Kendall-jenner-b live sex chats for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “Kendall-jenner-b live sex chats for YOU!

  1. He's interested. And there are several ways to get things going. You can hold eye contact. He'll get the message. In the event he's too shy to make the first move, it's perfectly acceptable for you to ask him if he wants to meet for coffee or something like that. Victorianism died a long time ago. Guys usually like it if a girl asks him if he wants to socialize, so don't be shy.

  2. Girl he is NOT a loving man. I can’t believe you just said this. Defend him and look forward to a life of abuse. Every single victim of domestic abuse has, at some point, been intentionally blind to glaring red flags.

  3. You can ask him to move out. After he leaves, get the children together and tell them that he has left, and that he chose to, though they will continue to see him at intervals. Make sure they understand that it is not their fault. You might ask a family counselor for advice. This situation is not that unusual. Best of luck. You are doing the right thing.

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  5. Her behaviour is baffling. Wrapping zip lock bags an giving that as a present just made it so much worse. This almost seems like she is rubbing your nose in it.

  6. Hello /u/thereallife666,

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  7. I was ready to call fake on this because it seems so ridiculous anyone would refuse to have sex with you because of your uncircumcised status. Then I read comments where other people have heard of this happening. It’s wild to me. In Australia circumcision is neither here nor there. People just don’t care if you’re circumcised or not. Tell her to gtfo and find someone without such weird and cruel hang ups about your body.

  8. Yeah but it’s nice that we’re the ones having a one time thing for once I’ve been cheated on twice so I get how both ends feel and I really love her

  9. Just ask. Besides, lemme tell ya right now that whole “not sure if I trust going over to your place” thing is absolute bullshit. If she likes you she'll say yes, but if she keeps making excuses to flake then she's probably just too shy, non-confrontational, or indecisive to properly reject you. Either way, ask her out, but make that it. You need time away from this girl & experience with other options. Don't be her texting buddy, don't be her “pal”. If she wants nothing from you romantically or won't see you face-to-face then move on with your life.

  10. Thanks. I’ll try again today (at a normal hour not 5:30 haha) and hope that part of their response was the drinks and that we can talk about it. We weren’t drunk drunk but maybe it affected things on both sides.

  11. Some people think it’s cheating if they’re still technically married? If they have agreed they are intending to divorce then it wouldn’t be.

  12. I worked for schools and this happened. And it may not be suspect but in my opinion, I'm an adult professional woman who does not share bedrooms with strangers of the opposite sex. If a workplace can't afford to pay properly, they have no business expecting people to go. Also I have a female health condition that I should not be expected to disclose.

    I am at the stage in my career where I know my value and fortunately my employer is understanding of my situation.

  13. Let me guess, you don’t think marital rape is a thing either?

    You know, since you’re so insistent that consent doesn’t matter when you’re a FIANCE

  14. Yes sending thirst trap video edits of guys (no nudity). Just with one of her girl friend. That was the first time I saw her do stuff like that so i’m unsure if she does it multiple times a day.

  15. Have you ever had a conversation about why she prefers socializing like that? Not in a “you know this is weird” way but a “why do you prefer it this way”?

  16. GL…I don't know EVERY couple that's given into this stuff, but EVERY couple that has (five) has had horrible long term results. One hung on to a loveless marriage for 20 years, with repeat infidelity on both sides…but hey, just know that you will find yourself in the marriage you created, and therefore deserve… go get em tiger….rawr….

  17. It’s fine there’s people out there that say it’s cheating. By all means if you’re one then do yo thing girlfriend but it’s hard to find people that don’t do that. I’d rather just cooperate find some middle ground with someone I have things in common with and love than throw it away for some video.

  18. Your husband is an AH. I hope Sara reports him to HR. You should seriously consider your relationship with him going forward. He's a creep. And he's lying saying it was “joke”. If it was all innocent, he wouldn't have hid her name under a man's name and he wouldn't have been such a creep.

  19. Hey, have you considered that it is to his advantage if he “can’t” understand?

    If he admits to understanding then he might have to admit that you have a point or that he’s wrong.

    If he continuously insists he doesn’t understand then he never has to change or do better. You can beg and plead and explain in a million different ways and instead of being accountable or changing his behaviour he can just play dumb and make it your problem.

    But I don’t think he’s dumb. I think if it benefitted him to understand, he would have no problem at all understanding what you’re saying. It’s not that he “can’t” but rather he chooses not to.

  20. “I’m accepting of her kid but I don’t want her to have a relationship with her kid because he isn’t mine”

  21. Thank you. This hurts so incredibly much, but I feel validated and not so crazy anymore reading what you guys say.

  22. Your take is that she is awesome and picked him, hiding from her partner something everyone else knows isn’t a big deal, and that after all this time realising he didn’t know they are “tactfully” omitting that she chose him?

    I can tell you that will certainly not be how most guys see it.

  23. You treat it like any other infatuation. DONT CHEAT!!!!!! Try and give yourself some space from the friend and really assess how you feel bout your girl. Not the other person your girl. Make sure you are ready to blow up what you have before you do anything. DONT CHEAT. If you feel like this is something you have to explore then you need to be upfront with your girl and see what you guys can work out.

  24. Maybe I’m just projecting wishful thinking for you, but could that little smiley face at the end of her text possibly mean she would be happy if you were pregnant?

  25. He SAYS he’s never cheated. Come on, if he can openly cheat on you when he’s supposed to be visiting and not care about getting caught then he’s probably fucking everything that moves when he’s out of your sight.

    But the question is, if you don’t care, why are you with him? Why not just move on and have some fun? You’re a teenager. Why would you need to tie yourself to someone that you don’t care if he cheats?

  26. You’re just not compatible, it’s only been 3 months and you’ve both considered breaking up already

    You need to meet someone who’s in the same stage of life

    Also don’t just settle for anyone just because you want to be married by 30

  27. I think he got what he wanted and bounced when you kept messaging him because he didn't want to lead you on or let you think it was something more than sex. I'm sorry.


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