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20 thoughts on “Ela the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. In my opinion you are simply a piece of shit and a shitty husband. These are your family, and some cultures are different that others and in their culture saying “no” to such thing is beyond rude and disrespectful especially to the people who gave birth to you and raised you and took care of you all your life through all the ups and downs and the naked times and now 6 months is “too much”? No one told you to marry into a culture different than your own. Suck it up and be a decent husband

  2. it's really going to suck in a few months or years when you aren't in a relationship with him anymore and your family is going to say we told you so.

  3. Reframe the situation?

    Could you invite your parents and other relatives to join you at your house?

    If hubby hosts your dad it may be harder for papa to refuse to reciprocate, right?

  4. u/Organic_Quality_3535, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. OPs bf is actively abusive and is preventing her from leaving him. I have no fucking clue why she's asking about a christmas gift when there's so many larger issues at play.

  6. Welcome. Anytime. That's what I would tell my nieces, too.

    Also, what I would ask them is …. would you like me to pay this boy a visit for you? Hahaha. Take care.

  7. Hello /u/CEOofSchruteFarms,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. That’s entirely okay but to say someone being nice, clean, AND with a good job is rock bottom requirements is just a bit touch out of reality.

    You are 100% correct. And anybody saying this isn't a good foundation is in a shit relationship, or doesn't date.

  9. Your wife is going through a difficult period and you’ve been as supportive as you can be. That may not be nearly enough, but you’ve reached whatever your limit is.

    The first thing I would do is to communicate that her low libido is a problem for you. That you feel rejected and alone. Regardless of what she feels about it, it’s a problem for you. And that it’s not enough that she tells you she loves you. That you need sex to have that connection.

    The next thing is to find out if she feels it’s a problem for her. Can she see herself having no sex going forward?

    If she can’t, if she does want to have sex, what concrete steps is she willing to take for you to have more sex?

    If she can see herself never having sex again, is she willing to make an effort anyway (and would you be ok with sex even if she doesn’t enjoy it)?

    If she’s unwilling (and I would argue she probably shouldn’t have sex she doesn’t enjoy) then you have an incompatibility. How do you, as a couple, deal with that?

  10. At this point she is too far gone into a delusion… She convinced herself that always taking her picture when she asks is 100% supportive, it's work, and the person that is asked should be wanting and willing, no one should be forced.

    Also, for her it is work, she makes money from it, so every time is the right time.

    Unless she respects and understands your boundaries and not force you, you two will never get along about this.

    I know that for me this would be a turn off, I'm ready to support my SO's hobby, project, gig, job, Carter by being a fan, cheerleader, just not a full time assistant anytime, anywhere at the snap of her finger.

    Relationships that work are based on a balance of give and take, not 100% one's way.

  11. I’m a 100 certified over thinker. I know he needs to be there for his dog first at the moment but it’s just naked him being “gone”.

  12. Weird that her lack of respect for him and his boundaries, and how he feels about this doesn’t come up at all.

    He’s the victim here. Someone has been sexually harassing him and has sexually assaulted him and his girlfriend is trying to stop him from spending time with his friends and going to break up with him because the assaulter is going on the same holiday (which I’m guessing he would rather she didn’t).

  13. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Hello all,

    Me and my wife have been married for 7 years and together for 9. I had a 3 year old daughter when we met. They used to get along great, but she has grown to basically hate her. We fight anytime I try to include her in family events. We have two boys together, 2 and 5. We are pregnant with our third. We are supposed to find out the gender of the baby tomorrow, and she wanted to do a cupcake reveal with the kids. I said I wanted to wait till next Saturday when my daughter was here and she lost it. Saying she didn't want to and it her baby and she's gonna do what she wants and I don't have to be a part of it. I am planning on getting snipped, and this will more than likely be my last child. I don't understand why she hates an 11 year old little girl so bad. She said she is anxious to find out the gender and is not waiting.

  14. I just want to say, think about how you and two other men, who had a few drinks, would be talking and acting in this situation. You and the guys are not there for sex, just pizza. You’d be talking and making noise even if she was in the phone. There would be an apology maybe once one of you realized she was on the phone. So with three guys and a silent room it’s obvious to me what your wife was about to be up to.


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