Kiara-lombardi on-line sex chats for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Kiara-lombardi on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Because he broke up with me and we ended on good terms, so there was never anything wrong with our relationship except for the fact it was my first and that made it hot for him. It was his choice.

  2. Aw you guys are nice! Only one kiddo he’s all I need lol, he has two half sisters from his mom so he has family lol.

  3. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

    What other advice do you want?

    You’re 18, online and learn. Don’t repeat silly mistakes.

  4. I do get her things throughout the year which is slightly where my frustration came from. If I see something I think she'll like I get her it as a nice surprise. My point about her not getting me things was more to do with the fact she seems to expect me to spend my money on her but isn't doing it in return. I'm not too bothered about her not buying me things but I just think it shouldn't be an expectation for your partner to get you things if it's not something you do for them. I feel like I've worded it badly but I hope you understand my point

  5. What exactly are you getting out of this relationship? He’s not contributing monetarily, he’s not contributing physically to any of the work, he’s not contributing his time … is he even contributing emotionally?

    What is worth saving here? Your child would be better off without that toxic example of how relationships are.

  6. The whole point of living together or getting engaged is that it's your last chance to confirm that this person is the right person for you to be with before you sign up for “forever.”

    Well, you've gotten engaged, and you've moved in, and NOW you see what his real expectations are for you. You're supposed to be his mommy/maid. Your job will never be “real” compared to his. Your achievements will never shine compared to his. Your usefulness will lie in how well you can mommy/maid him and any future children.

    As this is how you envision your future, tell your fiancé that you two must attend couples counseling immediately before any (more?) planning goes into a wedding. If you two can't reach a compromise on this issue, then you should not be moving forward into marriage.

    We can enjoy many different people in our lives, but not everyone who's fun or serious or smart or funny or reliable or kind is the right person to spend our lives with. No immediate couples counseling should signal the immediate end of your relationship because at 30 years old, you're spinning your wheels waiting for him to see the light on his own!

  7. How you're feeling is normal. At the end, we tend to start think about the beginning and all the good times while wearing rose colored glasses.

    Big picture, she's not right for you. It sucks, but that's reality. You're scared you won't find someone else? I assure you, you will. Feel how you feel, but allow yourself to move on. Good luck.

  8. So you forgive him, and he continues cheating on you and disrespecting you? You find that acceptable? How would you feel if a close friend did that?

    Love yourself and put you first. This troll does not lo e you. He is willingly cheating and exposing you to disease.

    Walk away and keep your head held high. Be strong. There is a world waiting on you.

  9. Why, what do you mean, women are ALWAYS telling their current boyfriend “how great the dick was” when they happen to drive past the apartment of an old hookup. It's such a normal and not at all insane thing to say, and definitely really happened in real life

  10. Idk how you’re powering through all that, lovely Bluebird! 3-4 hours of negativity instead of companionship or appreciation is very difficult. What are you getting from him that’s good?

    (I would also be willing to guess your daughter hears him sometimes, OP. If she were grown up and described being in a similar situation, what advice might you give her?)


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