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ethereal_babygirllive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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Room for live sex video chat ethereal_babygirl

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50 thoughts on “ethereal_babygirllive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Leave him? Why are you bothering with an abusive POS? Whys he your responsibility? What good is he to anyone? You are laughing because he's a pathetic joke.

    Walk. And never look back.

  2. She said counseling was a waste of time.

    Sounds like she’s done with the marriage.

    Whatever you do, do not get back with her again. You don’t want her to treat you the same the second time.

  3. Probably because the sex with Alan was so good, she kept him just in case they can hook up again if you guys are on a break. Can you ask her about her feelings for Alan?. He helped her through a traumatic experience and they had tons of great sex, why arent they together?. How important is Alan in her life?.

  4. Yes, you're heating for yourself, but he's still enjoying the comfort of your heating on a daily basis while also not having to pay for his heating at his place. Him participating to the utilities is, in this case, not about using up additional resources, but for the comfort he gets from hanging at your place.

    Housing someone cost way more than 15€ per month, beyond the electricity and water consumption, a whole other person worth of wear on all your appliances and furniture. He's sparing money on your back.

    It's a bit like arguing you don't have to split the gas bill when you're car pooling because “the driver was going at the same destination anyway”. No, you didn't have to use your own gas, plus saved on wearing down your own car, so it's normal you compensate the driver accordingly.

    If you talk to him and he really doesn't want to pay, then maybe you should switch places every month or so? Get him to pay for the utilities with your rent of 30€/month (you + your daughter).

  5. The problem isn't that he wasn't sure about her. It's the disrespect and vulgarity displayed to a child. That says volumes about his character. I wasn't my best self at 19, but I can guarantee I never said something so vulgar to a child. The fact that his reaction isn't shame and apology shows he hasn't changed in the last 7 years.

  6. He can grow up and deal with it. A massage therapist is a professional, there’s nothing sexual going on between you. Don’t screw up something that’s working to improve your health because your boyfriend is acting like a jealous child.

  7. INFO:

    Why didn't she get you anything? I mean, what's her logic. She forgot? Clearly she didn't, because she bought gift for others. Because she didn't know what to get you? You sent her a ton of ideas. Because you didn't get her anything? Nope. You got her some nice stuff.

    So… she didn't get you a gift because she didn't want to. And she feels “kinda bad” about it. And that's all.

    Take that as you will

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  9. I'm sorry OP, that's brutal. It's really very hot to deal with the disconnect of who you know your Mom to be and then her choices. People pick bad partners. It's not uncommon. At the end of the day you are an adult so you are not trapped there, and trust me that is a good thing. Just love your Mom and try to show her grace.

  10. Tell her she needs to see a therapist about him because he clearly traumatized her but you don't have the wherewithal to listen to the constant stream of vitriol about him.

  11. Seriously 2015? Are you really going to make a big deal out of this. This was when he was in high school. You sound exhausting

  12. No. You very literally said he’s a good looking guy and his voice his very hot and you really want to be with him and you think he wants to be with you too. Despite telling you it’s weird and ignoring you.

    Stop. Find someone your own age who doesn’t play video games with 20 years old all day.

  13. This happened to my cousin who is fresh into college. Somebody reached out to him on instagram pretending being a girl who was interested and knew him and tried to extort him and family members. It’s crazy.

  14. Is there a specific reason you've allowed your sister to publicly humiliate your partner or are you already setting the tone of what kind if parent you'll be.

  15. My friend said the exact same thing and I realized… I wouldn’t it sounds terrible to me tbh but honestly it helps that I’m very avoidant in situations like these so I emotionally disconnect very quickly

  16. Jesus wept.

    Grow a pair and brake off whatever farce of a relationship you have with her. She’s using you dude. If she wanted you, you would have been in a proper relationship by now. Instead you’re her emotional and financial slave.

    Bollocks to her, let these ‘other guys’ take that roll. Delete her number, block her on all social media, ignore at work for anything you absolutely have to unless it’s work related and find yourself a proper girlfriend.

