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Kaisy, 27 y.o.


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22 thoughts on “Kaisy the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. He's tracking your location, or just when you leave the house? If he's just tracking when you leave the house, how is that keeping you safe?

  2. You literally could’ve been like “don’t call me that I don’t find that funny.” Simple as that. Now you have her scared of you. You messed up major I’m ngl. If my bf did that to me just to “psychologically harm” me, I’d prolly pop you in the face just for cornering me and taking my shirt off. Like wtf is actually wrong w you. To degrade her like that just to scare her because your insecure. Grow up. You may be the big guy now, but you’ll see how big you are once she leaves your pathetic ass.

  3. Ill just say this OP- my ex was like this about the most harmless things. I would make a small joke about myself even and he would get violent, or i would freeze up in anxiety and he would act like this, it got so bad he would scream at me and hurt me if I cried. If i tried to break up with him he would strangle me or say he would kill me. I had to get a restraining order against him, a girl before me apparently killed herself over him for raping her, and his most recent girlfriend is taking him to court for choking her. Get help. This is incredibly abusive behavior and it will spiral from here. Its your responsibility, and you are victimizing yourself by pitying the fact that you couldn’t control yourself. Take responsibility and be angry with yourself enough to get behavioral therapy.

  4. This happens a lot unfortunately. Someone about us crying just makes us look weak to them. It sucks but it’s life. Just keep good friends and family around to open up to instead.

  5. If he doesn’t care that is a tough problem to solve.

    There are doctors who specialize in weight. Does t sound like his primary care doc is pushing nude enough. Still, if he doesn’t care.

  6. You aren't fixing it by only doing these things when she cries and begs for it. I'm 40 years old, recently married a year ago, and 21 weeks pregnant. I dated a lot before finding my “one.”

    There is nothing wrong with you wanting a low-maintenance partner. There is nothing wrong with her wanting a partner who will be more romantic.

    Your choices are to either step it up and do more romantic gestures. These done have to be expensive. They could be a small bouquet of flowers when she's not expecting them, her favorite candy bar, setting up a little movie night at home.

    Your “love languages” might just be different. I recommend reading that book. Obviously, it doesn't solve all relationship problems, but it does make sense of some of her requests. And if she isn't the one (and she may very well not be), you might need to be able to make sense of what women want from you.

    I also hope she's showing you in some way that she appreciates and loves you.

    If you really do not want to keep up with the romantic gestures she wants (and are not feeling loved in return) I just want to point out that it is totally fine that you guys break up. You might just not be compatible.

  7. With your live in partner?

    I’m just saying, my dad has IBS and he is a FARTER. The rules of the house were simple – fart away from, not towards. If your farts are really stinky, move away from everyone and fart on your own couch. That’s pretty much it.

    He ought to go to a doctor Fr. If he’s got ibs or chrons that’s a lifelong fight. If he’s holding his farts in all the time he could perforate his colon or they’ll be reabsorbed into his blood stream which can make him sick or lead to death.

  8. But you are, whether you realize it or not you both are sabotaging her relationship, either tell her how you feel or back off and let her make the decision about her relationship. Back off and move on until she wakes up.

  9. Does everybody asking why can't both dads get a dance not care that OP's bio dad was cheated on, had his child stolen from him by his ex-wife and her lover, was probably forced to pay child support for a daughter he never got to see, missed nearly her entire life, and had another man step into his role against his will? And said other man helped set all these events into motion?

  10. Do you honestly believe that someone who tried to cheat on you with your own sister, hasn't cheated on you with stranger or won't absolutely do it at the first chance he gets?

  11. Yah you might as well start saying I humiliated my ex boyfriend so he dumped me. Maybe your just really loose from being used and disgaurded so much

  12. That guy is horrific. And you need to tell the boss. Tell him that this has been long-standing, but this one was the absolute worst and what it caused you emotionally because of your past and how it affected you.

  13. It’s not a competition. You are allowed to feel bad and still exist in the same world as people with cancer. This sounds to me like your bf doesn’t do well with bad feelings, so rather than have any kind of empathy, he tries to convince you to just get over it. My dad wasn’t as mean about it as your boyfriend, but my dad did not do bad feelings. He couldn’t let me sit with bad feeling and sit there with me, he would try to cheer me up. It’s not good for you to stuff feelings away to make someone else comfortable.

  14. Your boyfriend well hopefully soon to be ex boyfriend is an effing idiot. NO its not normal and its a crime! What you do with that is your business but make him delete those pics and then delete him from your life and find someone who will respect you.

  15. have you always had weird shifts? if yes. I would assumed that she is either cheating and guilt tripping you to feel better about herself or she has a new friend manipulating her.

  16. Actually, no, set a boundary. If she breaks it then break up because no taken girl or woman should be in contact with a guy who flirts and tries to kiss taken girls/women especially if he knows they are, it's a recipe for heartache.


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