Gerda Goddess the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Gerda Goddess, 21 y.o.


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Gerda Goddess on-line sex chat

38 thoughts on “Gerda Goddess the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Yeah… I’m from Lebanon and this isn’t a thing really. Friends and family always around each other… it’s a western thing related to individualism, hyper ambitious behaviour, etc.

    Anyway I online here and I will deal with how it is here :). Thank you for the clarification

  2. I've never even asked the majority of women I've been with what their body count was man. It didn't matter so long as they weren't screwing around on me.

  3. I mean, trust your gut. She did a shitty thing but handled it correctly considering. If you choose to work through it this time, if there is a next time then you know for sure.

  4. Amy is bisexual dude. She's fucking you and obviously attracted to you. We already know she likes girls. She's bisexual.

    You fucked up by opening the relationship in the first place.

  5. You have given all the advice you need to yourself:

    I’ve always cared to be with someone that appreciates my natural body type, because I don’t have insecurities- I don’t want to be with a man that gives me them.

    Be who you are. If he is looking for someone else: Show him the door.

  6. Med school is not just 4 years. It’s that, plus residency and potentially fellowships for further specialization, complicated job searches, etc. It’s very common for literally married couples to break up during that time bc it’s so very hot on couples. If you have all these challenging goals together, I would wait on marriage. You will come out different people when you’re done with these programs. Being strapped into a relationship in this way just hampers your choices frankly (speaking from experience).

  7. Usually when a 23 year old female is with a 30 year old male, and the relationship sucks, she’s at least getting fucked.

  8. What do you mean by you people? Hoping around from comment to comment harassing people for giving a different perspective then you is unhinged and freaking deranged. Did you just switch accounts to make a new comment? Checks out

  9. Having a baby is a bigger life-changing event than marriage. He shouldn't have gotten her pregnant in the first place when he knows she wants to get married.

  10. She needs to be her own financial stability. She can't depend on you or anybody else for that. That's not how it works unless you're a gold digger or a sugar baby. If you want to help her, then encourage her to go to school to either get a degree or a trade. To get a job that pays more. But she has to make the effort to improve her own life and the lives of her children she shouldn't be depending on you for that at all. And the fact that you were paying all of her bills starting at 3 months of dating her, are you crazy?

    Stop paying her bills. You're being used whether she intends it that way or not. Alimony is paid to a divorced partner, not a girlfriend. Child support is only paid to biological children or adopted children, not a girlfriend's children that are not yours. And if she's talking to you about wanting you to help pay for the kids and whatnot, you're just a checkbook.

  11. Winning answer here….what amazes me is how some guys make it so awkward. You should be able to tell if a woman is remotely interested. At the very least bring it up naturally in a conversation so it doesn't get weird.

  12. Do you think he could be lying because he's ashamed he did? If he is lying. Weird smells get into weird places sometimes

  13. A few mistakes here. When we left the bedroom I started to play with our baby right away. She stayed in bed. I didn’t get upset about that. When she came out she went right to the kitchen to make coffee and after making coffee she went into the bathroom to go and do her face routine. After she came over to us and asked if I needed to go to the bathroom. I said no but I would like to switch out to brush my teeth. She than made the comment to not take 3 hours to make breakfast.

    (I actually cook and clean as a man) I think you assumed she did the cleaning. I also work too, we both do.

    She typically is breastfeeding or sleeping with the baby, so during that time I clean and cook for us. Not saying I’m helping out at all as it’s a shared responsibility as parents and partners.

    When I mentioned she could go to sleep she actually heard me and did not respond as we talked about it later. It’s actually something we do , if one person is feeling tired and the other has the capacity we let the tired one sleep in and the other holds it down with the baby.

    These aren’t buzzwords, maybe I’m a mental health professional and these are real words that actually are representing what I experienced.

    I mentioned the emotional regression as me holding myself accountable for a behavior that was not healthy. I don’t typically do that, it was in response of stress and frustration of dealing with an issue we’ve talked about for a while now.

    When she put on Ms. Rachel I did mention how she had an attitude correct? That’s not how people communicate anything to anyone. That was unhealthy. I don’t deserve to be talked to as such. That behavior doesn’t warrant a response. If I was level headed I could’ve pointed it out, but I was reactive.

    I definitely see my fault in this , my issue is that she typically can never find fault in her actions or contributions to fights. I do all of the emotional labor. Another buzz word that is actually real.

