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22 thoughts on “Francisca the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. As we mature, we find out who we are, our values change, and we grow in different directions. Friends who don't mature at the same rate or whose values don't align with ours anymore get left behind, and that is okay. It is good you are recognizing that you and she are no longer a good fit. Distance yourself and move on. You have outgrown this friendship, and that is no ones fault.

  2. Yeah, different girl but they are actually complete opposites when it comes to everything besides posting their bodies on the internet.

  3. I don't think this is going to work out, they are highly codependent former FWB, he clearly seems to value hey more than you, and I think at this point even if he tones it down and starts putting you first you are too far gone with you dislike to tolerate her in his life at all. He good significant portions of their past, you already told him not to come home. Honestly, it sounds like you already broke of the relationship and he agreed since he said he'd pack his things. She's highly interwoven into both him and his families lives, they're just isn't room for you. As to why he proposed to you, I haven't got the slightest clue.

  4. Well personally i wouldn’t want to go out on a Sunday night because I have work the next morning even if it’s a “late morning” because personally I wouldn’t want to risk potentially feeling hungover or crappy or not getting enough sleep but that’s me personally and I don’t know why she didn’t want to go Sunday night and she’s not here to speak for herself so that’s why I’m only talking about him more. But if you read what I said I said she should explain why Friday is so important vs next Saturday or even Sunday. Also to be fair we don’t know if she didn’t give a reason maybe she did give a reason and he just didn’t mention it. To me there’s not enough information to be able to give good advice because there are a lot of variables we don’t know. But I didn’t say he should change his plans just maybe she’s not understanding why it’s so important to him. Some people need time alone to recover and just be alone and maybe she just doesn’t understand that or thinks he’s just playing video games why can’t he put them aside for a bit to be with me? Or there is things being left out of the story because he doesn’t want to admit that maybe he plays games more than hanging out with her and this is like her last straw. Again this is all just examples of things that could be going on in her head. I do not know her or him. All I’m saying is open and calm and honest conversations are the only way to really understand where someone is coming from. Because all of our brains think and work differently so sometimes in the moment people react incorrectly because they are viewing it through a different lens than what he is so both of them taking the time to explain cause maybe she feels like i do about Sunday so it makes sense why she wouldn’t want to go Sunday night. His feelings are valid about not wanting to change plans and being upset she’s being stubborn but so is she which is why open communication is needed between them right now. This is my opinion if you don’t like it that is your right and you don’t have to agree either. Disclaimer though my opinions are based on the info I have currently and is subject to change if I get new info.

  5. Don’t do anything. Girls will do whatever they want to do. If she is yours, she will stay loyal by her choice. If she is a cheater, she will hook up with him and any of your potential tantrums will not prevent it. Watch and see & draw conclusions. A little flirting is harmless in itself, just let her. It’s a spice of life.

  6. I in no way want to leave my partner at all, a relationship with both would be the best case scenario here for me. Being able to care and provide for them both would make me feel complete. My partner is attracted to her friend as well but obviously doubt she feels the same way I do about her.

    Look… Best case scenario my partner exepts how I feel and we address it with her friend and she's willing to give the whole relationship thing a go. But not every one gets a fairy tale ending ?

  7. Unfortunate realities of heteronormative relationships though. It becomes very black and white. I'm non labeled but would identify as pan I guess, my partner identifies along the lines of queer, and we're a bit more comfortable with friendships and affection in a lot of ways… however when dealing with straight men, I am very particular because most of the time they have not cared if I was in a relationship and will see affection as an open door. Similar with straight women towards my partner. I do prefer to be affectionate but most of the world does not see it platonically.

  8. That's quite literally why I put in quotation-marks, because it's not easy. She won't be bankrupt I'm not sure where you got that from. Whether or not he wants the money shouldn't impact whether he stays.

    She won't be truly remorseful, she will be sorry she is caught.I'm not sure why it matters it wasn't physical( again only distance stopped that), sexting is an emotional affair, that's arguably worse. Not to mention It lasted half a goddamn year, that's a full blown relationship.

    You're right it will impact his children, so will staying in horrid marriage which this is. “Staying for kids” is very damaging and children pick up on that.

    You say there is loads of trust to rebuild, but truly could he ever trust her again? You would be fool to do so ever again. A relationship without trust is like sitting in a car without petrol, you can sit there all you want, but at the end of the day you know it's not going anywhere.

  9. So she wasn’t attacked at night by strangers. She was attacked in her home by her partner.

    Are you aware that most women who are murdered are murdered by an intimate partner? Jesus Christ.

  10. Oh for sure I'm glad I can help, he sounds like a really solid person and that makes me happy for you.

  11. The amount of time he spends cooking so she doesn’t go hungry for 12 hours! Fresh fruits and veg and a sandwich can get you through just fine. Put a mini fridge next to the bed if you want her to be able to have something like yogurt or cottage cheese that needs refrigeration, but a lunch box with an ice pack is just fine too.

  12. He's also clearly shown in his post that he does not communicate well with his spouse, and this post is full of missing information. It isn't hot to put together that her side would be massively different to his, and probably make more sense

  13. I really really appreciate that response because that is exactly what I did. I am taking space from him for a while which is a big deal because we always talk all day and see each other most days. I don’t really have issues with girl friends but I would definitely tease him about it and ask for reassurance that he’s not into her. It’s the hiding that is truly terrible. He is graduating and says there is absolutely no way he will ever see her again.

  14. First of all, I have no idea what you're talking about. I want “blocked by more than one Redditor”.

    Second, if you don't want a response, don't post.

    Third, this trend of diagnosing mental illness by non-professionals has to stop. There seems to be a group of folks who believe shitty people do not exist, thus having other individuals deal with their problems and waste their time. You don't respond to abusive behavior with “compassionate curiosity”. People are not there to be punching bags for your edification.


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