JessRayy live sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “JessRayy live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well… Start with not asking what women/girls want. You’ll never get any satisfaction because each of them want things very personal to them.

    Instead, work on living your best, most authentic life. While doing that, do things with friends that expand your social circle. Meaning, don’t do things like playing video games on-line with your friends. Be in places with people and talk to those people.

  2. I’m not really sure how to bring it up without hurting her feelings. I don’t want to directly just say it as it would would just lead to her being defensive and getting sad.

  3. This is a you issue not a girlfriend issue. You cannot dictate when someone takes a shower because you can't handle smells. The logic doesn't even work because soap has…smells.

    If you destroy an otherwise happy relationship because you can't control when she showers, I suspect you'll have a series of these crash and burn relationships.

    This is a subject you should explore with a therapist. This kind of rigidity and need for control is not healthy. If you really cared THIS MUCH about clean sheets, you'd clean them more often. You are sweating and having sex in them. It doesn't matter if you demand showers every night. The sheets and your bodies do not remain clean.

  4. My husband is the same. Early marriage: extremely thoughtful gifts. Now, not so much.

    Once he told me that buying me a Christmas present would be “wasting money like that.” I nearly cried, and I still have not gotten over it. These days I take very good care of me.

  5. Your daughter doesn’t want a grandmother for her kids. She wants a on-line in nanny. It’s reasonable for her to want you to be there after she gives birth, but a few months is excessive.

    Offer a compromise and tell her you’d like to come for a week or 2 after the baby is born, but that it’s just not feasible to come for a few months as you do work and can’t take that much time off. Explain that you’ve spent the last 35 years taking care of your children and that you’re not able to do so with hers full time, but you’d like to have a positive relationship with her and her kids. You just can’t be full time daycare.

  6. I feel like there is just a genuine chance he really just forgot.

    Also I don't think it is a red flag you only see each other on weekends per se. That alone isn't enough to read him using you into it.

    However if you need more contact in a relationship thats totally valid and you should tell him

  7. My dude you are 20 and you don't need this. Gtfo. It'll be good for you and a valuable life lesson for her.

  8. It’s kinda weird tho, have you completely ruled it out? And also you can try to talk to them one last time before cutting them off

  9. You realize, you're basically the asshole here? He has no self control and feels bad for what he's doing and you keep egging him on.

    Trash friend for real.

  10. Has your partner tried therapy? I used to have a lot of self-hate issues and going to regular therapy and getting medicated vastly improved my quality of life.

  11. It's almost like the mom that wasn't allowed to raise you for most of your childhood might not be the best candidate for motherhood now either. Go figure!

  12. Huge difference between having serious depression and abusing someone. Mental illness is not a scapegoat for traumatising another human being for life.

  13. Let's review: A girl cheated on you twice You don't really like her any more You cheated on her

    Option one: stay in a bad relationship because (I have no idea) Option two: break up

    Questions to think about: 1) Did you cheat on your girlfriend out of revenge, or because you actually like Jane? 2) Why didn't you break up with your girlfriend before becoming intimate with Jane?

  14. Agreed. She’s also a liar by saying dad didn’t care. The truth is that he does care, but doesn’t want drama. That is a whole mess.

    OP, most, if not all of us, think you need to step back and reevaluate your relationship and all the facets of it. You need to find out if y’all are truly on the same page about things. You need to know if she’s going to manipulate a situation to get her way. You need to know why her ex is willing to do this “to keep the peace.” Because I don’t think that’s a very good sign, but I don’t know y’all. Counseling is recommended.

  15. Wait a minute, you are 39 and he is 53 and he isn’t treating you like the naked young thing he spoils ? Babe , you dropped the ball somewhere. Remember if you act like you require nothing they give nothing . You deserve better than this and definitely more than a dinner or card too !

  16. I'm glad you were able to communicate in such a healthy way with each other. Wishing you both years of happiness!

  17. According to his post history she went into surgery to remove a brain tumor. She lost sight in one eye, was extremely fatigued, lost her job and they struggle with getting help with the cost. They couldnt get everything out during surgery, and are monitoring if the cancer will grow again and become terminal.

    Him posting on reddit two months later like he cant understand whats going on or what changed in the last six months leads me to believe that he is making fake posts, or that he is deliberately excluding very relevant context for whatever reason that might be. Regardless I dont find him to be a reliable or trustworthy narrator, and makes me wonder how supportive he is.

  18. That’s for sure. I mean it would still kinda hurt if she would have been honest and said that she would rather invite Mark than me but I don’t think I would have cut ties with her in that case.

  19. When you do break up you need to go full no contact because he will use that kid to try and manipulate you to come back. He will say how sad the kid is, etc. Once you break up block him everywhere.


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