Loly-wanda on-line webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Loly-wanda on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I (m60) am into my husband (m51). He is fully into me. We have an open-relationship. We will be celebrating 9 years come March 2023. The key to it is honesty. We tell each other when we have play dates and who with. Sometimes you’ll hear things you don’t want to hear but as long as you two are the ones your other half WANTS to come home to, you’re gonna be ok.

  2. I joined groups on Facebook and I'm sure there's a few on here…narcissistic abuse and domestic violence groups…helped a lot…. I started focusing on myself and my health, looks and hobbies…besides taking care of kids and house. I stopped responding to him with hate and replaced it with a smile and kind words or no words at all. I walked away from an argument and so on and so forth. Takes time and patience and practice.

  3. Sometimes you just have to be honest – this is your house, not his, and it’s ok for you to put your foot down and say she is never moving back in to your home.

    It is probably going to disadvantage you in some ways by directly pitting New Wife vs Biological Child, but you deserve to be heard and you also have the casting vote considering the house is yours solely and is not a shared asset.

  4. Hello /u/Ignis_Imperia,

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  5. I've been married nearly fifteen years and kept a diary for many years.

    I talk so much shit in that diary. There's a common conception that journals are like the holiest truth but for me it was a place to be dramatic and work through stuff in private.

    Second it's completely normal to be attracted to other people and have occasional FOMO. The important thing is what you do with it. Sounds like your wife is working through it in therapy and journaling rather than cheating or treating you like crap.

    I'd like you to imagine your wife reading the most challenging thoughts you've had about her and what you would want her to do in that case. Then behave accordingly.

  6. Just get some condoms to keep for yourself that way you don't have to worry about whether he has them or not.

  7. Incoming post about “My bf is cheap and I broke up bc he sucks” with resounding “yasss queen you deserve everything bc you are a goddess!” reactions ?

  8. I hate being that person, but this would be a dealbreaker for me – divorce is now inevitable.

    You cannot trust the man you are expecting to sleep next to. He sabotaged your birth control to manipulate you. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, I personally could never trust someone who would do this to me again. You're questioning the conception of your youngest because of what you've witnessed.

    (I would ask him three questions over text so you have them in writing: has he done this before, what did he expect the outcome to be, and what does he think will happen next. If he denies ever doing it before, I'd reply “but I can no longer trust that you're being honest with me.” But I have a very, very low tolerance for male bullshit.)


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