ImAnna on-line sex cams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “ImAnna on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Neither of you should use contraception that you do not want to. But you should also probably realize you are not compatible. No one should ever try and force you to use a permanent birth control if you don’t want to. There is always the option to just not have sex. If you don’t think that’s a real option the break up and find other people.

  2. No, no, a million times, no.

    She could have been plumb crazy, or there is a reason she was THAT persistent in no contact.

    Seems they pressed real naked to make contact.

    There are only a few reasons that family will be cut off.

    Assume the worst and ask yourself if you're ok with potentially enabling said “worst”.

    A million times, no.

  3. Overall yes you did the right thing. Grant it y’all wasn’t exclusive so technically she can sleep with whom ever she want and do can you. With that being said her red flags showed. 1. She supposedly rejected her guy friend who is sexually attracted to her but still kept him around knowing she wanted to have sex with him. 2. Zero accountability. Being drunk is not an excuse, doesn’t sound like it just happened more like it was planned because she’s not apologetic and still contacts him. basically telling you to get over it zero respect for you.

  4. So you both disagree and have different viewpoints that won’t change.

    Why are you (both) still together?

    Where was the conclusion talk?

  5. I'm assuming you don't know what it is when a woman is 'spotting' she shouldn't be waking up bleeding … that's a sign of SA

  6. My wife and I dated for 10 years before we got married. If you’re with your life partner, there’s no reason to rush it. Get engaged now if you want, but please wait a little bit before you get married. You’re in the limerence stage right now. Until you’ve had a serious disagreement about something and see how that’s resolved, you truly don’t know if you’re compatible or not. What if he’s the type that turns violent when he’s upset? I’m not saying he is, just that you don’t know yet. You’re young and have an entire life ahead (hopefully with this guy. Fingers crossed for you!). Don’t rush it. It’ll happen.

  7. There have been several situations in the beginning of our relationship where she lied to me about something huge and the only reason I learned about them was from my own investigating.

    And you married her thinking things would be different?

    Talk to a lawyer. Talk to a therapist.


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