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26 thoughts on “ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I would put more boundaries and possibly finding a different place to move. No offense, but the more you stay in this situation, you're going to still end up in love with him and you won't be able to move on. So you either have him set the ground straight and tell you straight up, or you will need to get out and move on.

    Best of luck to you.

  2. I’m not at all. As I said, I know she isn’t romantically attracted to him or anything, it’s just the act itself I thought was weird

  3. If he has access to your email account, he could have typed reddit into the search bar and found a verification email. They include your username in that email. Or, he just opened the app or website on one of your devices when you hadn't logged out, so it opened automatically (or saw your username when you were on it). I would imagine there are creepier ways of getting it, but I wouldn't know them personally. So best case scenario, he looked over your shoulder. Any other scenario, he accessed your accounts, devices, or some alternative worse method.

  4. She says she's happy single so don't get back with her. Doesn't matter if she is talking to anyone else, single people still talk. It sounds like while you were “open” she wasn't aware of your behavior, so how open was it really? Open relationships have communication and avoid hiding and lying.

    And yeah her having sex with someone after the breakup isn't cheating or betraying.

  5. You might not have thought anything about Chris' behavior, but he clearly found you attractive and was probably trying to give a real good impression. He probably spent more time outside to be near you on purpose.

    Stay clear of weirdo Chris that is painting his wife as irrational, but was having ulterior motives around you.

    In the future, treat a couple like a couple. Don't single out one over the other.

  6. It’s not bad to have expectations about how a relationship should look with intimacy, it’s only bad when you push those expectations onto somebody else. You are right to want more, she is right to want less.

    Don’t push her into the conversation right away. Maybe start with “hey, I’ve noticed this and I would like to talk about what I can do to make you feel comfortable when you are ready to have that conversation.”

    If waiting and wondering is too much, it might just not be a good match or the right timing, and that is completely okay. It just might be naked to accept.

  7. The courts really don't care at all about who fucked who or who did the dishes. Your lawyer is right and you are not going to get the house unless it was yours before the marriage. Even still you may have to pay her. You need to wise up and let the lawyer handle the negotiation and mist of all, keep cool or you lise it all.

  8. I totally agree with couples counseling and some individual counseling for your husband. He appears to have a lot of baggage to unpack and he needs counseling to help him deal with his demons.

  9. I am very sorry for you. I hope you can find healing. Possibly you should consider going to therapy for yourself. She is very selfish. You are much better than her. Go to therapy to work out your emotions and in time you will find someone that you can trust and love completely. Don’t let her ruin your future relationships.

  10. Crazy idea, not why not ask her where she lives FIRST, before offering a ride?

    If not convenient for you, then don't bring up the possibility of a ride.

  11. cut contact. she obviously hasn’t changed, this is toxic and you need reaffirm your boundaries.

    she not only thinks she owns you, she’s also manipulative as hell and guiltripping the fuck out of you.

  12. Therapy actually helped me / my colleagues even though we were originally so adamant “it's just a redditor thing, therapy won't do sht”

    It took finding the right therapist though.

    Going through consecutive bad experiences when “therapist shopping” discouraged me even more from trying again; thus, enabling my previous 'anti therapy, redditors don't know sht” attitude.

    Jumping the gun on break up is hilarious to see on reddit, but sometimes I think the asker in actual danger and I would feel horrible if I didn't say anything

  13. I am talking about prenups, not what the guy did. He should have talked to her about this sooner. I replied to the comment talking about how a prenup would make a misogynistic pig or something.

  14. You're kind, which is sweet. But what you think is a catch is just you holding on to responsibility you don't have to.

  15. You should check out the justnomil subreddit- mostly toxic in-laws, but plenty of ppl post about their own parents

  16. Not a lawyer, but that doesn’t feel like the sort of thing that judges keep kids away from their dads for. The big worry for me is “are you in a financial position to take care of yourself and your son?” (His own room, child-safe home etc)? And are you still if you owe her 17% of your income before taxes? (Child support standard numbers).


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