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12 thoughts on “DelinaLevis on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't be able to stay with someone who cheated on me. You do what feels right for you, but I would dump her. There is no excuse for cheating. She could have temporarily broken up with you if she wanted to go out and do things. That would be enough to be different. But cheating? Nope. No going back on that.

  2. Sadly her previous experience with therapy hasn’t been great. She hasn’t really found the right therapist and this seems to have put her off the idea. Not sure how I can approach this with her as well.

  3. My husband had to see me disgusting and rarely showered for months after surgery, he still loved me and was attracted to me. Sounds like her bf would drop her like hotcakes if they went through something serious.

  4. Does he go to church every week? Is he fasting for lent? You don’t mention anything about his practices or faith.

  5. Anyone can be a dad but we all know who the real father is in this case. Roger should feel blessed he's even being allowed to attend the wedding. He gave up all his rights the day he signed away full custody.

  6. I think I've become more discerning with age, and probably a bit less tolerant. I'm not super old or anything, but I am definitely selective with the kind of things I choose to hear about in my recreational time, which means that I'm a bit selective with people. Not because the people I exclude are bad person who have done something wrong, just not my cup of tea.

    Oddly enough, I had a thought pop in my head in the shower, I guess because it didn't register when you said it. You said he's worked good jobs above minimum. Does he quit these jobs if they don't schedule him off for a drinking holiday? Or is that just for you, because your job either doesn't matter because it's minimum wage, or doesn't matter for other unsavory reasons? If he does drop jobs like that, he's incredibly stupid or incredibly lucky — I'm guessing these are either jobs that he got hooked up with, or stuff where crappy work ethic just hasn't caught up to him yet because most people his age don't have a solid work history.

    I also imagined a scene in which a woman in her late 80s is in her deathbed. It's cancer that's finally taking her, but really, it's been one problem after another for years and she's ready to leave this creaky old body. In her hospital room, loved ones are gathered — talking quietly amongst themselves or sitting in silence. She is not aware of their presence. Ideas flash into her mind, one after another, some warping into terrible, ugly fixations. No closure with this person. No closure with that person. So much left unsaid to another. And yet another will never know how sorry she was, because she was never brave enough to say it. But as quickly as they flash in, they warp into something different, coalescing into one larger picture that overwhelms all of her senses, crushes her beneath its weight.

    Her loved ones jump, startled — she's stirring. The woman lifts one feeble arm, pointing at nothing, maybe pointing at everything at the same time, at the universe. Forcefully, painfully, from between cracked lips, she says her final words:

    “I'm… Sorry… For… Never… Party… Rocking.”

    A horrendous beep fills the room. Her heart's stopped, do not resuscitate. Time of death: 4:20pm.

  7. Well, lust is not something we choose.. if you find someone attractive, you can't 'unfind' them attractive ?

    But maybe she was thinking about the guy too much.. and maybe should have kept it to herself?!

    I know every relationship is different, but personally, I like being able to talk about these things with a partner


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