Julia and Tina online sex cams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Julia and Tina online sex cams for YOU!

  1. honestly you have to either trust him completely or break up with him because if you don’t trust him and stay with you will be very miserable. he has kids with her and in some sense is tied to his ex. they are going to continue to see each other for the sake of the kids. it’s up to you if you can handle being second to his kids

  2. Start taking more control over your life. That's predominantly understanding and acting on your responsibilities more efficiently. We have to get physically and mentally stronger as men because without improving ourselves we arnt adhering to our biological nature, strong offspring.

    List everything that causes you problems

    Find a cross correlation

    Start fixing that

    Then you're making your life easier, thus adding more time for improvement in other aspects of your life

  3. That's quite…strange. ? When you brought up your compromise it sounded super logical and mutually beneficial in comparison. Maybe have a “work emergency” for the time being, just in case ?

  4. Just because she doesnt grasp some concepts doesnt make her stupid, perhaps she hasn't been exposed to those types of things or it as a genre was explained poorly to her in the past. People tend to seem fumbly or feel dumb when exposed to unfamiliar things. The movie interstellar isn't for everyone especially if those topics are not something that hold interest for the individual.

  5. Thank you, I’m going to try my best to think through this logically without too much emotion. I’ll take my time

  6. Hello /u/CoatAmazing5605,

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  7. Would it be OK if on those occasions you two sit down and look at factual information?

    For example coach vs train, you both explain your points calmly and listen to each other, how much time would you spend travelling, just the pros and cons for each one and then based on that info make a decision.

    If it's a matter of opinion you can just agree to disagree and move on.

    Always needing to be right is not fun for anyone, but there's a difference between that and pointing out an objectively better alternative.

  8. He may not be a pedophile but he’s old enough to be your dad and that’s gross. Why isn’t a 43 year old man dating someone his own age? Don’t say it’s cuz you’re so mature beyond your years. Trust me, you’re not. You’re easily manipulated and controlled and clearly very naive about the world, which is why this way too old for you dude wants you.

  9. A suggestion in asking, or what to ask… Think about what realistic answer would be ideal. For example, “yes, I feel we have a string and growing connection, and am looking longer term”. Then basically ask him if he feels that. I.e. just ask, keep it concrete, and don’t make him guess or expect too much / little.

  10. It’s your birthday. You should speak up about being uncomfortable and ask to cancel if that’s what you want. It really sounds like you’re not actually on board and you’re just going through with it because your wife organized it. It doesn’t seem like it will go well. Just say “honey I really appreciate the thought you put into organizing this experience. I just think there’s too big a chance of it making things weird between us or your friend and I don’t want to risk it.”

  11. Two possible outcomes here: either she will never be able to look at the two of you the same again, or they’re just curious and you’re the beard. There are 0 good outcomes in a threesome that involves her best friend.

  12. She lied. She wouldn’t do that if she knew she was being tracked.

    i just….do you know this woman personally?? how can you assume that? you’re a genuine psycho in the way your brain works

  13. Yea, you’re 19 and in a relationship with someone that is almost 30! Go enjoy your youth instead and follow those other feelings. You’ll regret being tied down so young and never got the chance to explore.

  14. This all screams “I have deeply unhealthy codependent tendencies “.

    Sorry, but as someone who lives with their chosen family, there are some parts of this where you are obviously moving waaaaay too fast and operating on group-think logic rather than prioritising your own wellbeing and preferences. For example:

    We spent time together almost every day of the week, at least 5 days a week, if not more.

    What? No. Bad. Put it down. Going rapidly from first meeting each other to spending a majority of your time together smacks of love bombing and codependent tendencies (I'm going to use that word a lot, mainly because parts of this frankly seem like the classic examples of them). This doubles when you mention only in your edit that you had serious feelings for K that you knew weren't reciprocated.

    Further, the way you talk about approaching M (please just use fake names, initials are fucking awful) makes it sound less like you have difficulty with doing this and more you wanted guidance on how to have this conversation in a way that wouldn't upset the group's balance, which is hella-group think ish and is bad.

    Best case scenario: this little group is oddly cultish and you were the one who was a little out of step with what they wanted so you got jettisoned. Therapy to deal with the aftermath for you.

    Worst case scenario: this is a group of friends who doesn't actually operate how you think they do, you've been creeping them out more and more by being too clingy and seeming to struggle with the concept of independent thought, and this was the final straw for them in a long line of “he's crossed the line but he isn't malicious, maybe if we direct him to appropriate reading material he'll do better?” Sort of incidents and they have collectively run out of patience and decided to be done. Therapy to deal with this for you.

    It could actually be both or somewhere along the spectrum of these two options but you will note that the constant that remains is accept their decision to cut contact and Therapy for you. There is no downside to this; either you get validation and can learn how you were vulnerable to their manipulation, or you have a third party point out where your behaviour crossed the line and learn not to do it again.

  15. Why are you with him?? What does he bring to the table? Because it sure ain’t food. Or cleaning. Or household management. Or grocery shopping. Or money. You are the soul provider and doing all of the household management and labor. All he does is watch one child and gets a break whenever he wants. You deserve a partner, not a leech.

  16. Got to do the old “let me look at your phone unlocked completely right this second or we are over” and be ready for it to be over, there are posts on here about how to retrieve deleted messages etc

  17. No, that makes you someone who likes your muscular girlfriend and pegging.

    And someone who needs new friends.

  18. Define trying to talk to him about it, are you just saying “i dont care if your scared i want to fly places” ?

  19. He said he didn't want to sleep uncomfortable again and he was “over it”(as in the trip). The first night we spent there i asked him to help me with the dishes after we ate. I wanted to wake up early the next morning and just make coffee and then head out, he wanted to do the dishes the next morning. I ended up doing ghe dishes alone while he slept.

  20. What advice do you want here?

    You have two different views of how you want your relationship to go.

    Honestly. I wouldn't be with someone who wanted to sleep separately.

  21. Welp sounds like a pretty big deal breaker OP.

    If she’s not going to change her mind then there’s not much you can do. So pick between divorce or your parents.

    I’m sorry you have to make a difficult choice, but if this is this impactful for her, this is real compatibility issue.


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