DAKOTA online sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “DAKOTA online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thank you, I was waiting for someone to say this. If she was a licensed psychologist, this would be enough to get her license revoked. She should not be trusted with peoples’ sensitive medical info since she can’t keep her mouth shut and I can’t believe she went through your meds. I would never want to see a psychologist with so little ethics.

  2. That's what a relationship with an addict becomes, a constant state of fear, anxiety, and surveillance. And this guy is an addict, probably a sex addict too. I hope OP understands that. You can't rationalize this behaviour or make it your problem.

  3. Well then break up with her? She did nothing wrong but if you aren't comfortable with recreational drug use, you shouldn't be in a relationship with someone who is.

  4. How long are you guys together? It sounds like she's just low libido and has a responsive sexual desire. It won't get better, and it will get worse.

  5. I was overreacting to their sense of humor.

    I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people would be deeply offended by:

    racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, and transphobic things daily. Sometimes they watch war footage or industrial accidents and crack jokes about it.

    The fact that he was so defensive, basically gaslite you and insulted your friends makes everything worse.

    People are who they hang out with. He condones their behaviour. I wouldn't be ok with that.

  6. I will definitely email them the summary! Yeah in our building the doormen just ask the delivery person for the apartment number and then let them up. Its really not safe at all. In previous places I’ve lived, they made the delivery people leave the food in the lobby and that made me feel much safer.

  7. Your moms right. He chose to do that, you didn’t attempt to murder him. Block him and every relative of his and get the fuck away asap.

  8. That's nasty. Unless your toilet is made from a shop vac, it's not gonna wake anyone. No one wants to go to the bathroom and find someone else's pee, poop in the toilet. That's gross and very poor manners. She's a guest in someone else's home, so she needs to flush. If she doesn't want to flush in her home, fine. In someone else's, you flush. She's gonna have a hard time finding a man who will literally put up with her shit.

  9. I had a very gentle herding dog mix, and agreed to keep two orphaned 4 week old kittens over a long weekend for a rescue group. I kept an eye on my guy, too. He took over mothering the kittens, every chance he got, licking them lovingly. (I still kept them in a crate when I wasn't supervising him with them.) He did try to herd them, though, just to keep them safe and somewhat contained. It was pretty hilarious watching them dart between his legs and race off, and then be nosed back in the right direction when he caught up with them! He slept for an entire day when they left. He'd stayed awake most of the time they were here, watching them in their crate, clearly worried about their safety.

  10. Honest question: why do you say it’s counterproductive? From an insecurity perspective or something else. Regardless, thank you for the comment

  11. Girl please run and never look back! This guy is probably a porn addict. I can be projecting but I see the red flags.

    As someone who has a porn addiction that is mostly centered around analsex I know what that obsession can do. In my case I have never forced my wife to do it and we don’t engage in it. We have tried but I know it could hurt her and I never want her to hurt. So the only times we have done it is because she has brought it up. If she never brings it up again I won’t do it either.

    This guy clearly has some sort of addiction and a very pornographic mindset because all he cares about is his own pleasure. How you feel and what’s best for you doesnt matter to him. He has destroyed his brain with porn so he can’t even stay hard unless it follows the pattern of the porn he watches. And I am pretty sure that involves a lot of anal during pain too. I know my addiction have wanted me to go there and I have had to actively stay away because that’s what an addiction to porn does.

    He is not worth it. He doesn’t love you nor does he respect you. To him you are just a sex toy that can move and talk. Love yourself enough to get away. You don’t deserve to be treated like this.

  12. Yes, that's how I felt. But I felt like I was in the wrong for suggesting that it isnt healthy to be consuming that much. I understand that we are all attracted to others but I think we have a choice in our actions.

    From our conversations he decided to not masterbate for a month but wouldnt agree no porn. He says it is pointless without masterbation. Then I find videos time stamped before we have sex or when I'm out. sigh I just want open conversation.

  13. Freaking leave. Don't be bullied into something you don't want. Besides, it gets quite ugly from here. Do you really want someone who not only will allow herself to get feelings for someone else while in a relationship, but not even feel bad about it and ask to open the relationship?

