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24 thoughts on “Julisoto live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sounds like the larger issue is your anxiety surrounding your vulnerability in general. I would focus on that and try and learn more about why you experience that and try and unlearn that mentality.

  2. It just sucks because it seems stupid to leave someone over this. Like I Feel like it can be Learned! I don't think it's that very hot to get a women off? Wtf… I'm not smart and I can get a women off.

  3. For each time. Say the odds were 16.6% for arguments sake. It would be like rolling a 6 sided die. There is a 16.6% chance you'll roll any given number. Say chlamydia is the number 6. Roll the die 40 times and see if the number 6 is never rolled. Odds are high that it will be rolled. Now what I read gives it a 30 to 50% chance of transmission each time. Doesn't take a math genius to figure out he should have caught it if she always had it.

  4. If you don't want to be with him, leave. Life goes on Hun. You're only 24. If I thought this way at your age, I would've been miserable and had never met my awesome husband.

  5. The last straw for me was last week when I asked if he wanted to grab some food because I was hungry. He said no because he had eaten already. If the tables were turned, I would have gone anyway because it's obvious that what he wanted was to spend some time together.

    Dude, not to be harsh, but that’s crap. People aren’t mind readers. If you wanted his company, you should have asked for that, not ask him if he wants to grab food. And if you’re the type to talk, then TALK. Don’t just expect him to know what you want. Since you say he does want to repair the friendship, have you told him you want him to reach out more, so you feel you matter to him, or are you just expecting him to know that too?

    Rather than the relationship not being eirth it, this sounds more like you’re upset, youre exoecting him to repair the relationship in a certain way, and since he’s not, you’re assuming he dies that care, but no where dies it sound like you’ve actually told him what you want and need to repair the friendship. So before writing him off, if he has said he wants to repair it, figure out what you’d need for that to happen and tell him that. If after that he doesn’t want to do it, or agrees but doesn’t do it, THEN walk. Just don’t write him off until you at least tell him what you need, so he at least has knows how to fix it.

  6. I agree with all of this. My first thought was if she's suffered a head injury in the past like falling over or something hitting her and causing a concussion or something of the like. A disease/similar condition could also be the cause. Even the smallest injuries can have a huge impact and even change a person's entire personality.

    For what it's worth I'm worried about OP and the child though and I feel like he should leave or find some way to protect the son if he can't or won't. Because like… Unless it is a problem that can be fixed this isn't fair for either of them to stick out and there's no need to prolong the suffering.

  7. I mean just because someone is an ex doesn't make them an enemy. At one point they were a best friend and I've broken up on good terms with quite a few exes and so is it that far-fetched to think that it's maybe appropriate depending on the circumstances? He's talking to someone who has their own life that was probably monumental in his. They had a brief interaction that sounds mature (she wanted a phone number from him) and in closing let him know that she loves him. (It's obvious that she isn't in love with him it's been 20 years.. She's saying it out of respect. She still cares about him I mean if they're on good enough terms she casually can ask for a phone number then good for them?

    Don't perpetuate this notion that all exes need to be hated. Not everyone has bad breakups. Not everyone has toxic relationships. My ex wife is also the mother of my child and we care deeply for each other same with my girlfriend I know she loves and cares for the father of her child, because co-parenting works best when both parties don't hate each other. Even better if they love each other! More people should love instead of hate. More people should see the power in it and see that insecurity is what destroys.

    His girlfriend is acting out of insecurity. He is acting out of love.

    If my viewpoint is unusual do be it. I hope it becomes the norm and ya'll pull your insecure controlling heads out of your asses and learn to trust people and learn to love.

  8. When you go looking for one red flag and end up finding a whole field of them ripe for the picking

  9. Eh, sometimes it's just Autism and a lack of social awareness, was for me anyways.. I'm slowly learning how to lie, because I can't change the way I view reality.

  10. I do appreciate this,this was really helpful, i am usually open about my past when I start seeing someone a few times. Me and this person talked a lot about if this situation would happen just let me know, or squeeze my arm, or anything. That’s why it just made me more upset like whether I missed something or not. I’ll try to find a therapist to help me figure out how to mitigate this situation.

  11. Wait a minute, am I understand you correctly… you're essentially saying that anybody who says “marriage is just a piece of paper” or says they don't want it, is lying to themselves?

  12. You’re playing w yourself. Leave. Have self respect, don’t accept cheating unless you’ve been together for a long ass time and they’re otherwise a great partner, and after the cheating they’re honest and doing shady shit like chatting w other women on snap. Leave him

  13. You just slip out the back, Jack

    Make a new plan, Stan

    You don't need to be coy, Roy

    Just get yourself free

  14. NTA for not being comfortable dating someone who is trans. But brooooooooo, with all due respect, you need to get WAY better at learning how to communicate about the trans community. Transvestite? yikes. Telling her she's a dude? Yikes.

    Your feelings are valid that it makes you uncomfortable and her not disclosing to you was kind of shady… but yeah. NTA for not being ok with it. But you're walking that line with how you typed this situation out.

  15. Just ask him how he’d take it if the situation was reversed and you had an ex over late at night in a 1 on 1 situation and he was drunk and touchy. How would he feel and what would he do if you then said you were prioritizing yourself over him?

  16. You can go a few weeks without talking to a friend. You can't go a few weeks without talking to someone you're emotionally invested in or fucking.

    Ask her to take a month break from talking to this guy. Her reaction will tell you what's going on.


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