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38 thoughts on “ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Has he been tested on his testosterone levels that could be it right there other than that he would have to be gay or

  2. Pretty sure this is illegal. Also, you think this is the only girl he’s doing this too? He’s abusing the power at his job and is more than likely a criminal.

  3. Do you ever wonder if she’s telling you these things to make you insecure and to make you feel bad about yourself? I would never tell my significant other that they “aren’t my type.” Who does that? She sounds like she is mean to you

  4. I agree that this is not “ghosting”. It is ONE unanswered message, and your last message was tentative and not definite.

    Message him again to say you are in town, and where would he like to go to celebrate?

  5. If you have sex that often and are affectionate with each other, and he still does this….he has a problem. And yeah, it's really weird to search random girls on instagram to masturbate or even to just “admire” them. Why does he have this need especially when everything is great between you two and have a lot of sex? And also the fact that he felt guilty and begged you to stay. So, he thinks he did something wrong, but still did it…

  6. How do women fake orgasms? I'm genuinely curious about that. doesnt orgasming mean fluid comes out? He obviously didnt make 7 different women cum

  7. I’d recommend not to start a fire in someone else their kitchen.

    It could be any of a few things: -She needs an excuse to end her current relationship -She likes you -She likes your friend and uses you to get close (on purpose or not)

    If she really liked you, she should break up with her current bf before you even talk about dating. Take it slow, going out and directly in a relationship isn’t a recipe for succes most of hé time.

  8. It looks like he is fine with not having kids but if he were to meet someone who wants them, he'd be fine with having them. So it's understandable he doesn't want to risk it because yeah, outside of you dying, you two could break up.

    My advice is for you to look at having your tubes tied as you know you don't want kids ever.

    As for the condoms, yes, you should absolutely make him take part in the birth control.

  9. My ex husband was pursuing a masters degree and he still was able to contribute to half of everything so don’t settle for less

  10. What kind of 32 year old man is this childish? Seriously. It sounds like he might have been trying to text a friends to come through as a wingman or something. I feel like that could be a possibility and he didn’t look to think who he was texting. But full stop, if he actually meant to message you that and intended you to see that, that is so fuc*ed up.

  11. Considering she answered your “cute, but no” with “10/10” before you learned his age, I'd say she's projecting. Also a hypocrite if you dating someone a few years older/younger is disgusting while she got with a man in his 20s the very year she became an adult in the eyes of the law. She has no right taking out her feelings on you.

  12. Is this one of these bro-code violations bullshit?

    There is nothing wrong in sleeping with someone's ex. Just because a woman used to be somebody's girlfriend doesn't mean you need to ask his permission to have sex with her.

  13. don’t worry, it’s legal in my country 🙂 Is that correct if i ask him to pay half of the rent or expenses but he doesn’t have the keys ? Or do i need to tell my parents so i can give him the keys ?

  14. Leave. I don’t care that you went through her old phone. It showed you that she is capable of lying, cheating and talking shit about you behind your back. Also, look at what kind of a relationship you have now. It’s one-sided and all about her to use you for sex when she wants and for a security blanket (and maybe financially but you don’t mention that). She will properly cheat again and leave you for the next guy she has a real connection to.

  15. Dude. Put your fucking foot down.

    My son calls another man “Dada” and I'm absolutely losing my shit. That doesn't happen on accident, it is taught.

    “You are not allowed in my home while I'm not there.”

    Grow a fucking spine.

  16. if there has been research done towards it saying women who wear more revealing clothing are more likely to be sexually assaulted (which hasnt been done). and they have seen those statistics then yes. i doubt the wife of the cop even has seen the statistics of cops being more likely to commit domestic abuse so i wouldnt blame her for it.

  17. I'm so sorry. No kids deserve that and OP being a kid tht had a similar family makes me even more sad. Yet she won't leave this man. They never do…

    My dad was a serial cheater and he was exactly the same as described here along with my uncle.

    My mom left my dad after constant gaslighting from him making her feel like she was overreacting and it wasn't such a big deal it was jst sex. I learnt to only expect respect in my relationships because i deserved that like my mom did.

    However my Uncle used to make these jokessss with my aunt and his kids.. she stayed.

    my cousins all ended up in toxic abusive relationships with men who did the same thing. Told them constantly they were too sensitive and needed to change. Then it went to ur not as attractive.. u shld lose weight.. oh we shld have a kid. Then not help with anything because its a womans job men dont do soft shit like that.

  18. It's gross how people use polyamory as an excuse to be a cheating, manipulative liar. Polyamory is based on HONEST and ETHICAL nonmonogamy. Without honesty, you're just a cheater.

    Your wife is a horrible person and she doesn't care about your wellbeing at all. And her affair partner doesn't want a relationship with you, she just wants to hang onto your wife at any cost.

  19. If you want the relationship, you need to say something to him. It may be mixed signals, he may just be a good dude, or he might just be waiting to hop on the train to OP town.

    Say something. “Hey, I think you’re great and I’d be really interested in going on a date sometime.” There you go. That’s all you need to do.

    About the kid thing… he’s 42. He knows what that is for fatherhood. Be up front about it, but it may not be the huge issue you think.

  20. So youve got a 2 year old Chihuahua mix that you refuse to train. You know what youre gonna have? An aggressive nasty little demon from hell (chihuahuas are born demons, but you can train that out of them) that WILL bite you or someone else and will have to be put down.

    Does he want this dog to be put to sleep? Cause when it attacks someone, the courts might order it to be destroyed. Get the dog to profession training now. And metaphorically smack some sense into your dumbass bf

    And if its not fix, make the surgery appointment.

  21. You're not overreacting. 6 accidental unsent messages? That's 1 thing he's lying about for sure. And where there is 1 lie, there's usually more.

  22. First, please use paragraph breaks to make this more reasonable to read. Second, do you have a specific question?

  23. Misogynistic comments and name calling from redditors aside, realistically you’re not breaking up because of her body count, if you leave her it’s because you’re sexually incompatible. What the two of you want from sex is completely different.

    If her body count was sky high but she still had a healthy libido and attitude towards sex, plus if you two preferred the same activities, then this wouldn’t be nearly as much of a problem as it is. Similarly, if she had a low body count but was still having these problems, it would still lead to unhappiness and probably a break up. It’s not the actual number of the body count that matters, it’s the compatibility. Or lack thereof.

  24. Yes, very childish. I am like your bf, don’t care about birthdays, mine included. I think your bf sounds amazing for trying to plan a birthday surprise for you. I would have hated doing that. Only children starts crying for a disappointing present rather than be happy for the loving thought given.

  25. You'll start to notice women are treated differently on Reddit and the rest of the world. Still searching for that equality


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