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17 thoughts on “Elle_ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. OP: I can forgive her being a cheater but, being a gold digger who won't leave her boyfriend for me???? That's a step too far!

    Tell the boyfriend. He deserves to know. Whether you're doing it out of spite or some weird sense of self-righteousness doesn't really matter, in my opinion. He deserves to not be in the dark about his relationship.

  2. Yes my parents do and have. When I was a teen my sister cracked one of my ribs( this was in the 90s) . she was told if she ever laid a hand on me again she was disowned. Out of the family and would be sent elsewhere so on-line. Every few years even now my parents remind her. They didnt tolerate her antics. They still dont. This wasnt your fault.

  3. Oof for some context, I fully know he does love me. It's a lack of physical intimacy, not love. But I'm also aware this isn't sustainable and as much as it breaks my heart I know that if he keeps refusing to help himself then things may have to end.

    I know I can't be the one to fix him. I don't try to be. I encourage him to seek help and take the time to work on himself. I remind him that I'm here if he needs me but, as I admitted in my post, I can't help with trauma I can't even being to comprehend.

    I think he thinks that the way he's coping with it is a healthy way. It's not that he spends all his time alone or watching shows, I only meant that he spends his free time doing that. He still helps around the house, plays with our pets, cooks dinner. I'm just noticing that his free time is more and more being spent secluded.

  4. Valid reasons, but my thing is that she will already know by the time the banquet rolls around, which is the next day.

  5. And that’s the problem. You view her as a young prize to make your friends jealous. Even if nothing physical happened while she was a minor, her parents basically sold her off to an older man. But she sees herself as an independent American woman who wants a job and her own life. She doesn’t want to be your cook and housekeeper. And no matter how much money you make, that will not change her desire for freedom. You asked who is in the wrong here and you are. If you want a subservient wife, you need to go Saudi Arabia and get someone there who will be happy to be in America and was raised to be a housewife. Your current girlfriend is not going to play that role.

  6. Bold of you to assume shes just gonna have a miserable life without you Lol but yeah she sounds a little nuts. You did the right thing for both of yall.

  7. I wouldn't take her back personally.

    Of course you still loge her and you have the urge to take her back and get your old relationship.

    But you have to remember that she is the one who just threw the relationship away. She threw you away. Like the last 5 years didn't exist.

    I do not know what her reasoning was for it but if I was truly in love with someone, I wouldn't “take a break”. I wouldn't move 100 miles away and I wouldn't break my partners heart just to try and pick them up again after 2 DAYS.

  8. I’m assuming you’re the 28F? If so, you have to know that you don’t have to have a relationship with your parents anymore. It’s a choice, and if it’s that toxic for you to see them and hear from them, you are allowed to cut them off for your own good.

  9. Yes. Yes. yes. Both make good money, what is hs required to do, make 500k to keep her happy? Her debt? She may make a lot and may be smart to be a doc but her debt says otherwise.

  10. I mean, people may dislike this but I'm gonna say it. After a break up, sometimes you just need some action and in your mind the ex is gone and won't be coming back. Whether sad or just horny, people will often turn to the “sure thing”

  11. I hate to break it to you OP, but some people actually LIKE giving others gifts!

    For some people it’s actually their love language

    And you’re wrong that weddings are only for the couple and that no one else really remembers them. Lots of people LOVE attending the weddings of people important to them and celebrating them and their love.

    You have a very myopic view of these things that are from your own very narrow perspective.

    I think it’s absolutely fine to say “your presence is enough, we don’t expect any gifts” you could even add something to the effect of “if you desire to anyways we request you please donate to xyz-charity instead”

    But to be like “if you want to give us a gift, then don’t come” that’s rude as hell.

    Like why are your feelings about this SO strong? Did you find out your dad was cheating on your mom at someone’s wedding when he dropped off the gift and it had his mistress’s lipstick smeared on it or something? Like your whole stance just really wreaks of some sort of misplaced childhood trauma you’re not confronting and overcoming.

    Kudos to your fiancée for putting up with this. I would really struggle to be with someone who offers to pay for something and then attaches such wild stipulations.

  12. My god, I am so happy for you that you've been heard and not blamed or chastised. That is a huge step for someone who has been through this before and not only that but then denied their own reality. Well done for standing up for yourself, it takes so much courage. Wishing you and your partner and his family the best!


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