Kitty-moon18 live! sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Kitty-moon18 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. that's so awful doe. darn you're right. I feel like he already kinda won though.

    Here's my full story if you're interested that I made in another post that the mods deleted for some reason.

    A man took me out on a “date”. He had invited me. I was really excited, blew off a work project, got new heels, a dress, and was excited to be wined and dined. I really did put in a lot of time, money, and energy trying to impress him and be good company.

    I didn't ask him about whether he was paying and expected him to pay since he asked me out. When the bill came, he just gave me a blank stare. I asked him if he was taking care of it and he just said “No”.

    I got visibly upset and he started bragging about other women that wanted him, then threatened to get up and leave if I didn't pay when I started crying. I panicked about being left with the whole bill. I also was honestly extremely insulted because I had invested a lot getting ready to impress him and was excited to see this guy, and this felt like a massive smack in the face.

    He said we could split it and we both put in our cards. Turns out, he had actually LOCKED his card. The waitress came back and said “I'm really sorry, his card didn't work” and she told me my card got charged for BOTH meals.

    Wanting to be “nice”, I didn't complain, I just said that's okay and signed the check, but I'm wondering if this was my legal obligation. Can I complain to the restaurant?

    I feel as though it was not fair he bullied me into paying for him and I got screwed over for trying to be a good person and pay my share out of respect for the restaurant, even though it was a date HE asked me on. But then the restaurant charged me for BOTH meals because this guy locked his card.

    The guy also seemed very, very pleased with himself that he didn't need to pay and wouldn't leave a tip either, so I had to put down the little cash I had (20) too. It was 100 for both plus tip and this guy refused to pay anything and bullied me into paying for him by locking his card. I'm not sure what else I could have done and feel really bad about the whole thing. Could I have asked to only pay for myself?

    ALSO: since my house was down the street from the restaurant, I stupidly let him talk me into “walking me home” and then when we got to my door, he said he had to use the bathroom so I stupidly let him inside. He then took his shoes off and tried to stay, and I had to kick him out. Thankfully my 30 year old roommate was there, so the guy sheepishly left when he realized another man was in the house, but I'm worried something terrible could have happened. I'm kind of shocked at my naivety looking back. Could he have bullied me into segs too if my roommate wasn't there?

    TLDR: Guy bullied me into paying and I was really really shocked and unsure how to handle it. How do I avoid this happening again? my mom said it would have been rude to ask upfront if he was paying and i wasted my time and feel terrible and traumatized. I also feel as thought I was unintelligent, thoughts? i feel so “soft” and foolish for crying, letting him bully me, and paying the WHOLE bill for this privilege. plenty of women are saying i'm really dumb and they would have just walked out.

    Update: He texted me a week after this ordeal, says he was really excited to get to know me, he “doesn't see not paying as undervaluing me at all”, he wishes we could have kissed, and really wants to meet again. In this case, should I ask him to send me the cash back or just ignore him?

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  3. Your heart broke? Okay my dream proposal is my fiancé handing me the keys to Maserati but if it doesn’t happen, I still love him. Like that’s so unfair of you to say your heart is so broken bc your partner put a lot of work into a special day and you’re shitting all over it. And the proposal is over. Done. You never have to do it again. And fr divorce rates are like 50/50 so maybe you’ll have another one ??? Idk this seems kind of rude and for your partner’s sake, I hope they don’t see this

  4. You avoided the question and simply stated the problem.

    You expect a guy you barely know (~10 days) to wait for 5 months?

    You are better to just leave him be and touch back with him when you return. See if he’s interested again.

  5. People are being insanely forgiving to you in this thread. But if I was your boyfriend this would be the most disrespectful shit I've ever read. His own friend?? Get a fucking grip, you're an adult.

  6. Your coworker likes you and resents your bf bc of it.

    You can be nice and at the same time tell him you don't want to talk about your relationship. But you do need to keep him at arms length.

  7. New rule: He doesn't arrive until you do.

    A few statements like, “Um, hey buddy, whatcha think you're doing there? You know the rule.” Will put things right on track.

  8. I think everyone here knows drunk driving is bad, people who are disagreeing with the way you reacted does not mean they support alcohol abuse or have a problem.

    That being said, in this day and age, and the magnitude of ease it is to grab an Uber or Lyft or other ride sharing apps he should have known better. Do I think he's being defensive because he knows he fucked up and shouldn't have driven, absolutely. And I'm sure if he would have called you, you would have grabbed him if an Uber wasn't possible. So many options for that night to go and he chose poorly.

    Did he show any regret at all? Like he woke up with a banging hangover and said, that was completely fucking irresponsible of me? Or was he like Eh, no harm no foul? Because that is the big difference, owning up to a mistake and learning from it, no matter how insanely stupid, is a sign of maturity and growth.

    We all fuck up, and we all have limits. Guess he found yours.

    Just my 2 cents.

  9. Honestly it really sounds as if your kids need help versus hers wanting help. I hope you can compromise.


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