Emma-ms-ms online webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Emma-ms-ms online webcams for YOU!

  1. hmmm

    the answer there is it depends. I have seen highly motivate folks pick up one or the other very quickly.

    we live in the age of YouTube so there are many tutorials.

    you can do something very simple and just use one stitch. there are many yarns that look quite gorgeous just using one stitch style.

    Another idea is a simple scrap book of some highlights of your relationship.

    Or a certificate for a night of whatever he likes


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  3. Would you want to be friends with someone who was abusive to your friend?

    The big issue with outing and abuser is that they never seem like they're abusive unless you experience it first hand so people might not believe you and that's going to be tough to deal with but you absolutely should tell people what he did

  4. He’s 19. It is absolutely not “her choice.” His mother no longer gets to decide whether or not he can come. She cannot legally stop him if he wants to go. She also sounds very abusive and controlling, and this pattern isn’t going to stop. She will continue to throw wrenches in your relationship until it’s dead—and tbh this isn’t much of a relationship at all if he can’t even be there on your birthday, or see you at all without her flipping out. You should ask him how important this relationship is to him, if he recognizes that her behavior is abusive, and whether he’s actually willing to move out. Ultimately, even if he does—she will continue to be a massive problem if he keeps her in his life. You’re still young, and you have time. It might be better for you to end things if he’s not open to breaking the cycle.

  5. He’s single. So he’s just expressing his reality. Which he is entitled to.

    As to why? It could be any number of reasons:

    wants to make it public so that he can accept the reality of it sooner and not be in denial wants to announce it so that his friends will come to his support instead of him seeking it out is excited to be single loves oversharing or literally who knows what else

  6. “I insisted she …” yeah if she were here I’d tell her to call off the wedding.

    It is unfair for you to pay for your father and not hers. You’re correct in that it is you’re money and you can spend it how you please, but it’s still unfair. Your father couldn’t be bothered to show up for key moments of your life and you’re bending over backwards for him. This right here is a red flag that there issues that need addressing.

    She is right. It is weird that you think your father won’t show up if you don’t buy him a hotel room. Her partners are showing up to support you BOTH without a bribe or special treatment.


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