  17. Well, you do want to break up with her it seems like you are over her.

    Is she needy? Yes. If you have a needy partner that needs assurance you give her attention and assurance;

    She’s sensing you don’t like her and that she annoys you, and she’s not wrong.

    If you are stringing her along you need to end it and move on.

  18. I'm guessing alot of partners to actors and actresses feel that way. It's also not that uncommon that actors develop feelings to their partners in a movie or play.

    It's just a very hot situation. If anything I would check if there are more experienced people around you that you can ask for advice.

    You should also talk to your gf how to talk about this and how to handle it together.

  19. He also becomes upset if I grab his phone, grabbing it out of my hands right away and calling it annoying.

  20. You stand up, go to your graduation and celebrate your very hot work and years of dedication finally reaching this point. You ignore/ block anyone in your family who decides to give you grief over it. Then you move and cut all ties… they could have chosen any day to get married they picked this day to be assholes….

  21. He gets along really well with my daughter and loves to be goofy an play with her. It's not healthy right now there are times when things get unhealthy and we work through it. He's a good dad for the most part I feel like he's just too darn wrapped up in becoming a full time firefighter so he's stressed. I'm helping in every way I can. I taught him how to swim and tread water so he could pass that test. I've been helping him with his physical fitness although he is very resistant to my advice. He even tells me it's unfair the way I try to cheer him on. He feels like my positive motivation is putting to much pressure on him to succeed. Fuck me for believing in him I guess.

  22. You may not have liked what she said but she was honest with you. I would rather my spouse be completely honest than bullshit me when communicating. I believe in allowing those I love to speak their truth and not punishing them for it. Think about what you want in your marriage. Do you want her honest or not?

  23. You’re taking my comment as “hostile” the same way you feel “insecure” about what he looks at. Give society media & electronic communication a rest.

  24. If you're not ok with it, break up. Don't mention that you looked through her phone though, that was a dick move.

  25. LMAO! Op, not laughing at you, laughing at her lame excuses.

    If someone wants to see you, they will. People tell you they aren’t free that frequently when they do NOT want to see you.

    Plus no one has that many “hiccups” of life circumstances where they don’t put in the effort to then reach back out, fix things.

    Good example… the guy I’m seeing now, our original first date, we had a crazy snow storm warning. So we pushed to the next day. Made sure for safety reasons. Then I asked instead to meet a bit later as did he.

    We still met up for our date and he drove more than 30 mins to get there!

    The point is, people will follow through when truly interested.

    After the second attempt, you should of just unmatched with her live!.

  26. Anytime one person keeps bringing up past issue during new arguments is a huge red flag. Can’t have a healthy stable relationship if resentment over the past keeps being thrown into the mix. And you’re right, this isn’t something you can change. If she can’t accept it there’s no point staying together.

  27. The issue is he's dating a younger person, a student, who's in a way more vulnerable position both mentally and financially.

    Yet he's trying to paint it as if he is married to a full time working woman his age and she's doing nothing.

    He wanted a young inexperienced student? Sorry, that's exactly what he got. And for some wishes you have to pay.

  28. He said he has 300k SAVED up… we’ve had this convo so many times…. I would know what he meant. I know it’s his brothers now through other people and overhearing conversations.

    I actually grew up in a million dollar home, it was actually quit lonely. I very much prefer a small bungalow that has a more homey feel. It’s the Fiancee who grew up in a dingy home and wants a million dollar home now which is quit the opposite of me.

    But I bet you would never respond back to this post cuz you would rather very much believe your own narrative of me being a gold digger.

    I appreciate your opinion of me thought.

  29. This is usually an unpopular opinion, but it worked for my now husband and I. Been together for 15 years, married around year 10, met and the end of college.

    We also got to this point about 5 years into our relationship. He assured me he was 100% committed to me, but wasn’t ready for marriage.

