Dulcepatersson online webcams for YOU!

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⭐, FUCK MY FRIEND⭐ [Multi Goal]

26 thoughts on “Dulcepatersson online webcams for YOU!

  1. Listen, shared expenses do not apply if one partner earns significantly more money. Let him know you weren't aware you would have to contribute any money, explain that you already covered the cost for both of you for visiting your sister, and politely but firmly let him know, that you cannot afford it, period. No “pay me back in January “. If you indeed decide to let him cover your share, explicitly state when you will pay him back, and that when should be a time of your own convenience, which would not force you to work yourself to death.

  2. Something else of note. I am divorced, but a lot of the reasons are kinda similar. My ex was very passive. We had an imbalanced relationship, and I struggled with his complacency for many many years.

    By the time I got to the point of ending it, there was no going back. He could do all the therapy in the world and make all the changes a human could possibly make and it still wouldn’t make me want to be with him. He scrambled then, yes. But it was just too late for my heart.

    In this situation, I think people reach a point where it doesn’t even matter anymore, but they are so “burned out” on their former partner that nothing on earth could make them want that person again.

  3. Wait what? He is visiting dating apps? Why are you dancing around this?

    The dudes is talking to girls on dating aps?

    Installing and the deleting dating aps?

    You don’t have rules about dating aps?

    They are used to meeting people to date or fuck.

    How could you not have rules about that in a monogamous relationship?

    If it looks like shit, smells like shit, and feels like shit, do you really have to taste it to make sure it’s shit?

  4. Look, I’ll be honest. People place too much expectation and pressure on proposals. Real life isn’t a movie. Your fiancé sounds like he put a lot of effort into your proposal that was manageable. Do you even live! near a castle, river or forest? Sure, it’s nice to have a vision but it’s the marriage that is important. The first time my husband proposed he had been drinking for 14 hours and was so drunk he was slurring his words. I could barely understand him but it was clear when he jammed a circular chip on my finger. I said no, called him a drunk idiot said that he would shit himself if he woke up engaged with no memory of it. He did remember and said he couldn’t believe I turned him down. We still laugh about it. There was no grand proposal the second time either. We’ve been married 19 years. My best friend got her dream proposal and her marriage lasted less than 3 years. Stop sweating it and focus on your future marriage.

  5. Why do you still want to be with a guy that loves another girl more than you? He's a human and gets to choose who he dates, he's not your property lol

  6. Good goddamn they really neutered them over there. In my state, if I look out and see you about to light my shed on fire, I can use deadly force to stop you as arson is a deadly threat to our lives in the forest. It goes double if I find an intruder in my home who doesn’t immediately run or surrender.

  7. I went through this with my partner, I loved going out I was 21 when I met him so I was clubbing and just out all time. I would invite him but since he was older he was also done with the party part of his life. It didn't give us any problems and we were fine eventually a couple years later I didn't like going out all the time.

  8. Look, if you can’t get him to change please, please get rid of him while you still can. In all our years married by ex husband never ONCE cooked a meal, did the grocery shopping, did a load of laundry, vacuumed the floor…..you get the idea. He did NOTHING. He wouldn’t even put the clothes he expected ME to wash in the laundry hamper and would just leave them scattered around the house. Since I divorced him, my new partner either does things with me, or, I’ll come home and things are just already done. I can never thank him enough (we’ve been together 6 years now but I can’t seem to get used to it). He looks at me kinda weird and goes ‘babe, we’re both adults that live! in this house. Why are you thanking me? It’s not like it’s just your job’ Look for that. DONT marry my ex husband. Please. I can’t tell you the depths of misery living with someone like that for years will bring you. Oh, and now that we’re divorced and he’s on his own? He does it all. His house is cleaner than mine. So all that ‘I can’t, I don’t know how’ really was just ‘I don’t want to, don’t you understand? I got married so I would have a slave, why would I do anything myself? If you had a dog, are you gonna bark at passers-by??’

  9. The latter.

    Share your concerns. And see what she thinks.

    I would think that she actually also has developped feelings for you. But is eyeing them as carefully as you eye yours.

