Good Girls Mansion on-line webcams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Good Girls Mansion on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I have a feeling these posts are being made to train AI chat bots not fan fiction. Just saying. That would make way more sense

  2. Fetishes like that don’t happen out of nowhere he was probably hiding it from you. And at some point he got in to deep and didn’t care enough to hide anymore. Idk if he was watching that porn you don’t think he was doing other things like going on grindr? You don’t know who this man is. Shit like this doesn’t just come a few months of femboy porn

  3. It's probably something he's not proud of. Just take the bull by the horns, say his dad told you and try not to be overly confrontational or back him into a corner.

    I'd say that he's speaking fondly of the night despite that is a point for how much he cares about you.

  4. Hello /u/thexsillyxzone,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  5. 1. Buy a car. #2. Buy a bed. These are things you should definitely have by now. #3. Break up if she's gonna disregard your needs when she's angry. That's toxic and borderline abusive behavior on her part.

  6. No it's not fine in a work environment where bosses are around (or their spies are). What you do at your own locations is one thing but a work environment is a 100% no-no.

  7. Harsh truth. Ditch her. That's not a mistake. It never is with that sort of thing. Sorry to be so blunt but it's true. It could happen again or it might not, but past behavior is very much indicative of future behavior.

  8. I’m feel bad for OP because of the wording in the post. “Size of my penis” “measuring” etc… At no point does he say the GF said how BIG it was… Little bit soul crushing there for the OP because lord knows if she’d been bragging about how big the post would have read

    “My GF told her family about my BIG PENIS. And how men measure theirs (takes less time than me measuring mine, because it’s so big) and her 13yr old sister (13 being a coincidental number of inches) told the family I had a big penis. Penis big penis penis. Big. But then she went upstairs crying (probably sad my penis is so big) so I had to go comfort her, with my big penis, and now I’m left penis how bigly my big penis. So Reddit, pene I the biggis?”

    Or words to that effect…

  9. You've got a real naked time accepting no as an answer. People are allowed to do, or not do, whatever they wish. Whether there's a specific reason your girlfriend doesn't have an interest in the show or not- no should be enough for you without an explanation, without pushing, without beating a dead horse. Based on her reaction and the line she drew- it sounds like you've really annoyed the shit out of her by trying to cross a boundary multiple times.

    It might be important to you for her to watch it, but to her it was important that you understand your persistence on the topic is not appreciated. So is your agenda of watching a tv show together more important then her feelings/boundaries? If so- it's a situation where you might not be a good match.

  10. I know a girl like this. Cut off complete contact or she will escalate and it’s going to mean restraining orders and police. I would bet the farm that there is untreated trauma and sexual and emotional abuse in her past. Likely from parents. You will never make progress with this person as a partner or friend. Paid her gym in full for the length of time you are comfortable with. Ask the staff there to confirm with her when her next payment is due and how long it’s paid for and block her.

  11. It's simple really

    You tell everybody that Roger isn't your father, your dad is.

    And as such your dad will be walking you down the isle

    If people have an issue with that they simply don't come to the wedding

  12. I’d say try be more open-minded and positive as possible while also being honest about how you want to remain the number one option with your boyfriend. Hopefully, your boyfriend reassures you enough to help you feel more secure and maybe even you’ll get to know this new friend better. Imagine all the embarrassing stories she can tell you about your boyfriend. She won’t be a threat if she’s your friend too you know.

  13. Your boyfriend wants 2 women in his life. You want to just be with him. He is going to continue to try to brazenly maneuver his way to having another women in your relationship. Whatever boundary or line you put up he is going to continuously chip away at it. This is what people do in relationships that don't respect their partners booudnaries. They try to wear you down and are opportunistic.

    My question would be why are you with someone who isn't listening to you and putting you in uncomfortable situations?

  14. A lot of times in the beginning of a relationship the sex is great, there’s lots of sex it’s new and exciting and then as you get more comfortable with one another that’s when you see people’s actual sex drives come out. So just because you had sex a lot in the beginning doesn’t mean her threshold for sexual activity is the same. In other words, you shouldn’t necessarily judge someone’s sexual preferences in the beginning of a relationship. The amount of sex you have now is most likely her preference for sex. Either way you have to actually ask her and have an honest conversation about it because trust me, you would rather know now than years down the line whether or not you are sexually compatible.

  15. i didnt think about it that way and that makes a lot of sense on how it could affect them, too. thanks for ur input 🙂

  16. Adam isn’t a good person. He was having a whole other relationship while dating your friend. Is it really that naked to choose? If that’s the kind of company you want to be around then go ahead, just don’t be surprised when Tonya Lowers/cuts contact with you as well.

  17. It’s easy to day that signing an agreement protects you. Technically it does. The reality, particularly in intimate relationships, is that it doesn’t. You’ll be living together. If it turns sour and he wants you out a piece of paper is not going to protect you against harassment and shitty behavior in your own home.

  18. Jesus Christ, for so many people claiming I didn't read what was going on they sure do be putting words in my mouth. I said, and continue to say, that OP needs to be an adult and speak to their spouse. No, not come at him all self righteous, emboldened with Reddit saying “YASS QUEEN! A WOMAN INTUITION IS NEVER WRONG!” like women are levitating above the rest of us with superpower level psychic ability.

    Most of her examples boil down to “he's interacting with this woman and I'm jealous, clearly he's cheating while also stating that he is extroverted with every employee. She just doesn't like him interacting with “that* employee… I don't subscribe to the idea he's cheating, especially based on the “evidence”.

    Talk to your spouse. No, not aggressively accuse them of cheating. Cheating or not that would put anyone on their heels. Talk, and more importantly, listen. THAT is talking, THAT may actually lead to a resolution and perhaps set her mind at ease.

    Reddits default idea of “OMG definitely cheating based on this miniscule snippet of your relationship!”. The sheer volume of people that advocate nuking relationships is insane and in to way helps OP. People come here for advice to SAVE their relationship, to help; people can end relationships for any and all reasons, they don't need Reddits permission to do so and a bunch of people suggesting to do so is counterproductive and in no way helps.

    I mean really think about it, these people work in the restaurant industry. If one or all of their coworkers know that there is infidelity involved they would absolutely have already told her. Those who have such a career are ALWAYS looking for gossip and love to cause drama if for nothing else but to break up the monotony of day-to-day activities of the service industry. How no one seems to have made that realization is beyond me.

    One of OP's “proof” of infidelity is coworkers giving her side eye presumably about how their spouse treats this woman. That does not prove cheating….at all.

    It is just as plausible this is a middle aged woman being jealous of a much younger, much prettier coworker. To ignore the possibility is disingenuous.

  19. Girl he is not joking that is his way of showing you that you are below him and he is showing that to your family and friends. Because he knows his family and friends will shut that ish down

  20. I dont think that's reasonable. Have you explained your reasoning for the hyphenated name? If he knows it and still doesnt care personally I wouldn't budge and simply end the relationship there. I dont care for rash actions but I understand your connection to the name and I believe that a non negotiable issue

  21. Honestly, she sounds like she has a psychological disorder and your being codependent with your daughter.

    My daughter has psychological problems and still lives with us. I fear she will hurt herself. I got myself into individual therapy and her as well.

    I hope you do the same.


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