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18 thoughts on “JAYDE & BLAYDE :* the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Idk I would prefer to talk about something like that in person, I don't think that's a text convo especially not when I am at work. He was still rude though.

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  3. At this point I would go another direction… then the letter could be a cute anniversary gift and story to tell her ❤️

  4. Yeah it’s definetly been getting better over time. Way better recently. I could also be self sabatoging.

    But it’s hard when you’ve been manipulated before, I just want to make sure I keep my sanity.

    When we broke up once, I called him and he didn’t answer. He was out a a club. Then the next day he didn’t answer and said he was sleeping and was going to get breakfast with his friend.

    Like could that be the truth ? Maybe? Or was he with someone!

    There’s are just thoughts that hurt my head. Who knows.

  5. Laughing in poor people….you don’t get to get your meal how you want IN A RESTAURANT? And then you have to come home to your girlfriend always judging you. You sound like there’s a stick in a not sunny place. Have fun with your goofy man instead of internet judging him for something SO SILLY.

  6. In your new town, join some sporting clubs, perhaps tennis, etc., there are lots of single people at places like that, not just bars.

  7. You have a good point. I was just blackout drunk and don’t even remember doing it and being sober I never would have done such a thing

  8. If she lies about this she can be lying about sth else. Tell her, because if her lies, you have thoughts like that. Ask her to cut all contact with him. Not, because you think she would cheat on you, but because she has already lied to you for his sake. Should she refuse, you might have a real problem.

  9. I think broken down like this it does look bad but he does treat me well. He just has this annoying/irritating tendency of undermining certain things that I want or need from him.

    You need more outside opinions; this is a situation where you cannot trust your own and you certainly can't trust his. He has intentionally avoided letting you have those third-party opinions, by avoiding your friends, trying to get you to avoid your sister, as well as probably other isolationary tactics you haven't mentioned. Having you come home earlier so you spend less time with your friends is also part of that.

    Above all, do not go to the appointment he made for you. If you feel you have to, very blatantly say to the doctor that you did not set this appointment, your boyfriend did, without your consent, after you already told him that you didn't want it, and if that doctor is worth anything they will immediately start giving you some advice. Maybe you'll hear it better from a professional.

  10. Well you can try a strike. But it will be a war.

    One point in my marriage my husband was blind to the fact that I was the one making half the money while also doing 80-90% of all domestic care including taking care of the children, while being his servant, secretary, lover. I begged for help from him. Sure he always said nice things like thank you. But didn’t change his ways. He really was a great lover and great at playing with the kids, always went to work. Just all around nice husband, but old fashion in the fact that I should run the house, children and take care of him. Working was a side hobby ? that paid half of everything. Boy was he blind.

    So finally after a fight of I didn’t do x. Everytime he said you didn’t do x. I just keep repeating neither did you, if you don’t like it then do it.

    Then I said after several of these fights, I’m done, I’m doing this and this and you can do it the rest and shut the hell up.

    So I stopped making food for him, I stopped cleaning up after him, I just stopped. He really thought I was going to divorce him. He also didn’t do jack. For a good 90 days it was a total train wreck. He ran out of underwear several times and would be pissed. My answer was not my problem! I have underwater and the kids do to, you are a grown ass man wash them yourself. Car didn’t get an oil change do it yourself, missed your doctors appointment to fucking bad.

    Finally he opened up to his dad about the issue, his dad told him what a stupid husband he was being. It took him about another month before he waved the white flag.

    He messed up, and grow up. It worth the struggle. Is he perfect nope but it’s much better.

  11. I didn't consider us dating after we went on one date. Our friendship grew more outside causal friends to best friends when we both separated from our spouses.

    We didn't talk much outside of group texts or group events before he split from his wife. Even, when my husband and I split.

    Our friend group went to dinner once a week with our kids and everything. Little by little his wife stopped coming to them. And other events too. My husband never attended the events some people didn't even know I was married, and no one was shocked when I announced I was getting divorced.

    His wife left 3-4 months after I left my husband. So when his wife left, he was 1 month post separation and I was 5-6 months, which is why I was like “yeah I am not going to be your rebound.”

    Plus I was making alll sorts of bad decisions at that time and wasn't going to let him be about of that carnage. But we stayed friends. He went through his own hoe phase, signed his divorce papers. I was the friend he called after every date. And he was mine. He supported me through a ton of really bad decisions. But didn't judge.

    I listened when he dated someone that was perfect for him, but he told her reputedly that he couldn't handle more. I listened when he said he was sick of first dates, and thought he was ready to actually be in a relationship.

    And he listened. When I broke up with someone that was super bad for me.

    And it finally felt like the timing was right.


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