Mariajulyana on-line sex chats for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Mariajulyana on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. As far as who is to blame, it's definitely both of you. You plain sound incompatible. You can't stand the death by a thousand flirtations. The fact that she's a streamer, to me, makes me believe the stuff about ex's more. It's alllllll for male attention. She's being honest when she said emoji guy means nothing, none of them mean anything. It's all attention. Frankly it's just cringe.

  2. Honestly reading this my first thought was that’s good advice. I know nobody here knows me and nobody has to believe anything I say, but this is true. I wanted to post this on here to get different perspectives because my family’s perspective vs my girlfriends is so different. I wish I was making this story up so that way when I go home I don’t have to ignore my dad and feel uncomfortable in my own house. Your response really opens my eyes to how bad this situation is and comes off.

  3. she called me and said she would fix everything and regain the trust. I accepted. Since then, she said she has a hot time trusting me

    Flippin the script

    Emotional manipulation

    Run awayyyyyyyy

  4. it sounds like you asked a question and he gave his honest opinion. That's all there is to it. If you like someone you like them for a bunch of their qualities, traits, quirks etc etc. But there's always going to be a bunch of things you are either ambivalent or unhappy about.

    Having 100% compatibility like a Disney love story just doesn't exist in real life. Hitting 80% is pretty good tbh. So eye colour in this case falls under the 20% that's not compatible, that's all. Since he's dating you there's got to be plenty he does like, just not eye colour apparently.

    I wouldn't give it a second thought beyond that. Unless you expect 100% perfect movie romance perfect compatibility with your partner. Or you think eye colour attraction is a major relationship deciding factor.

    Don't ask questions if you're to insecure to deal with a truthful answer tbh.

  5. I've cut him off and don't intend to go back ever or be in a similar situation in the future.

    But the mind wanders…. You're right I have to stop. Thank you for the validation. It is powerful.

  6. Contact the pllice and tell them about that, send her a message and say she is mentally abusing you by making this threats and advise her to get help, then block her.

  7. She sounds exhausting. A nice relationship would be “hon, I'm heading out for a few hours with some friends”. “Cool, have a nice time!”. Don't let anyone strip you of the things you love


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