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12 thoughts on “FoxesFoo live webcams for YOU!

  1. Make sure you have a clear understating of your finances. Make copies of records and know how to access all accounts. Prepare yourself to divorce him and get full custody with child support. This is so messed up.

  2. Also remember that you only have a baby for one year. Then you have a toddler, a child, a teen and then an adult. If your heart isn’t in it to raise and guide a whole life, you should listen.

  3. Listen, as someone more than twice your age: While you are legally an adult, it's not like some magic occurs the moment you turn 18 and you become this super-experienced adult. Not how it works. And even if it would – you were sexually assaulted. That's nothing age will ever prepare you for.

    There may indeed not be anything that can be legally done to your aunt, but that doesn't mean that there is nothing that can be done for you – because you are traumatized and you need help with that. Mental wounds heal slower and far worse than physical ones, so your aunt not hurting you physically means nothing. This means that you shouldn't keep your “mouth shut”. You possibly need a trauma therapist and you need support.

    I don't know your family and can't tell you whom you should talk to. Maybe choose the family member you trust the most and, if you feel like you can't get the right words out, just print out this post here and show them. If you feel like you can't trust any of them and if you are still in school, you could also talk to a trusted teacher. Just please talk to someone. Keeping this bottled in is incredibly unhealthy and you absolutely should never, ever be forced to be around your aunt again.

  4. Without proof it's very hot. But I would tell him he crossed a boundary and if he wants her then he needs to go. I would also tell him that you don't want her around your child when your not home, tell him that her coming over without you being there is a deal breaker. I would also set up nanny cams, so that you can watch from your phone anytime

  5. I know that he is straight, and just recently broke up with a girlfriend so is currently single, which does add to my concern.

  6. Thanks for your message. She offered me to make it clear to him that this tension does not work and she does not want that anymore. But I am not sure if she will do this or not. Difficult situation. I also have to say that after she told me that, I didn't tell her that she had to do that. Maybe I should have been more consistent.

  7. You are not crazy, and you'll both be happier going separate ways. You like dogs and he loves dogs. Two different things, hopefully he will realize, if he keeps messaging you block him. Here we have zero tolerance for harassment.

    I'll just give some perspective because I am like him on one thing. Dogs are the absolute best. Period. For a human to add value to my life when my life already had a dog, said human would have to bring different things than what my dog already brought. To me it was so weird to think that some of my dates were jealous of my dog, like, a dog is a dependable-adorable-baby, none of those traits are things I look for in a life-partner.

    That said, my husband (also a dog-person) and I have basic standards for training the dogs to not eat food from the table or to only jump on the bed when we tell them to (so we can have our private time without dogs watching). The dogs come to work with us and everywhere, but we have also trained them to be alone for a few hours so we can try new things (hobbies, restaurants, etc).

  8. Like prisons care about inmate safety. It’s just a further way to dehumanize, punish, and hurt them.


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