Maissaahmad live sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Maissaahmad live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Normal is a relative term and it isn't something you should be concerned with. What's normal for one couple might not be normal for another.

    The thing is that as long as both you and your partner are happy, there isn't really a wrong answer

  2. You’re totally right. She’s lost interest. Here’s the kicker though. If you want her to gain it again, show her just how happy you can be without her. Make a nice split(sit down with her and break up in person) then go your way. One of two things will happen. She’ll go “oh fuck I’m stupid” and beg for another shot and want to repair your feelings. Or she’ll realize that this is a good thing and you guys can end things before you get even more attached

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  4. Exactly what I thought. Considering the way he brought finaces into it….I suspect it has something to do with money

  5. Yes yes. It needs to be a conversation. It’s difficult while I’m deployed. It creates an unnatural tension that wouldn’t normally be there. I’m getting out soon, which will hopefully lead to a better job with more money and less stress on the family as a whole.

  6. Also now he's reeling from that entire meeting, I know people like to think NC or LC are badass “gotcha” moments but who knows how nude this has been on him, unlearning all the potential hate and brainwashing his father has taught him growing up just poor guy

  7. Yeah my family has a saying “nothing good comes out of being out passed 2am”. Which in my area is true, the only thing open passed midnight (and it's rare anything is open passed 10pm here) are bars.

  8. Type 1 diabetics are usually thin. Warnings signs are excessive thirst, frequent urination, constant unabated hunger, and fruity/sweet smelling breath.

  9. On an iphone you can see it. Go to messages, click edit, and it will say “restore deleted messages”

  10. Uh, tell her that her mother should come pick her up. She needs to LEAVE the home while you take the time to sort your feelings out and decide whether you want to stay in the marriage. And you also need that time for her to start taking full responsibility for her affair.

  11. Seconding this. Everything about this screamed splitting and was super similar to a previous, abusive relationship I left.

    OP says she's super loving otherwise, but thats the abuse cycle trap.

    Tensin ➡️ abuse ➡️ love bomb ➡️ period of calm


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