    I’m sorry if my story might have brought up some unresolved emotions in you.

  14. Dump him. 19 is too young to have to with that very hot to make it work. You'll be “working” at your relationship the rest of your life when things get harder. Right now should be the easiest time in your lives together. Don't be afraid of finding someone else to love you and appreciate you. It'll happen. Love yourself first. Dunno this guy.

  15. You skipped your child’s 18th birthday dinner to sleep with his best friend and lied to him for the reason.

    “Once we stepped in my house I told him how bad I felt to what I did to my son” Obviously not that bad as you spent the night with the guy and accepted a proposal the next day.

    Absolutely disgusting story and I hope that if you do meet up he tears you a new one again and then tells you that you are dead to him and goes full NC forever.

    This is bordering on grooming and you should feel ashamed of yourself. I just hope for your sake you come up with a better story for when your new child asks how you and daddy met.

  16. You cannot love him into having capacity to partner with you in a loving, caring way. Idk why the bar is so low for you that you’ve accepted this arrangement that to us readers seems without benefit to you and detrimental to your whole self. Perhaps therapy could help you find your center and trust yourself that your needs and requests are reasonable legitimate and also not going to be met in this relationship. You want a partner, and he doesn’t seem constitutionally capable. It’s not that he’s withholding something he has to give you. He doesn’t have it to give.

  17. This is normal for most people right now following the pandemic. We all were blindsided by that and now trying to get into dating again is so very hot. Don't be hot on your appearance because most people will think you're attractive. Everyone has a type and u guarantee you'll find a perfect person. Sometimes it's when you least expect it and it happens organically. 🙂

  18. Maybe but that is a long time ago at this point. Not sure after he actually proposed to her, they had a miscarriage and he basically dumped his ex on Christmas what else he can do here at this point.

  19. Dude, if there's any delivery service, trust me, your government made sure to assign a specific number/placement to your house.

    If you don't know it – just say it, stop dancing around with “I know my own address”.

    It sure sounds like you do not, you just know where you online.

  20. Because not telling him means she carries the guilt alone forever and a poison is introduced to their relationship.

    Telling him later that she killed their child will devastate him.

    Honesty would be the better decision, but only to people thinking clearly.

    Tell him today you are pregnant. Get his thoughts on your upcoming termination. He may have thoughts and ideas you do not. He may have a solution or a support you never imagined.

  21. more upset saying I don’t actually sound sorry and not listening to him

    That is the one and only problem, right there.

    You're not doing what he wants you to do, in the way he wants you to. And he's going to continue being abusive and gross about it until you cave, or leave. Please leave. You deserve an equal, not a boss.

  22. Ah fair dos. Acting lessons has been my favourite but it's the only one I've finished. I've played some of Fetish locator and Being a Dik. I was playing one called Lust academy not long ago which was okay also.

  23. Take the legal route, there is no point in trying to be nice. Get as much documentation as you can about their behaviour and lies. If it's legal record conversations with them.

  24. He sounds depressed and unwilling to help himself to be honest. I’m getting strong “eeyore” vibes.

    It’s very hot to be spontaneous when you have a job, home to care for, doggo, etc. You still have to research trails like in your example. So maybe research the trails and put them in a jar like someone else mentioned and pick one and go.

    Or sit down and brainstorm (together) some things you’d like to do at some point and put those in the jar too and when you have some time on a weekend, pull out one of the ideas.

    I’m also a fan of volunteer work. Again, not so spontaneous if you’re doing things like walking dogs at the local shelter. But I do wildlife rescue/transport and that definitely is spontaneous. I never know when I’m going to get a call to come get an injured or orphaned critter.

    At the end of the day though, all of this mental load shouldn’t fall on you. You’re not a cruise director—you shouldn’t have to entertain him. He needs to participate in creating his own happiness. If he’s so bored, he needs to get out and try a new hobby on his own, meet new people, etc not just wait for you to come up with something.

  25. You are not a good guy. You are a cheater . You got a new lease on life away from drugs and mess and you are destroying the new life with old habits. You are gonna lose everything and you deserve to.

  26. That’s what I was thinking, I think when we talk I will say that I am totally willing to take that time and space as long as she is seeking help. I have my fair share of trauma in life, but I’m on meds and go to therapy while she does not currently. We’ve talked about it before but there have been road blocks in the past with insurances. She will be switching next month so if she is unwilling to seek help then I think I know my answer. Thanks!


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