FitaBambita online sex chats for YOU!

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For good lucky [GOAL MET]

22 thoughts on “FitaBambita online sex chats for YOU!

  1. As someone the age of your BF I can tell you that absolutely no normal 38 year old will consider dating a 19 year old. For most people my age that’s as ridiculous as you dating someone 19 years younger than you, which would be a baby. It’s insane. The life experience is vastly different between a 19 and 38 year old and the power dynamics will be very much in his favour, and you will probably not even notice all the little ways in which he leads or manipulates you until you’re much older. Only someone who likes pulling the strings and enjoys being in charge and controlling the relationship would go for a girlfriend that much younger. He’s not into an equal relationship, or he would date women much closer to his age. So I’d advise you to break up with him and find someone close to your age that’s looking for an equal in a relationship. This will give you a much healthier experience and set you up for much more success relationship wise down the line.

  2. This would be when I go put the dress on with the bra and go “DOES THIS LOOK RIGHT CHAD!?” be as passive aggressive as fuck, go to his next party with the ensemble and keep reminding him that “this is how it's supposed to look according to Chad”

    Make him embarrassed as fuck when all his buddies look at him like he's a moron. When it's all said and done say “don't ever fucking tell me how my shit works”

    Or you could just a) never bring any womanly thing up again with him knowing he's an idiot or b) you dump him and find someone who knows to stay in their lane.

  3. OP saw your edit. Please cut yourself off from her for this “break” to work and get yourself a therapist. Otherwise this move is meaningless. Actually take the time to enjoy college, see if you can do another study abroad program, etc. Go online. I guarantee once you do you’ll see everyone was right

  4. OP saw your edit. Please cut yourself off from her for this “break” to work and get yourself a therapist. Otherwise this move is meaningless. Actually take the time to enjoy college, see if you can do another study abroad program, etc. Go online. I guarantee once you do you’ll see everyone was right

  5. think of it as an alternative journal no one reads

    No, that's not how Twitter works.

    wasn't a classy thing

    Very unclassy.

    she feels attacked in her morals and won't forget

    A bit of an overreaction, but I'd feel the same. I wouldn't want to be with a guy who publicly likes or comments on lingerie photos. It's a big difference in values. You can't really apologize your way out of that. You've shown your values and they just don't match hers. She says it makes sense your relationship will end, and I'd agree. There are women out there who won't mind, or at least who won't mind that you did this in the past, but she's not one of them. I'd rip the band-aid off this relationship and move on.

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  7. yes I'm ready to work but there's no need to make money now, it makes much much more sense if I spend this age and time on studying. And figure out what's wrong with me, learn to regulate my emotions, etc.. It is taking forever, though. It's very very nude for me. To be honest, and you can downvote me again for this, I believe that my brothers has similar issues to me and is not attached to his emotions. I think he's very judgemental (the irony) and not close to his own emotions so he doesn't understand how what he is saying hurts me. This is not to blame him, just a piece to say my perspective

  8. He sounds like an absolute shit bag

    Does he care for your other child at least

    I'm sorry you're pregnant with another of his children.

  9. When I said weight I meant healthy weight whether you have to go up or down. Esp if you feel unattractive. Build a little muscle. Do some meal planning. I usually cut up fruit/veggies and leave in the fridge and when I walk by I grab a snack in between meals. Feed your body. Stay hydrated. This is what helps with ability to handle stress, mentation, critical thinking, decision making etc.

  10. Yeah , though he wasn't telling me what to do, he was just giving advice on what he thinks would be better based on the fact we own the house and have pets. Anyways, I think I'll take my shit and leave. I know we had big problems, but he is just torturing me emotionally. I just saw him chatting on a dating app and smile like if he were in love. I feel like he was just looking for excuses to end the relationship so he could be free.

  11. Something is very fishy about his reasoning, because when he wants to act like you are in a relationship then I do not see the problem to call it a relationship.

    I mean it would be really strange but maybe he does not like the words “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”.

    My theiry would be he uses this “label”-thing as an excuse to stay out of an official relationship with you. Why he is doing it is a difficult question. Like I said it could be attempt to built up a “cake-eating” scenario, could be something different (e.g. he is building you up as “the other woman” and does not want to deal with the problems that arise if and when you make it official)

    What I do know is that it is a redflag for your potential relationship as it is a attempt using DARVO to stop you from making your own decisions.

  12. Why would he put your name on it? You're not married, you've not been together even a year. Why would he take such a huge risk by giving you half the rights to his house when you aren't paying for it? And if you're living there, why wouldn't you pay towards bills and costs?

  13. God some of these comments are not it. Of course you should feel hurt especially since she chose to share it with someone else and not you. I mean if you can't come to your spouse about things like this, that says enough about your relationship as it. She is also being very dismissive of your feelings? Is that a common thing?

    What are these other trust issues related to?

  14. You need to come clean to him about going into his phone. Tell him about your insecurities about trust. Then you can tell him what you saw. If he is sexting, messaging people, this is an EA. This is cheating. You need to find out has he met up with anyone physically. You also should get an STD test.

  15. My ‘overreacting’ comment was not my immediate response; it was in response to him going silent about it for a few days. I thought he was taking it a bit far. On reflection while we joke like that in private, it was a bit crass in public. I accepted this and take ownership for it.

  16. She played you for a sucker.

    Next time, have some self respect and end it when a partner wants a “break.”

    It's pathetic you want to stay with her.

    Dump her and tell everyone why.


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