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24 thoughts on “Lilly-Lill-Bunny live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Absolutely this. When I first started dating my now husband he told me to ‘f#ck off’ during an argument. When we sobered up I told him if he ever spoke to me like that again we were done, no more chances, no excuses, this is it. He hasn’t and we have been together nearly 20 years, subsequently we’ve never used empty threats with ending the relationship either. When I’ve said these things are deal breakers for me, I’ve meant it, and he knows it and has a choice on how he wants to online his life too.

    It is ok to set boundaries and stick by them.

  2. You’re right. She’s been chasing me for two months now but as soon as I took serious steps she became nervous. She told mutual friends about how much she adores me and what not. How she wants us to be together. She is not at all capable of communicating these things to me at all however.

    I really like this girl, I liked her as a friend and I enjoyed spending time with her. That’s why it concerned me when she started acting like that. Showing romantic interest in me and what not. I was aware of her emotional immaturity and that’s why I kept my distance but she kept coming after me.


    What man spends 1K on a woman 3 months after he meets her?

  4. They alter your brain chemistry. How wouldn’t they potentially change your thinking on this too? Are you not taking medication at the direction of a health professional. As I’m sure you well know, many bipolar patients unfortunately don’t take their medications as directed or at all. If you’re unmedicated because your doctor has advised this as the best course of action, by all means I retract my statement. However, if you’re not taking medication you’re supposed to and suffering with thoughts that are overwhelming, the very first thing to do would be to get back on track with confirmed diagnoses and treatment plan.

  5. You sound like a patient husband. I also think ignoring is the best way to handle someone like her, especially something so silly like that. When an adult acts like a child you treat them like one.

  6. Should’ve brought the coffee for her. But this sounds like it’s only a matter of time before it falls apart completely. She sounds out.

  7. You're right. We used to seem like we were perfect for each other. Everything was amazing, and then the last 4 months or so he's slowly changed into a much grumpier, unhappy person. And I don't understand why. Either way, I'm not entirely sure I can handle it anymore.

  8. then she should have let us do the testing when she demanded it. Granted, he should have demanded it long ago which makes me feel bad for the kid most of all.

    She has always told the child he is her dad.

  9. In what ways did he bring up coffee? Just curious because it kind of sounds like that could have possibly been him opening the door for you to make an advance. He could possibly be reluctant (rightfully so) to make a move since you are a customer. I don’t think it would hurt provide your number if he has already mentioned something like getting coffee

  10. Never understood the need to date men or woman, when you realize your bi. Like so what if your sexually attracted to other people, if your in a monogamous relationship it doesn't mean that it ends just because you found another woman attractive. Best bet is to divorce here bud. You leaving to sleep with other people means your soon to be ex wife gets to do the same, and looks like the guy she found she likes better. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  11. Sadly you are right. I found a cd in my moms house that my father left behind when he moved out. It had what I would consider kiddie porn. I turned it in to the police and FBI. Nothing was done to my father. In fact the police and FBI said, the images could be considered nudist material and is in fact legal. I couldn't believe it.

  12. Yeah, do it, after your professional relationship concludes.

    You just have to find a way to keep in touch with her after the course is over.

  13. Honey, this is a HUGE invasion of your privacy, safety and sanity all so your BOYFRIEND can inflate his ego! The videos should have NEVER been put on the internet, but did you even KNOW that they were made in the first place?

    How can you EVER trust him again? WHY would you want to continue in a relationship with someone you can't fully trust at all? HE has a serious issue! Make sure he DESTROYS all of the videos, check his cloud account. If you need to hire a forensic computer specialist and have them do a deep dive through ALL of his electronics. Consult a lawyer if you have to!

    Then drop the boyfriend and find someone who RESPECTS you and your privacy and treats you with the LOVE you deserve! Best wishes and many Blessings!

  14. Get that money then leave. Now that you’ve opened your bank account, he’ll just keep asking for more. Sounds like he’s not great with money, don’t let him drag you down with him.

  15. Never mention the phone because he’ll turn the conversation around and make it about you and the phone.

    BTW I’m fine with going through a phone if you have probable cause.

  16. Start documenting. Screen shots and recording behavior when you can do it. All while talking to a lawyer.

  17. Reading that I have the ick by proxy.

    Men don't scratch 'n' sniff their ballsack if they are normal.

    We wax and apply hand sanitiser.

  18. because she always makes it about the timing

    Sounds like he needs to stop stewing and actually come to her in a timely manner if he wants to be heard.

  19. It’s a can of worms being opening. There have been multiple posts where a partner gets cheated on, they sweep it under the rug, is willing to participate/have their partner meet someone else and then when it happens, they regret it. Wow, who could have seen that coming? Only people with self respect.


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