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19 thoughts on “Kiki <3 the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You probably think I had your childhood with 0 intimacy, I’m sorry, some people mature earlier than others.

  2. I have a couple questions:

    1) When you say our bank account is it an account where you both are contributing money toward said account? Only reason why I ask is because I want to know if this money he spent is also considered your money too or what exactly the purpose of the account is for (fun money, family, bills, etc.)?

    2) Any chance you could find a picture of the sunglasses or at least go onto their site and possibly identify them from memory? A simple reverse search will determine if it’s a men or female pair of glasses.

    3) If he never buys you gifts, let alone your family, why do you accept this behavior at all and continue to tolerate it?

    4) Anything else suspicious that you’ve noticed into aside from the glasses like any shady unexplained behavior or perhaps a phone he holds onto with way too much suspicion? Have you looked at the other transactions within the past couple of months or years and seen anything unusual?

    Your husband is an idiot if he wants to take money out of a joint account you also have access to but my biggest advice is to start investigating further because he’s definitely hiding something. If he’s cheating then you need to take a serious look at all of your transactions.

  3. I second the suggestion of therapy for your hisband, OP. Due to the lying and trust issues, couples therapy may help. If you are struggling with the situation or trying to figure out how to deal with it, seeing a therapist yourself might help. I see a therapist to deal with my spouse's issues and it has helped me immensely.

  4. “my boyfriend forces me” “stop being pathetic”

    I beg the women of Reddit to pick their standards from the floor. Hell, worse – they are buried under the ground, they are in the Mariana Trench…

  5. Thanks for your reply and I’m glad I’m not the only one to think this. It’s bad but can get worse so I’m heading for the exit.

  6. It also stands out to me that OP said it wasn’t about income inequality because their incomes are about equal… But he’s working half as very hot and making as much as she is. That has to hurt at least a little.

  7. If proof surfaced today of that man with his wife, would that actually make you feel better? Or is your issue a little deeper than whether or not he is single? I ask because you should get to the heart of what is actually bothering you.

  8. I was a gifted kid who was bird to death in school. I wish things had been different too. I think that whatever we do as parents, our kids will resent it in some way.

  9. What do you mean…might be bipolar?! I have bipolar disorder and would never act like this. Behaviour like this is not indicative of bipolar disorder.

  10. The amount of posts I see like this is so concerning. Yes, this is rape. Please find a way to safety and stay away from him.

  11. As a 44 year old woman – this is INCREDIBLY creepy, and if a friend of mine were saying ANY of this to my 18 year old child, I would be telling them to get the fuck out of my house.

    You need to stand up for yourself, since your mother apparently is unwilling to do so, and tell him to back off because it's not complimentary or positive, and that he is making you uncomfortable.

  12. Why doesn’t he accept that you can’t respond immediately or that you don’t want to text all the time?

    It’s beginning to sound controlling. Is he insecure?

    It might feel like a change given you guys have been texting a lot previously but one he needs to get used to.

  13. Hell YES it’s new. It’s new, it’s the new “hysteria” that used to get women lobotomized.


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