Emiily_88live sex stripping with hd cam

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Birth Date: 1995-11-15

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Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino

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40 thoughts on “Emiily_88live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If he loved you, he wouldn't have cheated on you ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶.̶ ̶He does not love you.

  2. I appreciate those words a lot, thank you. Her birthday party was different then most. Her mom, her and myself had our own little celebration because weather caused us to postpone the bigger plans we had, and when we're with friends it feels more like im just another friend, she'll hold my hand like once at most usually, sometimes not at all.

  3. Ooo I do not like you. You seem arrogant and emotionally ignorant.

    You both did fine. You can’t avoid each other forever so it’s best to be civil and go back to your routines.

  4. You need a special kind of partner if you have a chronic pain condition like that. Your ex wasn’t cut out for it I’m afraid. So maybe it’s for the best he left, a frustrated partner won’t make you happy either. There are plenty of people that are willing to be in a relationship with someone with a chronic pain condition. Look for someone that’s emphatic, flexible (doesn’t mind changing plans if you feel bad), can handle frustration well, and that loves you for being you (so they don’t in the first place see someone with a pain condition but a real human being who happens to have a chronic pain problem at times). Good luck!

  5. you could read into it like, this is what he is thinking. Or you could read into it that this is what he wants to convince himself. Or you could read into it that he likes the sound of the music. Or you could stop stalking your ex through his playlists.

  6. Thanks for the quick response. I don't have “neutral” people to talk to so I hoped I would get some clarifying responses on here.

  7. You hit the nail on the head there. She’s uneasy about asking him because of his reaction. With good reason, obviously.

  8. Yeah exactly totally agree with you. I kinda was taken aback by the comment because I am putting in a lot. Gas is not cheap nowadays and I am literally driving to her every week. She does want marriage and for us to on-line together.

  9. Are you saying that there are no women who are boring or bad in bed?

    If not, how do you know OP isn't one of them?

  10. Yeah… I don't think this has anything to do with looks. Sounds like he thinks you're a mess because of alcohol but would have a lot more potential if you thought better of yourself.

  11. You shouldn't compromise on comfort to please someone else. He's 45 years old, time for him to learn that the world doesn't revolve around him.

  12. You didn’t make a mistake. You made a bad choice. There’s a difference. A mistake is “oops I added too much flour to this recipe.”

    Consider perhaps she doesn’t want to be with someone who would do that. Because, in your heard when you did this, you felt it was a reasonable thing to do. It’s okay for her to be disappointed in the fact you aren’t the person she thought you were.

    The only way forward will probably be to either end it, or to do whatever it takes to change the part of you that seeks out content like this.

  13. I think your husband could escalate at any moment, and I hope you can find your way safely out of the situation. I am surprised your counselor didn't tell you to leave.

  14. Look man. I am a childfree man, and lived alone for a long time. For the last 6 months, I have accepted my sister and her 3 kids to my home.

    I never walk with boxer around the house after they move in my house. I always wear t-shirt and short. Yes, it's my home. But when I accepted my nieces and nephew in my home, I also accepted that I can't walk around half naked. Again, I am their uncle, and I still do this because I am not a freak.

  15. If he threatens suicide, report him to the police for a wellness check. Make sure you save that email, too, and use it against him for custody.

  16. You should be done my dude. Even without the alcohol, it seems she's not very present in the relationship. It blows, but I hope you find someone who appreciates the effort you put into a relationship.

  17. She definitely could have said it more gracefully. There are times where we all wish we said things differently. I’m telling your partner that you’re not attracted to them anymore is a difficult conversation no matter. You’ve been together a long time, so at least she told you rather than secretly resenting you for years and then ultimately cheating on you.

    It probably has more to do with you, not taking care of yourself rather than your physical form. She maybe couldn’t verbalize that. When you met, it sounds like you were really active and took care of yourself and that changed. I’m sure deep down you probably didn’t like that change either. Use this as a wake up call and see if things get better.

  18. Why giving him another chance? He called your slurs, judged your past which he wasn't in and he used daddy issues as an insult making you seem like an insecure person.

    OP, dump him. It doesn't matter if you create new boundaries, he stepped over the old ones and actually called you a w*ore. You will allow it if you stay with him. Don't do it.

  19. Just don’t go in expecting anything. I had someone who I considered to be my best friend, if I had to choose.. Turns out I wasn’t even on their radar for the wedding party. And I did understand there were other people they were closer with, but to not be included at all really hurt.

    Good luck, OP.

  20. I think he’s just an unrelated misogynist who wandered in here to project his baggage on everyone and their grandmother. The husband would be more invested in arguing with OP rather than arguing with literally everybody else.

  21. I am a former fiduciary financial adviser. I listened to Dave Ramsey in the car on the radio while I was in the pick up line for my kids school. I listened to him often, hoping I’d find some tips to help my clients. I never did. His advice honestly sucks and is outdated. He’s had the same spiel for 15 years and things have changed but Dave still goes on with the “debt snowball” and “whole life insurance is a scam” (somewhat true but universal life insurance isn’t and he never talks about that).

    If your boyfriend is hardcore into Dave Ramsey he isn’t getting good financial advice. One of the things Dave pushes covertly is that couples need to co-mingle assets because that’s what Jesus would do (???) and that makes no sense to me. Plenty of my client couples had separate investments, separate accounts… that isn’t uncommon at all. Dave Ramsey is a moron.

  22. She can try again, but she said he got defensive when she told him last time. And she did it gently and tried to give him a shower! I would lose my shit over this.

  23. It's a little early to tell. It's wise to avoid entanglement with people who are married, especially coworkers.

  24. Had you not posted your ages, I would've thought this story took place in 6th or 7th grade. You went outside together for the first time in a while? Then, right after you got where you went, he wanted to go somewhere else, where his friends were. Do you guys just lock yourselves up in your home most of the time? I'm sorry, I'm just having trouble putting this scene together with the pieces of information you've given. It sounds like the two of you are being kept hidden for some reason, maybe because he and his friends are approaching 30 and you're a teenager? He might feel like people will judge him or you based on this, and he might be right. Also, regarding the lack of any other details of your relationship, home life, work, how you met, what your normal day to day interactions are, all you have offered is “I don't know what I did.”, which is just a breath away from defending yourself for something that no one accused you of. ?

  25. It kinda sounds like neither of you is seeking a relationship, but it's also more than a one night stand. One night stands don't exchange numbers, lol. Maybe you should let things happen however they do and don't trivialize every little thing.

  26. I hope you don’t plan on marrying her.

    My ex-husband was the same way. I’d be in the middle of playing Final Fantasy or Monster Hunter or Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and out of anger he either smacked the controller out of my hands or went up to my PlayStation and unplugged my shit.

    I divorced him not just for that but also because he got jealous I got better than him at certain games he had been playing longer than me.

    Drop this girl and move on or tell her to get out. Don’t EVER let anyone disrespect you or your personal property like that.

  27. It’s naked for me to trust them with anyone else after playing single-mom while they were so so young. Even though he’s their dad I just don’t think he knows them or how to take care of them the way I do and the way they deserve


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