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30 thoughts on “Lilithrosee on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Your bf does not believe in fairy tales. He also does not believe in doing stuff just because somebody else did so last year (tradition). Good for him. We need more ppl like him.

  2. Normally I think it’s messed up to ask for a paternity test but if I was him I would ask for one too. Cuddling someone in a towel? Really? You couldn’t wait for him to put on clothes? If you really care about your child having a father who wants to be around you I would work on your behavior and do the paternity test.

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  4. My advice? Sit down with your boyfriend and remind him of this important principle:

    “Foreplay is ALL DAY!” What does that mean? Relationships grow cold when you stop “dating”. Send a few texts during the day letting the other partner know that you are thinking about them! Just a short text, reminding them how sexy they are and how much they turn you on. EVERYONE likes to hear that every now and then.

    My partner and I subscribe to the “at least one nice thing” policy. I don’t care how busy your schedules are, you both have time during your day to do something, thoughtful, considerate, helpful, etc.…that could: make their day easier, remind them how attractive they are, show them that you actually listen when they tell you their wants, needs, and desires…

    Foreplay is an all day because you can’t essentially ignore your partner, act cold, or distant, failed to prioritize their happiness, etc. during the day, and then seriously wonder why they don’t want to climb on top of you the minute you both climb into bed? In a situation like that, the “ignored” partner doesn’t feel special. They don’t feel like they are “the one”. They feel as if they are no more than their partners only option at the moment. And then some actually have the nerve to try to make their partners feel guilty for not “putting out” or “doing their job”! And of course, this is after an entire day of neglecting their job of loving their partner and actually showing it

  5. Enjoy it while it lasts. Move on after it’s over.

    Unless she took you as a fwb because she knew you had to leave or wildly inexperienced dating for 32 this is a blessing in the long run.

    You don’t want to deal with the actual issues of a thirty two year old woman who’s open to emotional connecting to someone who can’t order their own beer.

    If it went long term you’d have to learn why that is.

    So enjoy not having to know that and having someone excited to see you till it’s time to move.

  6. I understand that certain things are better done with company, but there's nothing wrong with going out to grab a coffee on your own, grab a book or a laptop to browse on and enjoy getting out of your house – it's not weird at all.

    For things that are better with company, do you have friends or family to go do them with? You can also look for a hobby, class etc. to join and meet new people with similar interests.

  7. This guy knows and doesn’t care. He has eyeballs and sees that people around him aren’t behaving in this manner. He must have colleagues who make good money he’s spent time around. I doubt they act this way. The guy likes the attention.

  8. I was once attacked during a relationship and fell pregnant as well. The ex swore up and down I cheated on him, when I was drugged and remember nothing. I was in my home and ambushed. I woke up hours later like almost nothing had happened.

    My point being… OP, you can do no wrong here. You need to have a happy pregnancy and a happy relationship. If your husband can't stand with you on abortion, the two of you need serious help. And by that I mean both counseling and therapy. Blessings are not born from curses. There are always other ways to get pregnant.

  9. My husband told me early on that he didn’t like to be touched while eating. So I never did. You crossed a line after you continued to mess with him after he told you to stop. His response was violent which is unacceptable and then his gaslighting you telling you what he did didn’t happen. This cannot be the first time something like this from both sides has happened.

  10. You may understand why it makes him uncomfortable, but I certainly don't. I am seeing, 'op wants to do better' and boyfriend 'but that makes me uncomfortable'. Why is you doing better is making him uncomfortable? Don't fall for putting yourself in a smaller box for your bf's uncomfortable, because it will end up only hurting you.

  11. Thank you for the positive response ❤️ he definitely is a great guy and I know its tough for him, but we’re going to keep trying and make sure it can be fixed.

  12. True. She didn’t commit but it’s still pretty gross IMO. Dude should save his money and just jump right in the sack with her since it’s that easy.

  13. You are an animal abuser if I knew you I would steal your cat. You should be ashamed of yourself and I think it says a lot about you that you allow this to happen to an innocent creature. Just rehome the poor thing, do you have any clue how much it's hurting because of you and your ah girlfriend?

  14. He’s told you that he’s never going to give. Ever. Just receive. I call bullshit on his reasons. But. Even if he’s not a total liar, he’s unwilling to even try. He doesn’t care enough about you to try. He’s not getting help. Why would he? He’s got his perfect partner. You are tolerating this. Don’t. Move on.

  15. That's definitely over the top, but reading between the lines, I suspect your therapist was trying to protect you. She knows more than we do about your situation.

    I once let my therapist know my boyfriend might deliver a cup of coffee to me as we were getting started and she was fine with it. I can only assume it's because I was fine with it and he wasn't going to linger and eavesdrop.

    Every practitioner has their own methods/standards, but I feel like she was making a point here. At least, that's my read on the situation. The point was, take care of yourself and don't worry about this dude's need to shit in one specific toilet. Totally ridiculous.

  16. You were RAPED! honey, i want to cry for you. The way you said you cheated(?) To your bf, of course he'd be pissed. But you were raped. My girl. Show him this post. Tell him all the nasty details.

    If he is even remotely close to a decent human, he will defend you and do all the things to make sure your safe. Anything else? Leave him. He only just showed his true colors and he's not worth your time.

  17. I was thinking their whole family was killed by a lady who wanted to her husband to take the day off one time. Turns out commenter is a tax preparer in the US and it’s April 12.

  18. If you honestly missed the “/s” and not making your own humorous comment, I’d like to explain. I just noticed a few places in this thread where people could’ve expressed a little more empathy, like expressing the universal human behavior of swiping through someone’s Facebook history (maybe not to the degree you did, but something like it happens to near everyone-not all, and not just Facebook). My wife has low self esteem and she has a team of doctors and mental health professionals helping her near round the clock, and she’s had to go on disability to cover her “invisible” disability. I won’t go into her diagnoses, but seeing how adrift you are in the sea of malaise you find yourself dog paddling through has me concerned and full of empathy for you. There’s also a bias some people are approaching your predicament from and that’s the “curse of knowledge.” It’s a cognitive bias that colors a persons perception of one’s intelligence. For example, I know that toilet plungers are essential to every home, but when I see that someone doesn’t own one, I have a knee jerk reaction to call that person a moron. I don’t know this persons life history or reasons but a plunger, intellectually, is not an IQ test and is a horrible judge of intelligence. Hope that helps

  19. That's not how the internet or advice works. You are not in a relationship. You are just someone he's banging while waiting for his real girl. You want advice? Stop dating anyone. You are not intelligent enough, have no sense of self worth, no spine, and no sense of reality. The worst thing that could happen is you get knocked up and perpetuate these uneeded and unwanted traites into the gene pool. You don't have the right to complain or force people to only give you stupid advice you want to hear. Grow up and face reality or continue to be treated like a free prostitue. Seems like you enjoy being the latter. You deserve no sympathy anymore. You made your bed now lay on your back and take it.

  20. I wouldn't. I've texted guys that i thought were compatible. Meeting them in person has sometimes changed the opinion. Not that they were bad people or anything… just didn't get that click.

    Texting my now bf was like pulling teeth and I honestly didn't think he was very interested or maybe even all that interesting since we barely talked. Then we met in person, talked for 8 hours straight. Haven't been apart since in 4 years.


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