DesireeDoll online webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “DesireeDoll online webcams for YOU!

  1. Jeez – he obviously has trauma but that's no.excuse for him letting you be treated like that.

    You need to sit down and just say you aren't happy because it's resulted in his family turning against you when all he has to say is stop.

    To be blunt, he has to grow a pair and draw a line with his family. Tell.him the extent of.your feelings that resentment is growing and you're now verging on holding him partially responsible – which he is.

    Maybe understanding how close to the line you are will wake him up.

  2. You guys are incompatible. Please ditch this guy. Imagine if you were married to.him and had 2 screaming kids at home. Bye I'm off to gamble with my buds…

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  4. Yes, I'd agree with slowing it down.

    I met my GF off tinder. One thing that made it great was that we have a TON of people we know in common. It was like finding something safe/familiar in a shit show(tinder). Quite the blessing tbh.

    When you have a great connection like that, its better to take things slow and build it up. It would be a disappointing for things to fail because you two approached your connection in a way that caused the other to stumble.

    You're here on reddit asking if you moved to fast… that shows for yourself that you're rushing it. If you keep this up, it might result in too much for you to handle.

    You don't need to see each-other less. Just avoid adding weight to your connection when its not ready. Keep it light. Keep getting to know each-other. Have direction. Build it piece by piece. Work on your foundation. Once the foundation is stable and strong, then you can add more weight because your foundation will be strong enough to hold it.

    Relationships are not a race. They're a home. And homes take time to build, they require planning, materials, foundation, furnishing… it's a process that you don't want to rush.

    You two are incredibly fresh, you have a lot to unpack about each-other.

    I will always advocate for taking things slow.

    Who gets a better grade on an exam? The kid that rushes it and hands it in first? Or the kid who took their time, double checked all their answers and handed it in last? The reletionship is your exam.

    You need to work at this at a pace that feels right for you. Plain and simple.

  5. Because dude still got to go out and online it up, just with boundaries. He's in a relationship and now with children. This comes with the territory. It doesn't make people bad to set boundaries. If he didn't like it, he could leave. I think you're going way overboard on making her out to be a bad person.

  6. I literally wrote ā€œit didnā€™t took me by surprise because he TOLD me, ā€¦ā€ thatā€™s why I asked if you read the post.

  7. No we havenā€™t talked about being exclusive yet and maybe I shouldā€™ve walked away after she ghosted me ??ā€ā™€ļø

  8. Stay firm. If she wants to have sex with other people then you canā€™t be together. Thatā€™s incredibly reasonable.


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