Dannagreyy online sex chats for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Dannagreyy online sex chats for YOU!

  1. There’s a term for what the cheater is doing – DARVO please look it up. It’s basically them not taking any responsibility, then turning it on the betrayed that they doubted her in the first place

    ‘Yes I went back to the AP’s house, but how dare you not trust me after I betrayed your trust?’ Something convoluted like this.

    If she has so much issue being watched she should just leave. Also even if she wanted to get something from the guy’s house (which I don’t believe but whatever) there’s no reason she couldn’t have told her husband first, or send someone else

  2. For fucks sake I was just asking what people’s thoughts are on it; just wondering if others saw it the same way as me. Been friends with him for a long fucking time and it’s nude realizing one of my best friends is a narcissist.

  3. OP, what do you need to feel confident about your decision? Encouragement to leave? You have that in spades.

    Reassurance that you’re doing the right thing for you? You are.

    Permission to put yourself first? You have it.

    Step by step instructions? I got you:

    You: “This is difficult to say, but I want to end our relationship. I feel that you and I have grown into two very different people rather than grown together. It’s over.”

    He will respond however he responds. I hope it’s with dignity and grace. But if not, remember:

    Break ups don’t have to be mutual.

    You don’t have to stay friends.

    It takes two people to be in a relationship but only one person to end it.

    You should only have to state your decision to end the relationship once. If the person tries to prevent you from making a decision they disagree with, you should be prepared to do what you need to do in order to get the life you want.

    Have an exit plan. Pack a bag, have a place to stay, make other changes as necessary.

    And most of all, trust yourself. You know what you want. You know what your values are. Act on them and don’t look back.

  4. He doesn't deserve to be in her life. It's your call, but I would stay away especially knowing he kicked you. Not at all ok.

  5. Maybe it’s safer if you guys didn’t get back together. But If that’s how your feeling he NEEDS to give you reassurance, and figure out why he lost feelings for you. Maybe it’s something you don’t do?

  6. You really ought to take some more time to process this. You're rushing into a decision to forgive him because losing the one you think is the love of your life is extremely difficult. It's understandable, but foolish. This is an insane level of cheating. He lied for almost 7 years. There is no way you can ever truly trust him again. These high school sweetheart relationships seem to rarely work out in the long run. You're still so young, go find someone that truly loves and respects you.

  7. The thing is- he hasn’t had sex with anyone else to my knowledge. I’m the one who has. But I’ve also had this thought. Maybe he’s making me look like the bad guy so that he won’t feel as bad when it ends.


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