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32 thoughts on “LauraThayer live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm probably going to be blunt with you on this but, you're not dating. You met end of October? only known him for a month and a bit? Yes, had some nice weeks but, now he might want his own space, he also just lost his job, he went to hang out with his friends who he's probably known longer than you to feel better.

    Yet all you're thinking about is seeing him again. Give him some space, if he wants to hang out he will say it, if he doesn't then he doesn't. It's up to you if you want to wait around for him or keep pushing to hang out, but, keep pushing to hang out or keep trying to make plans it will probably push him away and think you're being a bit clingy.

  2. You could try hugging him and saying you’re proud of him when he does well at something like school/hobby stuff. You could also go on a father son trip to somewhere fun.

  3. My reading comprehension? She never said it happens twice a year. She said it happened this once. I read it just fine. You are adding to it what did not happen like how many times I read what she wrote. You just made it out to be something that happens more she said it happened once. Where did I misread. Your comment is making more out of it than was given or stated by the Op. o agree with what she said. Just because you do not you continued with me. I have experience here and you just ignore things I did not. Good day.

  4. Okay. I suppose you could probably bribe or threaten someone into telling you that your son's behavior is normal. That person would be wrong and the situation would keep getting worse, but you'd be hearing what you want to hear. I guess that's what you want out of life, nice words and a child who will suffer and cause others to suffer.

  5. And all of us adults would laugh hysterically at the teenager throwing a tantrum and keep scrolling. (Or, if you were an adult, screenshot it for HR, that kind of crap can get you fired from a few companies I work for, no one wants drama like that.)

  6. Thank you for your words and i appreciate your advice a lot ♡

    I am pretty decent at dealing with my anxiety since my past taught me well so that is good at least since getting a therapist is as very hot as finding a organ donor in my region haha

    Of course i agree with you. Its her choice and i dont blame her. I did share my thoughts including the jealous, sad and mad ones but im always open and happy to talk about anything while keeping the mean thoughts to myself

    Im currently thinking about asking her to make a break for a week so we both can untangle our minds to then meet up the week after to discuss everything properly. What do you think about that idea?

  7. You said she forces you to eat them but didn't explain how. Does she threaten you? Is she using physical violence? Do you feel safe in your home?

    Since you're aware that you can't eat them it seems understandable that you would refuse to eat them, but you didn't explain what method she uses to force you to eat them against your will. Depending on how violent it is, you may need the help of law enforcement to leave this relationship.

    If you're not able to leave and find a safe place to live away from being forced to do things without your consent, do you think you would be able to convince her that you've become a vegetarian or that your doctor is requiring you to cook specific meals for yourself for health reasons? Perhaps that could keep you from getting sick until you're able to find a way to safely leave?

  8. She's struggling to reconcile him telling her he never wants to get married to the reality that he was really saying, “I don't want to marry YOU.” It's not about her having feelings for him, exactly, but wondering (as we've all done) what's wrong with her that he wouldn't marry her but will marry this woman.

    But hey, you're dumping her for being a human being with feelings, so, not your problem, right?

  9. It is about responsibility though? Again, this might be a disagreement on values. I don’t think it’s childish to wait until she puts that boundary down. This is simple, she should be doing better for OP. The fact that she hasn’t communicated at all at her big age is frankly a red flag, but maybe she just needs to watch 500 days of summer.

  10. People throw around the word hate so loosely that it's meaningless. I don't believe you understand hatred to use it in the context that you have.

  11. “My girlfriend has high self-esteem” isn't exactly a burning problem. Let her live.

    It's okay to just be privately annoyed by one little thing about someone.

  12. If you don’t have any kids with this cheating woman divorce her. Or spend the rest of your life waiting for the next time. And there is always a next time but this time you might have three kids and lose half your shit. Better to leave now.

  13. This will not resolve itself. You are working less than her. You are investing less of your time and effort into building your future together than she is. She resents you for it, and she has a really good point about that.

    How do you not see things from her point of view? She is working harder than you, you are working less than her, she wants you to invest as much of your time and effort into building a future as she is investing.

  14. What I said with the most recent incident is very close to this so maybe he just doesn't respect me. I said no one would enjoy their partner calling them trashy and that it was very hurtful and he just repeated himself and tried to justify it.

  15. Your husband did nothing wrong, I would shake his hand.

    I would also never bring him to your home country or return on your own because you and he would both be in incredible danger.

  16. It's broken. Neither of you talks about issues. It's just accusatory, argumentative, childish yelling. Any chance you could pack your bags go to mom's? If not then it may be worth a try to stop doing everything that you do for him. Just take care of yourself and the babies. Eventually he might want to be more cooperative. If not, you know what you will have to do. Do the best you can for the babies and yourself. Let's hope that husband comes around.

  17. I can accept there is probably some frustration on his end if he is genuinely unwell, but that is not an excuse to take it out on you and the people he is supposed to love and care for.

    His controlling, abusive behaviour is not OK, and you have every right to feel over it. Your children will pay the price if his behaviour continues.

  18. If it were a “drunk mistake” (not that that would make it okay) then they would have apologized to OP in the days following. Instead the boyfriend has been calling her dramatic and accusing her of ruining the trip and the friends haven’t reached out at all. How on earth could OP have had an “adult conversation” with people who refused to stop mocking her, despite her repeated requests?

    Did we read the same post?

  19. I had to look again at the ages to make sure this wasn’t a teenage thing. Nope, he’s really 27 and acting this way. He needs serious therapy to overcome his anxieties. He’s smothering you with his need for attention. That’s not healthy in any way.

  20. That's really stupid. But also like, what else is he into? Guys super into crypto tend to be like weirdo right wing often libertarian types.

  21. Yeah this, alot of people will react like her because the intensity of the daunting situation puts them in slight shock. That doesn't mean someone is guilty, freeze response is real.

  22. Sure you can't control who they are friends with, they are right on that, but they are naive to think that their choices won't have consequences. I would personally focus on your new family and what makes the mother of your child comfortable. If that means that your parents will barely be apart of your lives, thats the consequences of their choice.

    I wouldn't date someone who's family hung out with their Ex, unless the person had some distance from the family, because that's just a shit show.

  23. I did this once when I was a kid and it’s because I always wanted a sibling to pick on and it was just pretend, but I was for real annoying. It was just for a week for a trip though. She was a few years older than me and I turned out ok ?


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