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22 thoughts on “Mamalovescum the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Wow, I'm sorry. I'm not sure what you'll do in the future but I hope it works out. I think for now it's a good idea to get your stuff and go home and try and decompres. You've had tough go of it so it's time to heal. I wouldn't talk to him for a bit. Just to get your head straight. If you want to rekindle with him talking to him would be a start. He'll probably realize he's being an ass and come back. If you don't want him back then you just go through the break up. Wallow in self pity but not too long and then start to get back to life. Friends, hobbies, school, work, whatever else you do. It's his loss and unfortunately for him you've moved on. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.

  2. No reason for that behavior . Being upset isn't a free pass to treat people like shit and a guy hitting and shoving a girl is never excusable . I guess if he had a bad day at work it would be ok to come home and abuse a child ? NO ! Do not accept this . Dump his sorry ass and don't bother speaking to him ever again . Respect yourself and make sure that others understand that about you .

  3. This is actually a lot more common than you think. I read a sleep study somewhere that says something like 25% of couples have separate beds and 10% have different rooms. And that number is growing. Good sleep is way more important than people think it is when they're younger.

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  5. As a woman this is really weird. Like I get she doesn’t want to feel left out of locker room conversations but she’s crossing a line being a willing participant of seeing her teammates hard. The averting her eyes thing is also probably bull. Like how could you help but NOT look?

  6. Unpopular opinion but it seems like once you were stable you moved on directly to having more children instead of enjoying this new chapter of being stable with your daughter first. You're not wrong for caring for your other kids but of course it's hard for your daughter to see the childhood she never had right in front of her, she's got some help as an adult but those you did are the standard for parents who can afford it, it's not that out of the ordinary, I'm from south america and we're really not well off at all to not say poor, and people are still doing this for they grown children.

    You need to offer her comfort, she feels like you are sharing more with your family because you do, you have the means to, seeing you doing things with them you never did with her hurts, and so she is lashing out. Be there for her and listen to her, this isn't abort the money, as you said, she had the bus available, choosing to make her not having her car is a cope out to express her feelings regarding something deeper.

  7. I feel like there's probably a lot missing here, probably stuff you consider not important or not relevant, though to her it is. It probably goes a lot further than “she doesn't like small kids.” It would be interesting to hear her side of things and I think it would behoove you to listen with open ears and heart. Maybe under the supervision of a family therapist. Her reaction feels like a great emotional overreaction that has been building for a long time…most people don't get that way just because “they didn't want siblings.” No, there's more to this and you should try to learn and understand it.

  8. I’m really sorry you feel like you need to ask permission to leave this situation, but yes, this is absolutely ground to run away and never speak to him again. Drunk, frustrated, feeling entitled, title of boyfriend: NONE of it makes what he’s doing to you ok.

  9. Dude, I think we all know where it goes from here. She refused to block him. She explicitely just told you she was going to fuck him with or without you. Like this isn't even reading between lines, it's literally what she said.

    I'd run away before it gets messy.

  10. Hon, he’s all but told you he only wants to be with women in their 20s. What’s going to happen to that bond between the two of you when you’re 35? 40? Will he go after his recent college grad secretary while you’re at home waiting for him to get back from work?

    Someone who thinks like he does sounds painfully immature.

  11. Yep. 10 years age gap but he's a retard. Basically you both met at 21 years old but he doesn't grow anymore while you do. Your standards have grown too, and he's completely out of your league nowadays.

    Like some other people said, nobody his age would even approach him. And they aren't missing on much, and so would you not.

  12. What did he say when you asked him about it? Does he shower regularly? Does he wash himself, including his penis and ass? There are quite a few people who believe that it is gay to touch your own penis or ass, even in the shower.

    With his mouth, does he brush his teeth twice a day? If so, does he take any fish oil pills or anything like that. If not, then brushing twice a day with some mouthwash after could help.

    If you haven't talked to him about it, you need to. Just tell him you noticed a bad smell down there and in his mouth, and it is making it hard to be intimate. Then you can ask about his cleaning.

    While I would be shocked if this is not being caused by terrible hygiene, if it isn't, then would be time for a trip to the doctor and dentist.

  13. If he asks or you think it is relevant enough, say so. It’s not dishonest to not include information you think isn’t relevant at that moment but also consider that if/when he finds out, it can piss him off that you didn’t tell him so weigh your options with those in mind

  14. -“He hasn’t felt bad about cheating on you for the last 6 1/2 years may a choice every day, knowing how much it would hurt you”


    You don’t know this guy OP, he’s not the fairytale, he’s just a good storyteller

  15. Chill. She already had him, and decided she'd rather have you. You won! And it sounds like he's already moved on, too.

    Sometimes a friend is just a friend. If she drops him to make you feel better, it would be a mistake.

  16. This dude has you on the line and he knows it; I would like to suggest the possibility that your “love goggles” are maybe not letting you see how cruel he's being to you.

    Now it's sounding like he's going to turn any expectations or reasonable requests around on you. And mentions emotion-heavy reasons on why his 5+ year arrested development is something his partner just needs to accept?

    Maybe you guys should just take a break, get some space, see a therapist, etc, whatever your heart desires. If you miss them, you can always go from there.


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