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13 thoughts on “LunaShy live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I tried to stop socializing with them before i visited her but my mental health really went downhill because of that so thats not an option for me. Im planning to visit her again but im pretty broke currently. And she wants to do the year by herself so the visit would again only be temporary. Thank you for your advice anyways:) have a beautiful weekend 🙂

  2. Dude, you’re 37. You’re still a young man. Plenty of time to get over the woman who wouldn’t wait, and find the woman who’s waiting to find you.

  3. Yeah, he's gay or bi and doesn't know how to deal with it.

    His response is horrible and he keeps attempting to assault you. I hope you get out of that situation soon and be careful. You never know if he starts stalking you to attack you because he feels rage and decides to blame you for “doing something gay”!

    At the same time, if comes to terms with it and then decides to be all “ooh apologies, frens?” I'd say no and keep the distance.

    On AITA I read a post about a guy who was bullied in high school for being gay, then when he got to uni, one of his bullies was there and he came out to him, saying he liked OP. OP was not interested in him and wanted distance and this guy started harassing him to the point that OP kind of had to out him

  4. Yeah. But they are dumb kids who probably miss their father who is not involved and they’re angry. OR, the OP has thrown money at the situation but hasn’t been very nice to them .

  5. Crushes are ok, you’re human. Fighting it makes it worse, I bet you if you just talked and spent some time with your SIL (in a non romantic way and not about your feelings just as a family hangout) the crush will go away cause you’ll get to see her faults and see her as a human. It’s a crush, it’s the idealized version of her which probably makes her similar to your wife. It’s nothing serious.

  6. This is a prime example of a LDR that is a disaster.

    She won't even let you stay with her? You are the side piece. Sorry. If you weren't you would at least be able to crash on the couch or something.

  7. I want to kick him out but he made me feel very guilty the last time and made me feel like the crazy problem. I rather go elsewhere than be made to feel crazy and problematic

  8. You’re 40 years old. Get the tattoo. Go out and come home with a new one and show my partner “LOOK WHAT I DID”. He’s. It a fan of tattoos himself but he loves me and respects my descions

  9. You don't need a polygraph to see she is lying, but the question is not IF she is but maybe about to what extent. Either way OP what are you going to do about the fact that she is lying? Or at the very least placing herself and you in situations that reak of infidelity.

  10. Relationships are about compromise and to me it seems your ex was unwilling to compromise anything at all. The thing is that, what your grieving isn't your relationship, because the relationship wasn't really what you wanted. What you're grieving is just the idea or concept of what the relationship could have been. Yet, it never became the thing you wanted it to be. It never evolved into that.

    If you want to move on, you have to realize at least two things, first of all, we can't control others, this includes getting someone to change or be the way we want them to be. We have to recognize people for who they tell us they are. The other thing is that people are people and they can change if they want to, so, if someone wants to be better, they will be better and they will be accountable to it.

    The second thing to realize is that you can find someone better and more suitable to your own desires, if you look, and you can improve your techniques for evolving the relationship together with that individual. You don't need to grieve some idea of what your relationship could have been. Just work on finding the right person to work towards a relationship you both want to have and evolve it together.


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