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24 thoughts on “Daniellexx live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'm not on reddit that often. I'm not addicted to reddit to that degree. The problem is with escaping studing, not reddit. But thanks, i guess

  2. Yes, it is time to end the marriage!! She changed after becoming your wife and is now trying to squeeze your daughter out of your life!!

  3. Next generation here, 26 and 27 and we share everything. No need to split ends on gas money. Op sounds like he has a business arrangement, not a relationship

  4. I do agree the cousin is a creep, I don't like age gaps, especially if one is a teen, but if she were just a couple months older would it have suddenly not been assault? OP said her and cousin still talk a lot. I don't know, it also seems a little problematic on her end too.

  5. You don't understand the situation. There are two situations.

    The first is the pregnancy itself in which mother can choose or not to have a pregnancy.

    If the women decided for the pregnancy the judge will always make men pay. It is not about winning or losing, men vs women. The judge is deciding in the name of the child that was born and thinking in the well being of the child.

  6. I don't want a fantasy by all means, I just want the bare minimum of a relationship. And it really isn't my fault he was filling my head with all these dreamy things that he said he would do and saying we could build a family and everything would be all rainbows and butterflies pretty much and I believed him and now I'm seeing that I am young and naive and very easily swayed and I think he took advantage of that. I don't regret my child and I never will but I do agree that it happened too fast.

  7. Because your mother is overbearing and doesn't respect boundaries ??‍♀️ idk a “why” about someone else, you'd have to ask your Mother.

    Idk maybe I read something wrong in your post I guess, I thought they had a genuine relationship not just were teaming up to manipulate you. Maybe you need to stop seeing your Mum for a couple weeks or months until she gets the picture that she can't cross your boundaries without consequences. It's up to us to enforce our boundaries with consequences when they are crossed otherwise in reality you don't have boundaries.

  8. Your boyfriend is manipulative. He’s trying to turn you into his domestic servant (maid, cook, etc.) rather than being a supportive partner. Then when you bring it up, he tries everything he can to keep you doing all the work. This is why people should on-line together before they get married. You’re seeing who he really is right now, believe him and make your next moves accordingly because it’s only going to get worse.

  9. Totally agree. I mean I don't really think the sister sucks for doing it but that's my opinion. It may not be her child, but it is still her nephew. That's still her family too.

  10. Yes, but it takes a LOT of therapy/counseling for both, both partners to be invested in repairing the relationship, uncompromising honesty, and true remorse. It takes also both partners willing to take a nude unflinching look at their relationship to asses why this happened and working together to repair those issues.

  11. Respectfully disagree. A red flag would be if she hid the crush and OP found out about it and had to confront her. A couple talking about their feelings and problem solving it together is how a healthy relationship works. A relationship IS a choice.

    Viewing these complex emotions as black and white is a recipe for a couple hiding things from one another.

  12. It is normal to want your gf to dress modestly and not attract attention from the opposite gender, but this doesn’t sound like it’s to respect his boundaries but because he’s trying to see how much control he can impose over you. Respect and trust is a 2 way street and either side looking to control you is a very big red flag, especially if you already dress modestly and are not looking for anyone’s attention but his and he is still has a problem. I don’t know what his excuse is for feeling that way, but they are his problems that are making the relationship toxic, not the way you dress. Stand up for yourself and call him out for projecting his insecurities and make it painfully obvious that you are already being modest because you respect yourself and the relationship you’re in and that him attempting to control that and you shows that he has issues that he needs to work out before you continue with your relationship as his behavior is an assault and affront to your character and person ethics that you find unacceptable. Give him the choice to either get professional help for his control issues, or that you’re not going to stick around and tolerate a partner that thinks they have have to control you and not trust in you despite showing him you have good morals and character.

  13. In this case he's not paying comp though.

    7k a day for plenty of restaurant models is more than enough in gross revenue to turn a tidy profit, it really really really depends. A pizza truck doing 7k is cleaning up with low cost of product.

  14. my wife and I have a somewhat open relationship

    I don't like to pretend to know what non-monogamous relationships are like, but isn't this exactly what happens all the time?

  15. Def bring it up to Jane. She's not being a friend and I don't understand why you have any interest in keeping people like that in your life. I know it's difficult since you work with them, but try to focus on what you have going on in your life instead of what you're missing. And make some new friends.


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