Diana&Dmitry the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Diana&Dmitry, 23 y.o.


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24 thoughts on “Diana&Dmitry the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Only you can make this decision. I understand both of your perspectives. Is she financially sound enough to hire a nanny? Are you okay with a possible new man raising your children? These are deeply personal decisions only you can make.

    She sounds like a wonderful woman to want to do this and I’m sure, at some point, there will be a new man in her life. So, you need to think about that.

    I’m very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I’ve dealt with cancer in my family with relatives. I know it’s a hot road to travel.

  2. You said the truth would eventually come out. Not gonna come up with one night stands there stranger. You need not say a thing to clearly imply you think that all things will be shared regardless of truth or not.

    And I am sorry, but there is a gap between sex and long term relationships. They just aren't the same.

    You really need to let this all go. I have no idea why you seem to need to keep hammering on this issue.

  3. It seems to me that she likes you, does she flirt with you when she is around you? Do you catch her staring at you sometimes? Does she try to make physical contact? This can be signs she likes you as more than friends

  4. If you’re looking for confirmation, then yeah. Let her go. As excuses go, that’s one of the most moronic things y you can say.

  5. I mean, if someone is manic and suicidal, their family isn't who can help them anyways. OP, this is a 911 situation. Tell your sister yes and have the police meet her at your house. YTA

  6. We really cannot predict how your parents are going to handle this. If they are well mannered they will welcome him, avoid any controversial topics, refrain from prying into your relationship, and make things comfortable for everyone.

    Because you suspect that they will struggle with adults dating seriously without a marriage plan you may want to be ready to discuss your timeline and plans. Also, if they are the sort of people who fixate on their adult child's virginity you should probably portray the relationship as a very pure one. Again, if they are likely to focus on marriage and they don't have self control or good social training, they may ask about his career and earnings. It's not a bad idea to have him talk about his career proactively (sans salary talk) to help assure them of his financial fitness.

    I hope that helps!

    Bear in mind that there is a reason that you've hidden this boyfriend from your family for six years. Plan to keep the visit brief and have an easy out planned in case things go poorly.

  7. OP, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Lots of people on here are commenting negatively about your best friend. Keep in mind, you know her better than anyone. If you trust that she loves you and wants to be with you (many people are scared of change, she doesn’t know where she’ll live, etc.), then my advice would be to have a very direct conversation with her. Ask her the following questions: Is she serious about ending her current relationship and being exclusively with you? If so, what is her exit strategy? What is her timeline for her to be completely out of that relationship and out of their home? If you’re comfortable with her answers, then hold her accountable to what’s she’s told you. If I were in your shoes, I’d say that I need 2 things from you: 1. If you love me, then you’ll immediately end any physical relationship with your current partner, even if you can’t immediately move out. 2. You’ll follow through with your exit strategy, as well as the timeline. In addition, you may want to limit your interaction with her, until she is completely free to be with you. If she is using you for attention, then you’ll know, once your attention is taken away. If you want to have a future with her, set your boundaries. Best of luck. Please keep us posted.

  8. If you don't want any drama then you best make it crystal clear that you are not interested. Just text back and say talk to you (both) Sunday and then don't ever respond to his texts again.

  9. I think if you want to solve you should throw the kitchen sink at it.

    See a therapist if they suck fire them get another therapist. See what doctor says See what an endochronologists says. See what a guy in ecologist says See what your yearly blood work says? Have you been eating healthy, Have you been getting exercise? How's your relationship with your husband outside of sex?

    It's OK to indulge your partner sometimes, but if this is harming your relationship more than it's doing good and that's a good reason stop Indulging your partner in misserable sex. It won't be easy you'll probably feel frustrated that you did not tell them but he might also be frustrated that he cant have sex with you.

  10. i said he’s good looking but that’s about it like he’s just an average human not like out of this world amazing?? like he’s not ugly and i’m not gonna lie to him about that. he should have some sort of trust in me seeing as it’s been almost 2 years. i never get to go out cause i always have to see him but he can do whatever he wants

  11. I’m autistic, so is my ex husband. He was just like this and in addition to cheating he nearly bankrupted us with his hobbies. You can’t fix this. Trust me. I wasted 15 ears and ruined my credit trying to save us from his irrational bullshit. Run.

  12. 6 year old daughter, 8 year relationship and you would throw that away because of a one night stand drunken indiscretion? I do not get Reddit sometimes.

  13. “Just cause they’re all women it’s somehow different?” Yes, for me absolutely. If not for you or OP then that’s your boundary, nothing wrong with that. Just like it’s not wrong that’s it’s not her boundary.

  14. Young wife and her husband are swingers. They are more or less openly looking for other couples (or maybe just guys?) to swing with.

    Your husband is drunkenly, half-assed interested but “forgot” that you and he haven't had a discussion about being non-monogamous and probably also “forgot” that this would likely involve other guys having sex with you.

    Since you've been together for 20 years, maybe you can have a conversation about this. I suspect that the whole thing will drop off the edge of the earth when husband realizes that such an arrangement will involve other guys banging you.

  15. Agreed, I would like to actually know how this came to be. She's a slacker and he's the valedictorian but they both end up roughly equally employed BUT ALSO she doesn't contribute to household expenses? Like how did that decision making process happen? Unless she actually makes a quarter of what he does or something I can't imagine a scenario in which this is agreed to. “how will we divide our expenses?” “You will pay for everything.” “Ok, dear.” Like, what?

  16. Run, run fast and run very hot. She’s trying to set herself up as a Sugar Baby, where you, her ex and probably more give her money, places to live, etc.. She’s already cheating on you and her “not quite” ex. Like I said run.

  17. I meant more so like asking for her phone instead of going through it while she was asleep, I referred to it that way because that’s what she would do to me and get upset when she didn’t find anything. That’s all ❤️

  18. I'm helping my family financially. I forgot to mention that I am also taking a part-time job to relieve my mother of some financial burdens.

    The problem, according to him, was that he's tired of seeing me in this situation and do not want to associate himself in a life like this. I just hope he'd also understand where I was coming from. We've been together for two years.


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