Iishalove live sex chats for YOU!

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OMG!! it’s been many months without seeing you, ♥♥ im exciting

19 thoughts on “Iishalove live sex chats for YOU!

  1. People naturally let go of those they find insignificant all the time without looking back. Also, we naturally also put more value onto people we find attractive.

    questions- why did you date guys you were not attracted to? Why sleep with them if you weren’t attracted to them?

    Sorry for all the questions. I’m just befuddled as to what made this guy explicitly different from the others. You say you were attracted to him, but he wasn’t conventionally attractive. So then that means it wasn’t a matter of his looks it was a matter of his mannerisms. Did he do something different in comparison to them?

  2. Okay so age gap ain’t it. And you are coworkers, which is never a good idea.

    Bullet dodged I say. Don’t obsess over this guy.

  3. I'm so sorry… You were raped.

    Your fathers work colleague spiked your drink and had sex with you without your consent/against your will…

    You need to report this.

  4. If ypu stick to 1 woman, you will end up having feelings for her, if you have s ex with random ONS, you will find that your feelings for your wife will change or diminish.

    I suggest stick to 1 woman and tell your wife. It's like you are nkw in poligamy relationship. You of course no.problem. the issue is usually on the 1st wife. She will.find that your affections for her WILL DEFINITELY change, and she HAS to deal with that. IS SHE READY?. Will she get jealous?.

  5. That kind of weight gain in such a short amount of time would be a good reason for her to see a doctor. Was she on any kind of meds? Seriously, anyone who gains that much weight in such a short time is on a trajectory for death in 1 – 2 years. (Hunger suppressants maybe??)

    I'd be direct and suggest she seek medical advice. If she refuses then tell that is unacceptable…

  6. My husband and I have been together for nearly 15 years and have known each other since 2003.

    He has only raised his voice at me a few times in heated discussions a few times but only ever snapped at me once which was completely uncalled for and he immediately got upset and apologised.

    We have had a few tiffs but never, ever yelled at each other even when disagreeing. We have only yelled more to each other when playing some videogames and when it's gone beyond being fun banter we have gotten rid of those games (co-op shovel night was the only one we called quits on). I hate hearing how my parents speak to each other sometimes and how my FIL will sometimes bawl at his wife to call or ask her something like she was an onloved dog, despite being a pretty strong couple. I wouldn't stand for it.

  7. Ever see that show Mama's Boy? You should take a look.

    This is the rest of your life if you stay, nothing is going to change that, not even you,

  8. Some people take longer than 2 months to fall in love. My last ex and I didn’t say we loved each other until about 4 months of dating, 7 months of knowing each other

  9. Thanks for your advice, I know you’re right. I don’t really know how to get to the core of the issue when I keep getting the response that everything is fine. I feel I’ve given him many opportunities to be honest and have even told him that he doesn’t need to worry about hurting my feelings I just want the truth no matter what it is. I clearly told him that him not being truthful is way more hurtful than the truth could ever be…but nothing. You think I should readdress this BEFORE the trip?

  10. Reason why I'm currently not working. My husband told me I wasn't looking for a higher paying job fast enough while I was in a job that mistreated me and paid me 9$ and paid someone who came to work there after me with the same skills 1$ more and refused to give me a raise. They also talked to me like I was stupid because I'm autistic and when I put my 2 weeks in tried to tell my husband I was going mental because I put my 2 weeks in. Today's job market seems to be naked to find a job I've been jobless almost 2 months with many applications in but no one seems to walk to hire a disabled person who needs special care at a job.

    Even if she doesn't work though the gaslighting and her not doing anything to help him around the house like chores is kinda bad. I know I've been doing alot of the chores since I don't work since I've been jobless.

  11. I was left with a 3 year old and a newborn baby 3 days (and the weeks after) a c-section, when I was basically not sleeping and in so much pain I couldn't walk straight. And yet the house didn't crumble, the kids were safe, and there was food on the table. No excuse for this shitty dad.


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