Hitomiai live! sex chats for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Hitomiai live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. But why not just watch a video if it's what you enjoy? Some partners aren't comfortable with sending nudes, so going to the internet one can solve that issue real quick and move on. Also citing erotica as a better alternative is kind of funny considering how much toxic and downright rapey most erotic novels are.

  2. Really, if not for this aspect I'd say you were being unreasonable. But given he throws away money like this, yeah, the “I have no momney” excuse is pretty bad.

  3. To add to this – if it did progress to him like pushing to hang out with her, or anything like that, that’s where I would feel the need to step in and say something. If right now he just has a harmless crush and brings her up sometimes, that’s fine but him actively wanting to spend more time with her, checking if she’ll be at things w you both, or hanging out with her alone, that would be an issue.

  4. I wouldn't find it hurtful, but I would not find it workable. “That won't work for me. Visiting people is fine, but I'll always want my own place.”

  5. This can't be real. And if it is, you're a gross human being. You're a complete narcissist, and have no business being in a relationship with your severe immaturity and shitload of insecurities. Grow up and get some therapy.

  6. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Seriously. This has been a lot of work and you haven’t even really dated him. You had a fun week that. Leave it at that.

  7. This is ridiculous. She’s terrible with money and spending yours like it’s hers. Why did her business fail? Why didn’t she pay you back? I absolutely wouldn’t proceed with a partner who behaved like this.

  8. This post and your comments are really odd.

    I won't tell my daughters father exactly where I online because he was abusive and had broken into my house before.

    Either he is up to something shady or doesn't trust you. Sounds like there is more to this story than you are letting on.

  9. He is either lazy and being supported. Or he is depressed. He could be depressed from being lazy and bored or clinically. The problem with depressed people is we don’t want to do anything including the doctor. If you think he is depressed try to convince him to visit your GP. Many respond well to basic anti depressants,

  10. *Everyone defended him in the comments*

    Great! He can go and talk to them 24/7!

    *outed her as an awful heartless human being*

    Even better! If he does this to you and others comment on you being an awful heartless human being, highlight that comment and tell them to reach out to him and be a NOT awful heartless human being and befriend him.

    I would tell him, “I am not a therapist. I wish I could help you but I cannot. This being the case, I am ending this relationship with you. I wish you the best and hope you find the help you need and deserve.”

    If he tries to guilt or “humiliate” you in front of others, so be it.

    We do not set ourselves on fire to warm others.

    Good luck, Op!

  11. I mean…this is how he handles conflict. Doesn't sound fun to deal with and I keep hearing “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…”

  12. You mean EX-boyfriend?

    Cause that’s the only thing that matters when someone body shames you in a relationship instead of drooling over how hard they find you.

    If he’s not wanting to bang you 24/7 cause he finds you wildly attractive? You are with the wrong person! Like if someone is in love with you, even if you put on 20lbs they are still going to want to go at it with you in bed!

    Op, you are with a partner who literally is TOO shallow towards you!

  13. You proposed to her so you could online with your dog. Do you see how everything went downhill from there?

    I don’t think you have it in you to do what needs to be done – and that’s to break the engagement. You’re both entirely too young to get married – she’s demonstrated this by pressuring & “convincing” you, and you’ve demonstrated it by caving to her wishes in spite of what you want.

    If you’re not willing to do anything differently, you’ll be married even though it’s not what you want.

  14. Even if it is only physical, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t happen again. It can be physical with literally anyone.

    Please leave this man before you get tied to him as another BM.


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