Kiaraharker live sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Kiaraharker live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Let me get this straight-

    Your FRIEND was staying with you while your boyfriend was away.

    You called your FRIEND over to show something funny and then you guys CUDDLED.

    He was only in a towel and you weren't wearing anything underneath while JUST CUDDLING.

    You are upset that your boyfriend doesn't believe you, while your actions say otherwise.

    I didn't know what I could do to make him believe me




  2. How fucked up are you two that one kid killed themselves because of whatever fucked parenting you did, and the other two are 100% certain you're the cause of it and don't want to speak to you ever, leave them alone before you end up causing another tragedy

  3. Her reaction far outstrips his crime. And if you read her post, you’ll notice it’s less about his betrayal than a deeply entrenched insecurity that doesn’t originate with him but with a whole life preceding their marriage when she felt second-rate and unlovable. That her entire sense of self worth could be destroyed like this proves that it was built on such fragile foundations. It’s great she’s in therapy, but it’s going to take a lot of time and work.

  4. This is like the perfect moment to use “if he wanted to, he would”.

    My BF is an extremely independent person who needs plenty of alone time. He likes to be spontaneous and sometimes forgets the time. BUT I ALWAYS KNOW WHERE HE IS AND WITH WHOM. not because I constantly ask, but because we’re in a relationship and this is how you treat your partner; you tell them what you’re up to. You don’t have to announce everything the second you do it, but when we come home we tell the other what we did all day.

    HE IS ACTIVELY NOT TELLING YOU WHERE HE LIVES. He is actively not sharing this information with you. He decides over and over again, that he does not want you to know. Every normal person would instantly get divorced, if their partner pulled crap like this.

    Girl you definitely need a reality check.

  5. You jump to the assumption that I framed my fear of loneliness as concern, ofc I don't want her to leave me but I genuinely am concerned for her. I literally only came here to get advice on what I should do and I took the advice and already stated that I was wrong ,I'll get the police involved and that I'll let her know what was up. So I don't know why were still 2 steps back at this

  6. No. This is victim blaming. OP was raped and should seek counseling. If it were me I would let my ex know the full story and let her make a decision from there. If she's human enough to understand what OP went threw then hopefully she can move on and at least be friends. If she's not then she wasn't worth OP's time anyway and he should be thankful he dodged a bullet.

  7. She’s not afraid of losing you or she wouldn’t have kissed him. She’s afraid of losing what she has, which is a stable place to live!, a man that takes care of her, and someone who cares about her. She’s selfish and isn’t thinking of you when she’s with him.

  8. I was told by my UK housemate’s mother who had taken advantage of these kind of flights that you basically have to be able/willing to travel on short notice and go wherever the offer says. If you’re looking to go to specific place during specific time, you’re unlikely to find a flight that cheap.

    However, if you’re browsing Ryan Air one day and see “3am return flight to Helsinki overmorrow for only $4! Hand luggage only, no checked bags, return flight leaves Helsinki 84.87 hours after landing, hotels not included, by the way this is the worst time of year to visit Helsinki specifically and Finland in general.

  9. Intentionally inflicting emotional damage to her will leave lasting harm with her. Tell her the truth, be short and be kind as possible without giving her false hope.

    Your plan is how people wind up damaged and injuring future partners. Be an adult and face the conversation.

  10. She is now lazy and I have to put all the effort into everything. There’s no desire or input from her and she doesn’t initiate any form of intimacy at all. It feels like it is coming from myself solely- even with the simple things!

    No, she was ALWAYS lazy. She just waited until you were totally comitted to the relationship before she showed you her true self.

    She is 32, she is not going to change. You need to get the hell out while you are still young.

  11. PS He has absolutely no right to the stuff he gave you, including the ring.

    This is incorrect (as far as him having “absolutely no right to the ring”). Laws surrounding the classification of gngagement rings as conditional gifts, unconditional gifts, etc. vary by state. A quick Google returned the following info:

    The majority of states take this approach [that engagement rings are conditional gifts that convert to being the property of the recipient upon marriage], and the ring is returned to the gifter if there is no wedding.

    Alabama, Alaska, Kentucky, Massachusetts and New Hampshire are among a few of the states that take “fault” into consideration and look at who broke the engagement. In those states, the person that breaks off the engagement loses the ring.

    Montana is an interesting exception: That state considers the engagement ring an unconditional gift. The ring is kept by the recipient, even if the marriage never occurs and no matter who broke the engagement.

    Once the marriage occurs, most states view the gifting of the ring as complete. In the event of a divorce, the recipient of the ring is entitled to keep the gift.

    However, a handful of states consider the ring as marital property once the marriage occurs and the value of the ring would be split in a divorce just like all other marital property.

    So while I agree NEVER to return non-possibly-conditional gifts from a relationship (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) I will ALWAYS caution a couple to consult an attorney with regards to gifts given that were once heirlooms from their partner's family line, or were given as betrothal gifts.


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