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Kate on-line sex chat

16 thoughts on “Kate the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. My opinion-

    There’s no such thing as perfect, maybe he is perfect for you, but it’s been 4 months so check yourself on your expectations and don’t put him on a pedestal – that isn’t fair to either of you.

    41 and has only been to 1 strip club in his life? Sorry- not buying that. I’ve heard that line before and usually it means « it’s not my scene » but by 41 he has likely been on business trips, to bachelor parties etc

    Why do you feel uncomfortable? Because he is going to a sexually charged environment where alcohol is served and you won’t be there to supervise. If you’re that concerned you can talk to him and establish boundaries you are comfortable with (no touching, no private dances, etc) but 4 months in, he has done the courtesy of letting you know about the invite and that it’s not his scene, so I would probably leave it at that.

  2. If she still has feelings for someone else you’ll never have all of her.

    She’s not ready for a relationship and you’re filling a hole instead of occupying your own space in her heart.

  3. The way you state this, it's like you've both accepted “oh well, you have feelings, nothing to be done”. But feelings and behaviour are not the same thing. It's possible to be disappointed and still participate in a compromise. And it seems hyphenation (or simply two unhyphenated last names, which is what I have) is the only real compromise here. Feelings are important and deserve recognition and validation. But they shouldn't necessarily dictate behaviour.

  4. He lasts a minute and you barely finish. He probably feels bad about it which is why it happens rarely. He still wants you, obviously. Otherwise he wouldn't be finishing. Especially in a minute.

    Ask him about it, if he feels insecure.

    There are numbing condoms and lubricants which could help him last longer. If he still doesn't give it a go and nothing changes and you are sexually unfulfilled, ask him if it's okay for you to buy a dildo. In case he says no and does absolutely nothing to fulfill your sexual needs, leave him.

    Is there a chance that something is happening in his life? Stress, depression… If everything is alright, don't waste your time.

    He should communicate like an adult. This so far sounds like you have to pull the answers out of him.

  5. Originally, I think it was because they were training often and the ring got in the way or he didn't want to lose it. I didn't think much of it at the time because he has always put it back on. But then, he just stopped putting it back on…and that's when things started escalating.

  6. Many people have suggested starting with foreplay and oral that focuses on her and I agree.

    There is also a trick that can sometimes hold back your orgasm. The frenulum is on the underside of head of the penis. If you feel that you are about to orgasm but don't want to, squeeze your frenulum between two fingers; this can reduce your level of arousal and allow you to hold off the orgasm for a while.

    This doesn't always work; do it too late and you'll just have a ruined orgasm. Too long and you may lose your erection. However, just right may let you keep going for a while longer.

    You can also consider reducing the time between rounds. If you go straight to cunnilingus after the first round, your level of arousal might rebound quickly so that you can proceed to a second round. This presumes that you are cardiovascularly fit and not drunk.

  7. It's a bad idea to put sugar based food in the vagina as that's a promise for an infection.

    But it seems like her “creeped out ness” is more than just the health hazard of that.

    Sounds like she went to a kink level 1 and you went to a 7 (in her view). Whereas you seem to see yours as the same level as hers.

    And tbh, I think the gummy bear play idea is really cute (except for the vagina part due to the health issues).

  8. You said there was a lack of active consent. Sex acts without consent is assault? There is no other argument.

    And honestly, what you said would make sense if it wasn't for how he described it. Victims will often say they froze and said nothing. But he didn't freeze. He enjoyed it. ENTHUSIASTICALLY enjoyed it. Your “lack of active consent” idea doesn't really apply. She didn't do anything he didn't want in the moment. He just regrets it and is painting her as a dirty temptress, like I said.

  9. She is trash man. You have been making improvements on yourself, and remember that those improvements are for you. Tell her to get lost, keep being better and find the woman you deserve.

  10. He is also the one who does most of cooking in our relationship because his love language is acts of service. He would never keep a tab. I guess it’s nude to understand that this is not a regular guy in his 30. He’s really mature and has done a lot of work on himself. Anyway, I wasn’t asking if moving in was a good idea. I was hoping for advice on how to go about splitting the bills.

  11. I know you not on the fence about a cheater bro lol , please have some self respect and move off this dude

  12. You get yourself both a good therapist and a great divorce attorney. You work on healing and becoming a better person for your children, and you divorce the lying, cheating, calling CPS woman who is still in love with the convict she cheated with.

    There is no saving the relationship with her, and your children deserve one good role model in their lives. Have it be you.


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