positive ways to deal with this feeling so I can be at peace with his friendships that are outside of us”

    If you did talk to him about being jealous over his familiarity with this coworker what would be the logical conclusion of that conversation? 'sucks to be you'??? no, it would be you trying to mark your territory in order to feel better and him having to drastically change his friendship in order to appease you, he would also wonder if this is what he should expect every time he says more then 3 words to anyone who is female in an effort to appease your feelings of jealousy. so in one conversation that has no business taking place because he did nothing wrong you have now created a very uncomfortable work environment, all in order to make yourself feel in power and in control of others and their actions. The logical next subject of that conversation is how he doesn't text you enough, should he have a check box to fill out with a quota of daily texts too?

    Jealousy is not a feeling that finds its roots in love and kindness, it is a feeling that finds it's roots in fear and hate. if you can't trust a person then you have no business being with them because ultimately in an effort to make yourself feel better you are forcing the other person to do or become something they have no business being or doing. you are an adult and capable of rational thinking and rational logical behaviour. this is not rational, this is not logical.

    so like i said, take a giant step back, recognize that this is not healthy behaviour and get help so you can learn how to better manage it so you can be in a happy healthy relationship. If even after that something truly feels fishy, something truly feels wrong and it's not just you, that you find real reason to prove that he is being a player. and I am not talking going through his things because he has a friend at work outside of you, I mean real red flag behaviours like hiding his phone and texts, not calling for days at a time, lying, etc. real questionable behaviours that you can point to I will be the first to direct you towards the nearest black market hitman, until then, stop.

  34. Wait I thought the dowry went the other way usually; that you have to pay the groom to take the woman off your hands.


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