LuluRoss on-line webcams for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “LuluRoss on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Ok firs of all run. You don’t like age play but still with some more than double your age.

    You are a troll or you need serious help.

  2. You will definitely be able to transfer, be sure to talk to advisors at your school if you’re ever unsure about anything

  3. Oh cmon! Clearly, you both were laughing and joking around and tbh you just pointed out the truth that sandwiches are English though his culture follows it and he just has to accept it. You weren't being racist at all.

  4. Marriage counseling. The yelling and throwing isn't okay but it's like neither of you were in a good place at that time.

  5. The weird part is that they were able to at first, but now they aren't. I would think it would be the other way around.

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  7. She called me tonight I was planning to end terms this night. When she called me she had tears in her eyes and going down her face. We talked about our days a little bit and she asked anything you want to talk about I said what’s there to talk about she just started tearing up again became completely silent was crying on the floor steering at my face trying to hide it then crawled up in a blanket and cried herself to sleep. This is hurting me way too much because I think she rushed it, and she never thought about what would happen if I actually left her life. I think she’s finally coming to terms with it one way or the other. I was just silent the whole time cracked a couple jokes the silence seemed to hurt her a lot. Why rush with someone if you’re not over me. There’s more to this than being let on. She woke up at 8 pm called me two hours after she woke up, and wanted to talk all night . Id think if you had a boyfriend you’d be doing it with him. Very confusing in all

  8. She is the outsider though. You and your children are the established unit. It can be awkward for people to try to find their place in that. Have there been any attempts to include her in activities? To plan a family day with her involved?

    How was she around your kids prior to moving in? How do they feel about her?

  9. Yeah, it's odd to be certain. Have the test, once the results are in and he sees he is the father, ask him for his phone on the spot. “If you have nothing to hide then it should not be a problem”.

  10. It's a pretty normal thing to do, lots of people do it. How else do you make sure that it's not going to burn while you cook it?

  11. Let it go. It’s not a big deal. If it is really bothering you, feel free to tell her that you panicked and wanted to seem like you had more experience traveling, but you would love to sip a glass of French wine underneath the Eiffel Tower with her. It’s ok.

  12. Show the colleagues wife. Ditch your wife. She'll do it again, and maybe keep up with this guy, just hiding it better. Sorry for the situation.

  13. “When one person is under 25 it's always predatory”

    The use of the word ALWAYS. and “ONE person under the age of 25” makes your statement extremely incomplete and inaccurate. I was 20, my husband 26 when we got married. Still going on. He wasn't and EVER been(or will be) a predator. “He WaS aTrAcTeD tO a YoUnG gIrL!” (Wanna know how I know this? He's a good dad and my daughter knows that her vagina is for her only. And she and her father tell me that she makes daddy leave before she is very hot anymore because she KNOWS she's changing.

    No. That's what a 44 year old does to a 24 year old. Not 26 to 20. Age gap is EVERYTHING depending on what age the youngest is. 30 -60 just got together? Perfect! 40- 25? Little shady but not completely weird. This is all when they MEET. do not try to tell me the importance of age difference and what's “right” or “wrong” in your book. We have different opinions, but OP is wrong and needs to get the F out while she can.

  14. I mean it might suck to hear it but there's no linear process to healing. It's day by day and healing is circuitous and some days will always be better than others. All you can really do is live! a day at a time and do your best.

  15. My title was definitely misleading, my apologies. I wouldn’t marry him for that reason… before he mentioned this conversation yesterday, a few months ago, I made a joke about how marrying him wouldn’t be so bad because he’s always been great to me. I actually kind of meant that joke and the idea of us being happily married years later kind of made me have hope. I’m not sure if I would be happy though since this is my first time dealing with this. I think I’m just scared of him not being attracted to me physically. I love that he loves me intellectually… but it’s nice to know your s/o is attracted physically. I have spoken to him about everything I said, and he told me he wouldn’t force Christianity on me and he loves me for me. I know deep in my heart I love him for him but when I made that joke awhile back I actually meant it. The word marriage is so complex to me because it’s been seen as negative in my life till I met him; however, when he mentioned sex after marriage I didn’t like that those two words were associated together… I don’t really know how to explain what I didn’t like about it but I know I felt really bad because I’ve shown him vulnerable parts of me and like I said, I had really bad dysmorphia with my ex. I think it might’ve triggered something in my head and it made me feel upset. Just the idea of me sharing my body and boom, it’s all gone? I don’t want him for just that though which is complicated, like I said sex is great but I usually would stop in the middle of it or when I didn’t want to continue or got overstimulated. I guess I’m just worried about the jokes I make because I make too many innuendos and it might sound childish but I don’t get to send nudes. When I did send him nudes it was to please him and an ego booster because he would compliment me and my body was moreso what I worked for. It took me so long to get there and it made me feel great when he admired it. When I asked him about sending them though, he told me I shouldn’t but expressed he cares for me a lot. I’m definitely aware my needs are first. I just think I’m having difficulty with how I should go about things. When I date someone I can’t date someone that has oppressive political views. I fell in love with him because he was very caring, he supports gay rights (my two sisters are lesbians), he’s pro-choice, he isn’t racist, he has no sort of toxic masculinity, he loves family, and much more. Hes everything I thought I wouldn’t find. He’s the most open minded Christian I’ve ever met and he doesn’t care how I dress. My plan was to go with the flow of things and see how things went intellectually overtime. I’m not sure if religion will change him for the worse or the better but so far it seems like he’s trying to get some sort of hope and I’m happy for him. I’m just terrified I won’t be end game because I genuinely do care for him.


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