Cyntia-Cossio on-line webcams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Cyntia-Cossio on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Thank you for the advise. That is what I’ve been mulling over for the last 3ish months.

    It’s not easy to end a relationship with the love of your life

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  3. What in the ever loving hell was he thinking! I would be fine if one of my kids was gay. But I do not want to hear about their sex life. Not theirs. Not my straight kids sex lives. None of them! Ever! I know they have sex. That’s enough for me. My head jerked up so fast when I read that! Like my face is flaming and I am no prude! That was just too much. Nope. So yeah. I bet that’s it. I would have lost respect for your boyfriend as well. You don’t say things like that in front of the parents. Ew.

  4. Update us 5 years from now when she owes the same shit to you except you’re the ex, let’s see if you’re okay with it then

  5. Yeah break up with her. It's normally pretty obvious if you are in love. For a start you don't post on Reddit with this title.

    Here's a reason why. One day in the future some smart funny sexy girl will come into your life one day who's interested in you. What's going to happen then is that you'll feel regret about being with your current partner, and because there is another opportunity you will leave her. This is such a waste of both of your time. She'll find someone else don't worry, you guys are only 21.

  6. lol jesus. This has to be a troll post at this point. “How do I make the relationship between my boyfriend and his actual girlfriend more comfortable for me, the fake girlfriend?”. Respect yourself and move on to find someone who actually values you.

  7. This is probably the best advice I’ve gotten I appreciate it very much.. and she does have guys friends and idk but I’m just not comfortable with past partners even do they didn’t date… I will think about how to approach and understand my approach also thank you

  8. “Hey mum and dad. Just so you know, you're as controlling as Martin , but you can't see it because you are mental illness narcissists too. We love you, plz wake up soon. She's fine”

  9. It’s just thoughts dude, human nature, u have crushes and that is fine. The only difference is how u react to those thoughts.

    Look buddy I usually don’t like telling people what to do in their relationships (but here I am), but listen to this. There will always be better, you may be comfortable and happy in ur current home, but there will always be a better home, you may think your wife is the best but there will always be a better person than her…this is life. The only difference here is how u react to them. Don’t fix something that isn’t broken. You married ur wife for a reason, sex life can always be improved, go to couples counseling only if both of u really want to fix things not just to say “I went to couples therapy and it didn’t work”

    And remember If we always chase the next best thing or the better, than what is the point of having them in the first place? That life sounds exhausting.

    Good luck

  10. I looked up my Ex on the NPI site just now. He’s a MD, and I didn’t put a city or state but it found him instantly. This is the way.


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