    It was incredibly very hot, but we decided to go our separate ways for a few months. And this is what I would suggest to you. Those months, we checked in with each other once a week at the same time, but that was the limit of our contact. It was also completely 100% don’t ask, don’t tell. No social media. And I left the country, it would have been exceedingly difficult for us to remain in the same city and so this.

    After 3 months apart, we were still deeply in love with each other, but had found ourselves, as individuals, once again. He still wasn’t ready to get married, so I enrolled in business school, and he was ready by the time I graduated 18 months later. To me, he was worth waiting for, but I wasn’t going to wait around for him without working on myself and growing myself at the same time. I wasn’t going to waste the waiting time on him, I was going to wait and spend that time on me.

    We dated for 10 years before getting married, are having our first baby this year on our 5 year anniversary. We had a really fun, loving 15 years with just the 2 of us, and are really excited about this next chapter of our lives.

    Do some people suck and just drag people along because they love you but don’t want to be married specifically you? Only to marry the next person they date in less than year? Sure. If Reddit is any indication, it’s sadly common.

    But some people and relationships just move along at their own pace.

    You have been with your boyfriend since you were a child. You guys don’t know yourselves outside of the couple, not really. You need to get some perspective. Take some time apart and see where you are afterwards. It’s a hard thing to do, but if you set good boundaries, it could be a very loving, important step towards the life you want, with or without him.

  30. Yes. But he already said that he doesn’t want and like to get that angry. So I’m looking for some strategies that might help him achieve that.

  31. What should I do?

    You should stop making decisions about what's best for her and treating her like she's a child who is not capable of making adult decisions.

  32. Rule 2: All submissions must request advice on a specific situation between two or more people. No submissions giving advice, no links, no youtube videos, hypotheticals, what would you do, rants, or letters to people.

    Your post violates one or more of these and has been removed. If you have any questions regarding this removal, reply to this message.

  33. Depends on your relationship with him. You might want to get more information about alcoholism first. As best you can, answer this quiz as if you were him. If thinking through what his answers might be makes you more worried, then probably he has a drinking problem.

    You can decide then if you want to try to help him or withdraw from the relationship. If you decide to stay then you would probably benefit from being in a support group.

  34. Depends on your relationship with him. You might want to get more information about alcoholism first. As best you can, answer this quiz as if you were him. If thinking through what his answers might be makes you more worried, then probably he has a drinking problem.

    You can decide then if you want to try to help him or withdraw from the relationship. If you decide to stay then you would probably benefit from being in a support group.

  35. Firstly, he thinks he is in a position to “teach a lesson” to his partner by demeaning you & treating you as though you are beneath him.

    Secondly, he really thinks he's better than other men because he “does chores and stuff”? Doesn't he realize that sharing the household duties is a basic expectation of a relationship? It's not the 1950's, you're not spending your day in white dress & pearls as Susie Homemaker while he's off earning money somewhere. You both work, you both contribute financially, there's no fixed role expectations here other than what you've both agreed to.

    What he has shown you is that he's willing to discard you when things get tough. He's willing to act as your punisher when he feels you need it, and is willing to demean you to make whatever nonsense point it is he feels he needs to make. Even when upset, a good partner does not do things to hurt or damage you in such a way. A good partner does not attempt to “teach” you anything through hurtful and demeaning tactics.

    I think you've uncovered a pretty severe issue with your relationship here. If this is how he is going to behave when you argue, it's certanly not going to get any better from here unless he can understand why what he did was so absolutely shitty

  36. I have nothing but questions. Who put her on a 5150 hold and what behaviors of hers were so severe that that was warranted? She thinks she was going through “psychosis,” so is she on meds and seeing a mental health provider now? What was actually the issue? You mention her acting weird on social media and don’t expand on this.

    You plotting behind her back to have a therapist come to your house was honestly bad enough, but what you did led to her basically getting kidnapped and drugged. I wouldn’t be surprised if she never forgave you. Why the fuck couldn’t you just ask her how she’s feeling and encourage her to get help on her own if necessary?! You took away her agency and I can’t imagine how helpless and out of control she felt when these people came and snatched her. How awful.


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