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20 thoughts on “Kylie Boudoir the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. >> I always consider him and never go away on girls holidays because I know he wouldn't be pleased and would be worried

    I mean, he has you snowed here? I believe you when you say he never mentions anything to you. But you turn around and give him a ride to the airport like a “cool” gf instead of saying “naw, you didn't mention this trip & I'm not going to drop my day last minute because of your poor planning.” And you never go away on a girl's holiday because you “know” he'd be upset, but he gets to go on lots of lads' holidays. Basically he is calling all the shots here & you're taking it instead of demanding fairness, and you are afraid of his displeasure while he is not at all afraid of yours.

  2. You set a clear boundary, he broke it. Further, he’s mad at you for enforcing the boundary that he knew about, and then broke.

    Jim could be real sweet sometimes, but Jim doesn’t have very much respect for you.

    Run, girl – run like the wind.

  3. No. If he seemed to enjoy being with me and I enjoyed him, then it wouldnt matter at all. What he likes to look at on the internet would have no bearing.

  4. Nope, she’s broken up with you, so the first thing you do is cancel the visa application.

    There is no plan b.

    And if in the future she decides she wants to get back together with you, then you tell her “sorry, but I only allow people to walk over me once, after that they can fuck off”

  5. u/WarmNectarine82, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  6. This proposal was for them, not for you. If they cared about your feelings they would make it about you not them.

  7. The best part is OP not including the part where she left $4k specifically to use for the divorce and OP spent it. Now he wants $550 more from her for the same divorce she never got.

    OP, give her the divorce she paid for. What you paid for willingly during the marriage is irrelevant.

  8. It's your money, as long as you're not doing anything to jeopardize the lives you have together, then you can spend it however you like. However, make sure you both have a firm grip on your finances; if your wife is getting concerned about the outgoings, then you should both sit down and do a bit of maths together to make sure that you're on the same wavelength.

  9. I highly doubt that she has feelings for me, our age gap is too big and I’m on the aromantic/asexual spectrum.

  10. Ah! So he’s fighting for the right to be comfortable nearly nude around a fourteen year old girl in his own home. Got it. Thank you for clarifying.

  11. These young women don't seem to value themselves and they don't require anything of their men. SMH.

  12. First, you only have Mary's view of what her therapist thinks and no context, unless you have more that you didn't post. There might be a valid reason.

    Safety. The big deal is that full adults are mentally mature and able to manipulate the thoughts of younger folks and manipulate them into stuff, especially sex. I don't get that vibe here and it appears she went into this eyes open and is having fun.

    Generally, it does seem unusual for a guy this age to stay interested once the conquest is done but if he's genuinely into her then really that's up to them. I suspect she will eventually mature in her own mind and likely change her view on the relationship but you will have to watch and see and hope they don't get full on serious and have kids too soon.

    As a good friend keep an eye on her and try to make sure that James isn't exhibiting predatory behaviour but leave them alone otherwise.

    A final note of hope maybe, a girl I treat as a niece, daughter of a family friend, is with a guy with this age difference but was older when they met. She is now as happy and mentally stable as at any other time in her adult life.

  13. It seems like he knows he needs these things but can’t due to money and having no insurance. So what exactly does OP think will happen besides making him feel like dogshit for being poor?

  14. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for 2+ years and everything has been fine, but as of last night, we got into a small argument and that lead her to the conclusion that she wants space and wants to take a break for a month.

    I told her I understand and respect that as maybe some space is good for us, but then she mentions that, during this break, it doesn't matter if she does sexual stuff with other men as it'll mean nothing and she still loves me. And this just raised a bunch of flags in my brain because why would you even mention that to me? And on top of that why if you love me would you do that in the first place?

    I then told her that taking a break just feels like stepping stones that lead to the end but she says she still loves me and wants to be with me but needs a month break from me (No texting, calling or seeing each other). It's just all so confusing to me cause it feels like she doesn't want to be with me the way she always mentions sexual stuff wont mean anything to her if she does it with someone else during this month because she still loves me, but that bothers me so much and I don't know if I'm overreacting. It feels like she's dumping me with a string attached to yank me back in whenever she wants and it's not fair.

    I told her a month just feels too long for me and I would want an answer sooner so I don't have to wait a month with a false sense of hope for it to come crashing down and end up heartbroken all over again.

    TLDR girlfriend wants a month break where she can fuck around and do what she wants with other men but says she loves me and says I have a 50/50 chance of getting back together by the end of the month

    I need advice.

  15. I'm not sure if I'm emotionally strong enough to do so in the moment (to be able to set strong boundaries), but when I do I'll keep your advice in mind. Thank you so much for your thoughtfull response


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