JeniWanna online webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “JeniWanna online webcams for YOU!

  1. I do regret it, but also it has opened other doors. So… it's tricky to say. We have remained friends though. I broke it off because I thought I wanted more than he could give me… I'm not sure that 'ideal' person actually exists.l though.

  2. You should tell him if the relationship progresses because this isn't the sort of thing you hide from a partner. Most people would consider being a prior sex worker a deal breaker and deliberately withholding that info would be manipulative.

    Also, why continue get into a serious relationship with someone knowing a small piece of information from your past could end it.

  3. I feel so bad for you Americans, who have to be afraid of your own police force. That’s so not right.

  4. Oh gosh. I’m widowed myself, since I was just a few years older than you, and I would have packed my things the minute you told me I’d always be second to your late wife. What a hurtful thing to say to a woman who loves you and your children! Love isn’t like a bag of sugar – we don’t run out. We don’t have to rank the people in our lives. You can love your late wife, and love your girlfriend, side by side, differently but equally. And even if you don’t feel that way, for Gods sake don’t tell her! It’s like telling your kids you love one more than the other.

    As far as her baking cookies with your daughter- please look at that from your child’s POV. How wonderful that you’ve found another woman who loves her! She can’t have her own mother and that’s terrible – my girls were so young they have zero memories of their father, and I hate it for them and for him every single day – but I’ve been so very grateful for the men who have stepped up over the years to give them a father/daughter experience (my dad, my brother, friends’ husbands.) Do you really want your daughter to do without any of that? When she sees you upset and resentful, she learns that she shouldn’t do or enjoy the things she should have been able to do with her mother, and she will deprive herself of those experiences. I know you don’t want that, and I know her mother wouldn’t either.

    You are incredibly lucky to have found love a second time. In 16 years I haven’t. Go back to therapy and salvage this relationship- your feelings aren’t bad or wrong, you just need to work through them. Claire deserves that and so do your babies. Be gentle with yourself, but be gentle with them too.

  5. Yeah. I’m just not gonna date anyone anymore. I don’t want that kind of person in my life.

    I’m sorry but anyone who says past doesn’t matter is just wrong. It does.

  6. Assume she lied because she is a hateful person. And do not feel sorry for her at all, she sounds like the kind of person that caused a lot of her own troubles than expects everyone else to come to her rescue. It’s sad her kids have to suffer because of her mistakes but that is not on you. Go no contact and hopefully your other family will understand.


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