    This is what happens when people meet that are one the same wave length.

    It mirrors. Your reaction mirrors hers. She withdrew. You withdrew.

    I would suggest you just give it time. And see, where it leads you to.

    Worst case it leads to a wonderful deeply trusting platonic relationship.

    Best case … she is your one. And you are hers.

  10. The fact is that OP’s gf is not like you and your wife. You’re lucky you both felt the same. OP’s gf is having second thoughts. They shouldn’t be forced to stay together either if it’s not 100% what they both want.

  11. personally, i didn’t get my boobs done to be viewed sexually attractive, so it’s not part of a “sexual aspect”, i got them done for the same exact reason i had braces, so it’s very much a decent comparison imo as well.

  12. Does he have ADHD? Because a lot of this sounds like the effects of unchecked, unaddressed, unmedicated ADHD. Breaking stuff, burning food, bumping into things, getting in accidents you didn't see coming, having things “just” happen to you that are a result of actions you already didn't do.

    It could also be weaponized incompetence, too. Or he's a dipshit. Who knows?

  13. that I just get resentful and angry whenever he interacts with his friends that I'm not familiar with, thus him having to cut them off completely.

    Honestly, I totally understand being resentful, angry and worried after how he behaved, however, I think we all need to take accountability for ourselves. I have been in relationships that turned me into someone I was not, I acted in shameful ways and I am really mortified by that now. I lost myself completely, and now I know that if someone has betrayed me etc in a relationship and I know I cannot move on in a positive way with them then I leave because, yeah they fucked up but they are not in control of how I behave and for myself I don't want to become that person who is being controlling or being nasty even if they were the one who caused the initial problem.

    Much like you, I am someone who likes to stay friends with exes, however, I do believe that if you are friends then are platonic and also a bit of space not speaking after the relationship is healthy. At the moment, because you've never really broken up, your feelings have not had a chance to cool for this person. You may not be together in title but you're still hanging out and sleeping together and so essentially you are together. I mean, if he started seeing someone else I imagine that would not have been okay with you over the last year whereas in FWB situations or if you say you are both single then that would and should not be a problem.

    I would take a moment to breathe and if you truly want to try again, sit down with him and address both of your issues. Be honest about how you are going to handle not becoming manipulative and controlling again, and let him tell you how he plans to tackle his issues, because it is so easy to fall back into bad habits and behaviour that you both created when you were together.

  14. I’m not even gonna finish reading this. If it was like, a prank and she immediately admitted to it that’d be fine, but she pulled a fake baby trap on you. In no situation is that okay.

    OP, what this girl did is extremely manipulative and if she’s willing to do that to someone she’s not even official with and you are still thinking of trying to make it work: please think about all those crazy ex-girlfriend stories you’ve heard, and I mean the bat-shit crazy ones, that’s this girl. Run for the hills OP, she ain’t worth it.

    Also, wear a fucking condom

  15. In a sense like cheating on her. Not saying they’re going bad but it doesn’t even feel worth it to talk to women lately or pursue it.

    And there's the crux of it. The relationship didn't end. You didn't break up and work past it. Life took her from you and, if it hadn't, you'd likely still be together right now. So it feels like you're cheating on her because you haven't broken up. And I'm going to apologise for messing up explanations right now. I've got a migraine and I'm struggling to find words at the moment.

    Okay, so you need to keep working on yourself for a while. You need to not just get to a stage where you're okay alone and dating isn't something you need to do, but also get to a stage where you've fully come to terms with what happened. Trauma doesn't just go away over a couple of months. It sits and festers and jumps up at the worst possible times to hurt you again. At this point you're dating for the sake of dating, not to find someone new. You don't see yourself ending up with those people and thetefore you're entering the date with a little resentment. In some ways it's self sabotage to make sure you don't betray her, while other parts of it will be guilt or comparison to this woman who meant so much to you.

    So take your time. Say goodbye to her properly and get that closure that you need. Be by yourself for a while and working on making sure that you're good that way. And only then, when you're truly ready to move forward, should you attempt it.


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