  14. Why do you care what the internet thinks about your relationship? If you feel that you’re not mature enough to make decisions like that on your own, maybe you’re not mature enough for a relationship.

  15. Honey.

    Can you explain to me why this would qualify as cheating?

    What is “cheating” to you?

    Deleting old texts generally doesn’t qualify as cheating

  16. Exactly, even in the days of proper buttons on phones, I don't think I ever received more than one accidental text or phone call in a row. Touch screens aren't as vulnerable to this, at least the ones I've had aren't. Usually needs to be actual skin touching the screen to do anything.

  17. The ten year age gap usually doesn't bother the younger person because the problems don't become evident to them until they get older. The fact that he's got you thinking that giving him head every day may be normal IS a symptom of the age gap, as, if you were his age, you'd know the answer is a resounding “NO.” You don't owe your partner sex, and certainly not a specific sex act every day. He definitely already knows that you want to please him and are counting on him to teach you how, and he is taking advantage of that fact.

  18. Would you prefer a comparison to the next decade instead? The 10s-20s really laid the groundwork, but the 30s are where people like you really took center stage.

    If there’s a Nazi at dinner and ten people talking to him, then you have 11 Nazis at dinner.

  19. You need to tell your parents to back off. Tell them you know they're scared but that their fear is for them to deal with. It's not your sister's job to manage their fear. It's also not fair of them to try and make her afraid of dating again. It has been four years. Your sister is happy. You have known Blake for years. He's not some random guy she met at a club. If they continue trying to prevent her from taking her life back, they will lose her. Your sister deserves to have a romantic relationship again and, honestly, she is the only one who gets to decide if she is ready.

  20. John's a narcissist. They are really good at using love bombing and gaslighting to keep their sources focused on them. He's winning as he has two primary sources locked in.

  21. This is definitely not healthy on his end or fair to you!

    You have to ask yourself why you’re so worried about him coming back. This is a CLASSIC manipulation tactic:

    He realizes that he messed up and you are justifiably upset. So then he runs away so instead of you focusing on confronting him about his issues, you fixate on getting him to stop ghosting you. He’s completely flipped the switch so that you’re chasing him when he should be apologizing to you and owning his actions.

    He’s manipulating you and he KNOWS it.

  22. So it was the latter. That's a good thing, because you're not here telling us that you're a literal piece of shit. You worded the situation very poorly.

    You made a sexual move on your partner. That doesn't make you a predator. You learned she wasn't ok with it. I again will assume you stopped when learning she wasn't good with it. Otherwise, why would you apologize?

    I'm not sure how the nudes are even remotely relevant, but hey, she asked you to delete them and you should. Even after this we need a lot more information. What exactly happened here? She refuses to forgive you. Forgive you for what exactly? She can never be fully comfortable around you. That certainly isn't the making of a successful healthy long term relationship.

    But she also won't break up with you. Why's that? Maybe you're objectively an absolute piece of shit who breached her trust and crossed lines. We have no idea. Or maybe you're not a bad person at all. Help us understand exactly what happened. We can't tell you what to do if we don't know.

  23. Women wear makeup for sexual reasons. It's okay. It's normal. Men do stuff to impress women in other ways. We are sexually motivated animals. We are consciously and subconsciously doing things to attract attention from potential mates ALL the time. We're swimming in a soup of sexuality.

    I'm not saying that people are constantly THINKING about sexual attraction or that 100% of their motivations are sexual. Obviously not. But to say women wear makeup “for themselves” is silly. Boob jobs are the same. They make you feel good because they make you feel confident sexually. And that is nothing to be ashamed of. It's harsh, but if you don't see it you lack self awareness.

    There's a reason little girls don't wear makeup…

  24. Usually it's purposeful because he's trying to gain your trust or essentially “bring you to him”.

    Also yes, it really upset me that I never met his friends.

  25. The vitriole in this makes me suspect this opinion may be more reflective of your own issues

    Nice deflection. But nope, I'm just honestly disgusted at your superficiality. But it's your life, you do you.

  26. deffo a shitty person for these action and its horrible and unforgivable. these men are not innoconent because they're the ones coming for her and she's taking them.


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