Layla-1 live sex chats for YOU!

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2 thoughts on “Layla-1 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. So he wants you to have a child for him, but he refuses to otherwise commit to you? It sounds like he wants the benefit of you having his child with no form of input other than sperm. He won't marry you, won't online with you, won't commit in the way you want, but wants a child? Nope. NOPE. His wants and needs aren't the only important thing here, you matter too, OP. Your wants for the future (like if you really want to get married) and your living situation? That's important. It's not fair for him to hold you in a limbo of “maybe” when your housing situation is reaching a crunch-time. How long does he expect you to wait around while he decides whether or not you're allowed to online with him? Oofta.

    Having his child would be like single parenting, and what if he decides he can't commit to a child, either? Then you /would/ be a single parent in every way that counts. Would he really prefer a court-ordered child support agreement and visitation over marriage?


    I'd also be sus on the “not now, in the future”, given he's said that he doesn't want to move in or get married- he could very easily change his mind on having children later, too, after stringing you along for years.

    He's allowed to life his life to his own timeline, but you're also allowed to want things. His wants aren't everything, and it sounds like he's completely uncompromising.

  2. Thank you for giving me your input! I really appreciate it. I've been doing the last one for the past years. It's just this time i cant put aside my feelings anymore especially because he does things to comfort me when I am overwhelmed. Like he pulled over once on the highway when he thought I was going to cry and just held me there and waited till I said I was okay before driving again.


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