LuxuryAsh live! sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “LuxuryAsh live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Our son didn't need any discipline as he hadn't been in any kind of trouble. I did offer to help before this convo took place but he said no thanks.

    Me: Our son doesn't do X and Y and leaves stuff a mess around the house and doesn't get stuff done that I ask in a timely fashion and…

    Spouse: He's a good kid. He's excelling in school, doesn't cause any problems, he's happy and good to people around him. Let's just let him be.

    Me: You're not wrong.

  2. Honest truth is dude lying or telling the truth they both won’t help that’s the truth behind it all I can lie or I can truthful If I don’t see any good results I’m not getting anywhere but either way I’ve done both the differences I saw is

    when I be truthful all the way with a girl the results I gotten was loyalty friendship from the girl but friend zone she didn’t want more than friends.

    when I lied to the girl the results I got was she did like more than a friend like she told me she would accept me but once she found out I was lying she went away but the ones that accepted me were bitches anyways so I wasn’t really that hurt by them.

  3. They always say what u wanna hear, believe me. I’ve had countless situations like the one you’re describing, and every single one of them said they want a relationship and not just sex

  4. I actually think this is a red flag?? I have a lot of male friends, they BLOCK women after they meet them in person so ladies can no longer see if they are active live. It’s a little odd that he insisted on showing you the phone without the app… feels a little like a sign of “love-bombing” to follow?? Just tread with caution and obviously don’t hook up with him until you get to know him better in case he turns out to be a weirdo.

    Although, I may be jaded bc I on-line in vegas & dating here is a crapshoot.

  5. It could simply be an outlet for something she has experienced in the past, or maybe she just finds it fascinating.

    Were you on her phone without her knowing when you saw the notification?

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  7. Only he’s going to be able to answer that for sure. Diabetics can have issues, but this almost sounds like mild depression, and kind of a conflict of emotion.

  8. Of course changing your appearance can make you unattractive to your partner.

    There's also the issue of your continued lying.

  9. Uh, dump her. As much as she claims that this is a healthy relationship, her manipulative nature is absolutely not healthy.

  10. Nothing you can really do there, because, let's be honest, you're trying to convince her to let you take drugs. Even if it's weed. Also, and this is coming from someone who smokes regularly and has for years, it's an addiction like any other once you smoke regularly. It's an expensive habit even if it isn't going to outright kill you like Heroin and, if you already have a tendency towards depression, can strengthen that and absolutely kill your motivation. I get wanting to just chill with friends and if you decide for you that you want to smoke, you do you, but you should know that it's not all good and that your gf doesn't have to accept it. If it comes down to it you might have to decide would you rather smoke or would you rather keep your gf?

  11. If her opinion blatantly undermines and disrespects him, he is under no obligation to give two shits.

    What's unfortunate is good men do give a shit. Even when it negatively impacts them, we still feel pressure to make our partner happy and fulfilled. Even when they clearly don't reciprocate. And that absolutely seems to be the case here when it comes to OP's career/finances. His partner seems to have zero problem with sacrificing OP's mental health and overall happiness for her own fulfillment.

    OP needs to look out for himself, not just his partner. It took me a long time to realize this, but there is nothing wrong with being selfish when it comes to self health.

  12. Geez you men can’t win. Don’t react and you’re viewed a coward and weak. If you beat up a burglar then you are violent and abusive. I’m a woman and I totally do not blame you for beating the shit out if the guy that broke into your home.

  13. There is no abusive. I have never touched him or threatened to take his children away. If our argument is about him not picking up the house or helping me clean he starts recording.

  14. It's not the act itself. If she couldn't for, let's say, medical reasons, I'd have no problem at all. Maybe I'd feel bad about it but I'd live happily without. What bothers me is that I couldn't imagine being in her place and deciding that I simply don't want to. There's nothing reasonable (ie, legal) that I wouldn't do if it could make her so happy.

  15. I'm not mad. I'm amused. Everyone claiming he's a deadbeat is wrong. That bothers me not at all.

    I'm not taking it personally, though I do happen to live with a mother who cooks all our meals, cleans all our dishes, and does all our grocery shopping… and its hilarious to see what people must think of me based on ONLY that information and nothing else about our financial situation or living arrangements.

    Yes. This is entertaining. I'm watching people read a post that clearly states a man pays for his mom's bills, yet he's [insert all the ridiculous assumptions I've seen today]. I am in the minority of people who took this post at face value and did not assert my prejudices of a man living at home with his mom upon it, but majority does not make you or anyone else right. Minority opinions can still be right. You realize that? Facts aren't open to a democratic process and the merit of an opinion isn't based on majority support. It's based on facts and evidence.

    The majority of the world can believe the Earth is flat, but that doesn't change the shape of the Earth or make the minority people who believe it rests on the back of a cosmic turtle wrong.

  16. He probably thinks this is his last chance to do these things because he will have a baby in a few months, but he needs to realize that he has to actively support you through your pregnancy and grow out of the party lifestyle. Once in a while is one thing but he’s not in college anymore and need to mature quickly.

  17. ?? you’d admit it to save your relationship though wouldn’t you haha, the image of that cheers me up rather than the thought of him doing the dirty!


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